Tuesday, October 12, 2010

do you know what is important?

I just dont' understant why all these idiots at fandangels keep carrying on abuot things that happened tewenty years ago and NTM has alrady said they are sorry and who wouldnt' be sorry it was awful but its water udner the brigde now and just think of all the soles that have been saved doesnt' that matter to you?

What shall it prophet a man if he gaine the whole world and loose his sole?  Why arent' people more interested in preaching the gospel intstead of calling the police did the police ever get anyone saved?  Evan a lawyer like HOrny throny can figure this out if hell just stop telling people to call 911 doesnt he have a phone?  Jesus did not die for lawyers to call the cops he died for sinners so they could go to heaven not hell and now everyone is keeping Larrry Brown from his godly work of watching over the NTM missioarys and he has to take care of all these problems at schools which NTM doesnt' even ruin anymore what  is the point?

Yes some bad things happened and everybody I know including my paster is sad and some of us are even mad that it had to come out and wer'e all sorry if anyone feels bad and has been offended by the things that a few individyuls did but not NTM how could NTM do all those things?  But theire will be soles in heaven and that is worth it all you have to have your prirorities stratight not worry about soshul problems and how good people can spell its not my fault and God uses the foolish things of the world so all you wise ass people out theyr'e dont' stand much of a chance if you ask me and anyway this sight is for people who love NTM if you hate NTM go post on the fandangles sight I am dong my best.

When all you look at is temprel conserns you will not have your eyes upon Jesus adn go out into all the harvest feilds to reap the soles for his glory and kingdom for ever and ever befroe the anti-christ is revealed and you have to get the mark of the beast dont' you ever read the Biblbe?  Their are soles to be saved and all you want to do is whine about who is gong to investigate the next school with suxual abuse problems this is taking time away form reel missionary work that God raised up NTM to do so nock it off.  What is one sole worth probably a lot more than a bunch of MKs so I think NTM is doing fine and I wsih you wuld all leave them alone and see you in church on Sunday amen?

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