Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just for you, Mikey

Hear is what Dr. Mikey wrote to me:

I can't really understand most of this post because the spelling is extremely poor. Would you consider using a spell-checker? I am not sick, bitter or full of vengefulness, though, in case you were wondering. I had a good time as an MK, and am actually in Africa now, serving in a clinic for severely unwell children under 12. I wasn't an NTM MK either, just taking an interest as a fellow MK, out of compassion. Thanks to Jesus Christ, I believe I will be in heaven, it isn't really relevant to the issue at hand to start discussing who will and won't be there. If you think that it will be hard to get on with people in heaven, then your view of heaven is a little askew, and I genuinely pity you. I still believe that for the sake of your family you need to get some help. Dr Mikey
Well, if it will make you happy I can use spell checker and take another hole hour to type a message that a for year old could understand anyway.  Is something wrong with your reading constipation?  Just because you can spell better than me or what to take the time to use spell checker doesn't mean that you are smarter or better or not bitter.

Why are you even involved in all of this?  You are not an NTM MK.  You live in Africa, not America.  Do you support NTM missionaries?  I do and so does my crutch and so does my pastor.

It sounds to me like you are a busy body who only wants to metal in other people's affairs.  Do you know want the Bible says about that?  I have an idea that you are the one who needs help.  Not "some" help, either.  LOTS of help.  Spiritual help.

How wood you feel if a bunch of bitter MKs were making your life miserable and you could not treat those children under twelve?  How would you like it if your mission had to dish out five million dollars for just one unforgiving adult who alleges abuse at the hands of a former NTM missionary who has already confessed and repented in pubic?

That is what is happening to NTM missionaries around the world today.  Money will not make these bitter people happy and spelling things write won't make you happy either, will it?  I suggest you mind your own business and spend more time preaching the Good News to those little children.  Their spiritual lives are more important then their physics life or didn't you know that?

I can't even tell if you are a man or a woman or maybe a gay?  And just so you know, my spell checker says that you spelled "vengefulness" wrong.  Help, help, I can't understand!  The good doctor misspelled a word and I can hardly figure out what his comment means!

God loves everybody and wants us to preach the Gospel not suit each other.


  1. haha "my crutch!?" "Reading constipation"?! What would you do to Mikey if he was "a gay"? Just curious, George

  2. There are bits of plankton floating under the arctic circle with more active brain cells than you, red baron! Kind regards, Sarah

  3. Red Baron, you are an inspiration! Your commitment to narrow-minded gibberish, your blinkered worldview in the face of overwhelming evidence and your homophobia will certainly be the model to be used for future generations. Thanks for opening my eyes, I didn't realize people like you were still allowed to roam the streets!

    Much love, Brooke

  4. "for year old"? "reading constipation?" Red Baron is a joke.

  5. You're telling these girls they are "whining" about being butt raped for 8 years?!? You"re a callous monster.

  6. So red baron, have you ever been abused sexually? Do you now how it feels to carry that burden for the rest of your life? Are you an MK? Do you have any right to comment on this issue? What are you doing for world mission? Do you care about the needs of those around you? Would you help a homosexual if he had been beaten up and left to die by the roadside? Do you know any of the people that you repeatedly insult on your website?

    Oh, and have you ever been to school?

    Just some queries, Sandy

  7. thank you for your regards Sara did you know that plnakton do not have brians how could they have brian cells? Next time google it before you say something so stupid.

    kind regards, Red

  8. Sandy how would I know if a man left on the side of the road was a gay or not maybe by how he is dressed or if he tried to kiss me? God loves all sinners and even Les Emory who repanted and I am glad he did and if a hormonesensual will repant God will forgive him two and he can go to heaven I witnessed to one the other day but he was not open so that is his oun fault not mine. Go figure.

    Just some answers about the queeries, Red
