Sunday, June 19, 2011

NO Im not Larry Brown!

I dont' know why anyone wood think that I am Larry Brown butt I am not.  There is no reason to ass me who I am becvause I will not tell you it doesnt' mather but I can tell you that I am not Larry Brown do you think he has time to put into this kinda blog he has to over sea the whore NTM and make sure the missionarys are filing out there time shits and not wasting time butt are preaching the gospel tothe heathen natives.

And now he has to keep an eye out for all kinds of abuse of children even it it means spanking them what a joke the Bible clearly teaxhes us to beat them butt only when they need it.  So now NTM has to ignore the Bibel just to nmake some whiney MKs like Boney happy I wonder if she ever spanks her kids or are they perfect?

I am not Larry Brown butt I love him in hte Lord and I know he is dong all he can to reach the lost wheich will mater for infernity so it is the msot importnat thing he can do.  MKs need to trust in the Lord and get over it and grow up Larry Brown did why cant' Boney and the MK who wants to suet NTM please stop so the gopsell can get out before the Cathlic and Jihovah Whitness reach them firstt then it will be two late and whose hands will there blood be on not mine or Larry Browns butt I am not Larry Brown why did you ass in the first palce?

Thank you Larry Brown for your work for the Lord and god will reward you what do you think Boney will get just wood hey and stumble.

God loves all people even heathens who treat there kids much worse than missionarys do.  I think god even loves Les Emory who repanted and nose he was wrong that is more than the MKs have done.

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