Sunday, October 17, 2010

Do not send me any more pictures of naked women thats not funny

Please do not send me any more pctures of naked women that is not funny.  And yes I could see that they did not have lepersy and no I do not  believe that those pictures were taken at the Jordan River that is so stupid.

This is a Christian web site not a like the Fanda eagles who are not a Christian website and I do not even visit there site anymore it is worese then the picrtues you sent me and I am sure they did not really come from David Abbott you cant' fool me.  Watch out or you might get suit by him he is a missionary not a pervert who sends pictures of naked women to people.

And Joel Price is in prison he does not have a computer so I know they did not come from him either plus they were pictures of adults unless I missed somethign and I dont' think I did so dont' use his name on your emails.

I know that everything I say will jsut get twisted and you will make fun of me but I am serious and I know that the men in NTM would not send me pictures of naked women I think they came from the MKs.  Please do not send me any more lets get on with the work of the Gosepl amen?

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