Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I new it wooden help

So I wrote a hole post and spelled every word right and even pointed out where Dr. Mickey spellt one wrong and did that help?  No I got all kinds of hate speech in returen.

Listen to me now NTM does not accept gays in there godly mission and they dont' even except divorceded poeple there is enough problems with sex in the world without bringing in more to cause problems they have enogh alrady.

I do not hate gay people I know that God love tham and will save them if they repant and trust in Jesus and not go to Cathlic chruches.  NTM agrees with me and if you think it is best to have gays and divorceded people go ahead and start your won mission or join Pat Hendrix and the Pestiberians that is fine with me but NTM follows Gods wrod.

I know you will lafugh at the truth siners always have ever since the Graden of Eden up unto this very our.  That is why you call me names and yes I DO support missions with my tits and offerings expecally NTM missionarys.  They rock.

Love not the world or the things in the world did you ever read that in the bible or do you just read other stuff like the net?  I have free speech and can stay on the net but I will take down my blog just ass soon ass the Fnada Eagles take down theres. 

And anyway these victims as you call them are whining twenty years and more after the events I think it is time they got over it and learned to forgive no one has had a purfect live I know I sure havent' so lets learn to love one another and forgive and do not call me names even if you do I know that I am only suffereing for the sake of the Lord just like the godly NTM missionarys who are preaching the word and the ones who help mow the grass in sanford and other jobs do not bother bringing up Joel Price he is in jail not NTM.

God lvoe the whore world.


  1. Hi Red,

    I must say I am a little shocked that you are continuing to argue your points. At first I thought your blog was just a wind-up, but it appears you are serious. It may surprise you to know that I actually know a few folk in NTM and they are great people, with a real heart for Jesus. I am not against missions at all, and am currently actively involved in one, but I believe in treating our future missionary children well, and that NTM needs to ensure resolution for those who were hurt and that proper procedures are in place to safeguard those in the future, even if this costs money and people's time. Missionaries' children have every right to insist on this, and also to expose and insist on justice for those who have abused them.

    I think it needs to be pointed out to you and more importantly to anyone reading that your views here do not likely reflect those of New Tribes Mission. I think you need to be careful about the way you speak about them, as this website is not helping their cause, but is bringing ridicule. Equally importantly, your blog is not helping those who were abused to find any resolution and is insulting.

    Please prayerfully consider closing this, as you seem to have jumped to certain conclusions, and it really isn't your issue to carry. As you seem to suggest from the title of your last entry, you know this blog isn't working. You are not an MK, a missionary or part of NTM. It is not surprising that you are receiving what you term "hate mail" as your writings are inflammatory towards anyone who has ever been abused in this way, as well as any MK, which explains why so many people are commenting and why it is our business.

    I have no further interest in discussion with you unless it is going to be constructive, well-thought out and balanced.

    Regards, Dr Mikey, both a missionary and a missionary kid.

  2. Ok, so you "support missions with your tits"?!

    And God lvoes the whore world?!

    I giggled the whole way through. Not only do you make no logical sense, your writing is so bad that I am forced to believe that you are in 4th grade or that this is a huge spoof.
