Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do you love Jesus?

If you really loved Jesus you would support NTM they have the best people in the world that I haeve ever known including Larry Brown.  Their is no rason to keep on him all the time for updates.  Why do you wnat to know what is going on it isn't your bisiness.  I wish people would ast for updates on tribel works like they do for Tubby Westcott to answer every single letter that comes across her desk what is she a machinge?

I am glad that the gospel is going out to the ends of the earth because I am a Christian and I am not ashamed of the good news or new tribes mission.  New Tribes Mission didn't do those awful things and they have already said they sinned but that doesn't mean they are gilty it just means that the old leaders sinned and now the chikens are pooping all over the good godly leaders heads knock it off.

There is too mcuh to do and to little time jsut forget the past and heal yourself what do you want anyway yuo miserable whiners?  Grow up and get a life and get over yourselfs it is not all about you it is about saving souls not whining.  I am glad NTM is ignorant you you aren't worth the time please stop it.

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