Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A short massage to the men in New Tribes Mission

I am glad taht the men in NTM are doing there godly work of saving souls and are not whining and carrying on like a bunch of women can somehone please ask Tuti Frutis' husband to shut her up?

I know it is hard to consentrate on the work with all that is going on but if you can just sit tight for a little longer it will blow over it always does.  Their is no need to go back twenty years or thirty years or back to creation and try to make eveything OK again it is in the past.  Men understand this and women do not they are the weaker vessle but they can sure make a lot of noise why dont' they stick to cooking?

We men need to consider the Lords name and his reputation and New Tribes Mission was raised up by God not by women or MKs sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.  We ignore gays and Catholics and they eventually leave us alone and we get by fine we dont' need them and there priests and haethen ways we have enough porblems as it is.  We can ignore these MKs and keep our women quite and wait for them all to get tired of it and go back to saveing the whales or someting.

I am glad taht Larry Brown and the godly leaders of the exectuteve Broad are not answering all the dam fool stuff that women on the Fanda Eagles site keep saying it is a waste of time now can you please do sometign to shut those women up it is a distraction.  Just let them go on and on and on and on if they want to they will run out of steem eventually but it might take a while because most of them are women and women can keep complaneing for a long time without a breathe they are lucky they dont' have to wrok for a living.

Do not give up men and dont' let teh women where the pants havent' you read your bibles?  Dont' put anything about this in you're payer letters and David Abbott you are doing a good job of keeping it off the front home page of NTM orgs site good for you I couldnt' hardly fine it yesterday we need more men like you not gays.

I would whether read about trible people getging saved than children being mollestationed any day what is wrong with the women int he world today.

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