Friday, October 29, 2010

New Tribes Mission please STOP IT!

I love NTM and the godly leaders that have been raised up to lead it as spritual leaders and sheepherds of the missionarys that are in it they are wonderful people and I trust them with my gifts and trust funds so that I can keep on giving after I am dead will that still count?

But I may have a little different view of things than Larry brown does even though I have not been oredained like he has or am not an MK I guess there is some good luck in there for me on that score. I just want to share my heart with him and the other goldly men on the eXecutive Bored and I hope they will lsiten to me and not the MKs who are causing so much trouble it is time to move on.

New tribes Mssion was doing much better when they just ignored the MKs and kept it all quite no one knew and missionarys were able to do there work and not have to be all embareassed and distracted from there ministries who cares about what happened so many years ago? New Tribes Mission did not become the wonderful force for good that it is today by having mixed prioritys it concentrated on the gospel not kids dont' loose your way at this stage the Rupture could come at any moment do you want to be preaching or coddling cry babies get over it.

The MKs will not ever leave you alone they will just keep it up and keep it up and kepe it up and never stop havent' you learned that yet? No matter what you do or do not do or say or not say or even if you die they will just dig up your bones they are really mad and biter. Many people want to destroy NTM and they think they are so smart but they do not care about souls just themselves. Do not try to help them and do not spend any more money the Lords money ont hem. STOP IT because it is getting you now here they dont' care about you so you do not need to care about them they will never change.

So just forget the MKs you did it befor and it worked fine just do it again they wont' shut up and go away they are like women that way. You have tired your best and they wont' listen so STOP IT!  Give it some time and it will all go away again and you can gt on with your work we wont' dessert you.

Do not forget the mssionarys they are working hard and are abuot fed up with all of this crap lets get on with the work the missionarys are not going to quite over this they have more imporatant things to worry about then this so spend your valuble time taking care of them not MKs who do not love you or the work of the Lord they are vile but your missionarys are on your side not Santas.

We are on your side too we are still sending you money the MKs arent' are they? I hope you will forgive me for saying this but you need to take note of where your gifts are coming from you should listen to us not the MKs have you gone crazy? I pay my employees and they listen to me and I listen to my coustomers not to my competiters I know which side my bread is buttered on why dont' you?  MKs just cost you money when did you ever have to give a million doallars to a missionary?

It is time in fact it is past time that NTM just told these MKs to go away it worked befor and it can work again so STOP IT please stop it it is enough more than enough we do not care about this we only want to see the gospel get to the last tribes until they are reached and we can be in heaven you are going to have to be with me in heaven but I dont' want to be aroudn the MKs on earth it is hell.

But we do love you NTM and we are still going to go trick or treating for the NTM MK child sexual abuse repetnance retreat fund but that is it we dont' want any more after that so just STOP IT!

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