Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thank you Jesus! Philys is a anser to payer!

I have ben prane for a long time that someone with some cents would post on the Fanda Eagles websight and sit the record straight and now Jesus has answered my prayers I am so happy.  Philys is a mother of a MK and you dont' here her whinging she is victorios not a victim.  I no a lot of the bitter people will rant at her and make nasty comments I am not even going to read them they make me sick to my stomic.

Philam you can post on my blog ANY day and I wil not let the bitterness crowd say nasty things about you I know you have sufered a lot and it was your very own kid who was raped by this man if he really did it and you have forgiven you are a saint.

The enema is the whore world not NTM and NTM did tehre very best you can see for yourslef from the wondrful post that Phallus pout on the bitter NTM abuse sight.  That fool suet will get throw out of court so fast that you're head will spin thank you jesus for this wonderful servant of yours she is brave like Garcia Bunham her husbum was killed and you dont' see her biter do you?

Read this massage and be blest:
Dear MK’s from Aritao and “that girl”. I too had a child affected by Les, and like many of you I also faced terror in my life at the hands of a horrible man. My heart breaks in all this, but let’s encourage each other to remember that our enemies is a fallen world, an enemy that desires to see us live a defeated life, and the man, Leslie Emory. We can live a life NOT as victims but victorious in Christ! Bitterness destroys us..I know and spent too many years hurting only myself not my perpetrator…he was not remorseful. When “the news broke” and the Philippine FC found out from you girls the “secret” of what Les had done to you, I saw the tears and as much as I have my own battles with NTM, in this incident, they asked extensive advice of what to do, and every organization they contacted told them to get Les off the field ASAP for the sake of you, the victims. Every parent of a child who had ever been in that dorm was contacted and offered counseling to them or their child. Talk of legal action went about, but all the parents I talked to did not want their children exposed to what this would entail (For those of you unaccustomed to Philippine legal system, this is a LONG several year process before cases come to any closure!). I am not trying to defend anyone, or in any way diminish the horror! I just want to honestly say as a parent, I was present when all this went down in Manila, and what I saw from NTM in this particular situation was nothing but immense concern for the known victims, and heard not one word of concern for “protecting NTM”. They expedited getting a counselor there, and remember this was only 1993. Life and resources were much different back then. We as parents made many mistakes in how to help you, our children, but we did the best we knew and I believe NTM did too. Again…let’s realize as horrible and inexcusable as any abuse is, we live in a fallen world and need the grace and strength of the Lord to work through the terror and shame and live in victory and strength. Do not let anyone bent on bitterness destroy your healing. Those of us that really cae for you, want to see you healthy and whole and happy....and yes, there is joy at the end of that dark tunnel of healing. My love to you all.

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