Saturday, June 4, 2011

This is about NTM not gays

I cant' finger out all the queeries I keep getting about gay people this sight is not about guys it is about NTM.  Does any one relly want gays in NTM that is disgusting they need to repant and believe the lord loves them not do gay stuff which is a abdomination to the lord and gross two.  Ass far as I am concerned gays should not be in the missionary work.

I do not hate gays and if they can repant they can get saved even Les Emory has repanted and I saw the vidio and read the report and he is no longer lying but has confessed his gilt and if he isnt' saved what makes any oneelse think they are saved is your sin beter then his sin?

If all these other stories are true than we can wait for the results of the infestigations there is no need to suit what is the hury it has been twenty years a few more years isnt' going to hurt you if it is try getting a life.  Nothing is happening any more so you dont' need to worry about the kids in the schools now it is safe and most of them arent' in schools anymore anyway so just quite with all this can you?

NTM is trying to do the lords work and parents can trust them now it is not like anyone ever wanted anythign bad to happen but sometiems it does because people are sinful we are all sinners is that news to you?

The good news is the gospel of Jesus and you can be saved just like Les Emory and his ministry got messed up becasue he was thinking the wrong way but he is not gay he is saved. Their was rejoiycing in heaven when he repanted so get used to it God saves sinners not angles.

I am praying for you MKs and hope that you can get over your problems and start living for the Lord ass your parents did.

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