Tuesday, October 19, 2010

If this isnt' enuogh just give it up

Well Larry Brown has written anohter message to us all and I think Dave Abbot will leave it up this time I sure hope so why did he ever take the last one down it was a humdinger? NTM is doing all they can and they have even told the police I hoep that makes hOrny Thorny happy do you really think the police can do anything at this stage? One of these men doesnt' even go to church so how can he be molesting chidlren any more? Get reel and be thankful for all that is being done to solve these things from so long ago it is a hard job and Larry Brown has done all he can and is doing even more and will do more still after somene helps him work thorough things this is not why he bacame CEO he is a sheepherd not a police man or a counseler.

I got this message from the NTM.org website not from anyone else I dont' go to the Fanda Eagles website anymore I would rahter read Playboy magazine but I dont' its filth so dont' sned me any more pictures of naked women I'm not telling you again.

Our chruch did not support NTM missionarys because we thougtht they would know how to handle child abuse expecailly sexual abuse of children I can hardly talk about it it is so awfull. NTM has a great training program to make trible mssionarys out of people that God can use and if he can use an ass he can use most of the people in NTM or out of it too. If you can wtiness for the Lord you can be a missonary right were you are at or in a tribe if you take the training and dont' wash out what is wrong with saying that? Arenn't you afraid of being put on the shelf where you will be disapproved for service?

NTM is still takling with GRACE so now what do you say all of you who said they were just trynig to do it all by themselves and why do you need a petttion I would never sing it just look at all the bitter people who are on it arent' you ashamed? NTM never ever said that they were gong to do the investigatethion theirselves they have always been open and trasparent they are not like the Catholics who are from the pit of hell you can read about them in the book of the Revelations. NTM is doing this the right way as the Lord leads them and if God can lead Naaman he can lead NTM he doesnt' need a bunch of angry and bitter MKs to do it for him wake up and live for the Lord not in the past. Leave you bitterness and anger behind and press on to the future just forget the past like the Bible teaches.

NTM is comitted to investigate all and any reports of abuse that come its way so please quite reporting these things from twenty years ago you don't see anything being reported from the last ten years have you lost your mind or just your bearings? Lets give some credit where credit is do and thank NTM for writing to the paster they do not ignore the local chruch this is not the same NTM from twenty years ago it is new havent' you been listning? Things were so much easyer when no one was bringing up the past but just being quite about all these things and rememering that the Lord is sovrin over all and bad things happen to Chritstians too not just the Mormons why cant' you get over it?

Now can we please get on to the tribes and preach the Gospel and let bygons be bygons I am so tired of all this stuff dont' you ever wish it would quite? I would much rether have this site dedicated to all of the work that is being done around the world by NTM missionarys in the tribes and with the heathen and not spend our time speaking ill of the leaders that God has raised up to do his work thorough NTM amen?

Here is the new message from borther Larry Brown and the chairman and CEO of NTM USA Executive Bored he left out the Bible lesson this time but I know it will be coming in a timely manner and be anohter doozie too not all this baloney that others who are not mature sling our way get with it for crying out loud.

October 15, 2010
by Larry Brown, NTM USA chairman, for the Executive Board

NTM/GRACE Joint Statement:

The NTM USA Executive Board and GRACE are committed to further discussions regarding the precise manner and procedure in which other NTM boarding school abuse claims will be investigated and addressed. A finalized process will be announced no later than November 1, 2010.
Statement from NTM

The NTM-USA Executive Board wishes to express again that we are committed to address any abuse allegation that is brought to our attention. NTM does not plan to do in-house investigations and we desire that the investigations be done in a timely manner. A meeting between the NTM USA Executive Board and GRACE is scheduled for October 23.

Last week, the two primary people accused of child abuse in the report on Fanda school personally received hand-delivered letters from NTM Executive Board members. The NTM leaders also hand-delivered letters to and spoke with local law enforcement officials where the men now live.

A letter detailing what took place was also delivered to the pastor of the church attended by one former NTM member. The other former member does not attend church.

GRACE is working to conclude the remaining personnel recommendations. NTM will finalize their decisions as soon as possible upon receiving final information from GRACE.

NTM continues to have conversations with various parties including GRACE regarding mediation and arbitration. A specific process will be announced and implemented no later than Friday, October 22.

New Tribes Mission will continue to work diligently to address the recommendations in GRACE's report on child abuse that took place at Fanda, and to consider further steps that can and should be taken both to demonstrate our repentance and to better safeguard children in the future.

Amen borther Larry and we are praying for you all dont' let them get to you just keep on with the Lords work and we will send you our money to use as you see fit but please dont' pay for unsaved secular psychiatrists who dont' know about the tribulation how can they help anything they would never understand they might even be gay or catholic how disgusting.

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