Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Forgotten MK is my heroe she loves NTM to

I dont' know how I missed this on the fanglesgles blog but it is a gem and this MK is a heroe to me she isnt' afraid to stand up for the turht even when she has to admit that NTM has made mistakes well sure they ahve but that is int the past and yo cant' keep focusing ont he negative of the past but look at all the good they ar doing now.  I couldnt' ahve said this any beter excep that maybe I would have mentined that NTM doesnt' allow gays or divorced people but aht doesnt' mater because we have same sex dorms and that should be enough for anybody it doesn't matter.

I was glad to see taht she took that idiot Gene Long to taks for saying he knws if NTM is genuwine or not in repenting he isnt' even saved he had a chance to confess hais fath on the web and he just said email me what a wuss is he gay?  He doesnt' trust aybody not even NTM's godly leaders who are all new and are not part of most of waht has happend and hwo do you expect them to know what to do about sexual abuse of children they are preachers of the good news and tanslation not laywers.  Some people are so stupid what planet are you form Gene LOng uranus you alaways say hrutful things try to put yourself in others shoes for a while and tell me what it feels like.

Please hear what I have to say. I think after this post I will finish reading and writing on the Fanda Eagles blog, because some of the things the onlookers say are so off-base that they are hurtful. I feel like many are determined to be one-sided. When did this website become a place for anyone who has had a grievance against NTM to get together and bash NTM? Do you realize that when you throw unnecessary dirt at an organization like this that it is comprised of members of the body of Christ (and yes, some of the accusations ARE necessary, but let's keep it only to the necessary!)? I am NOT saying we should hide what happened. I am NOT saying it never happened. I am NOT saying to move on prematurely. But I am saying that there are some excellent things about New Tribes Mission.

NTM is a para-church organization. We, as NTM missionaries and candidates, represent our local sending church. That is why NTM is never going to be a cult if they continue in the direction they are headed. NTM is an organization that is used by the local church to do what local churches don't know how to do--reach unreached people groups. This task is complex and involves specific training. Thus, NTM serves the church by providing a way for them to reach the unreached. They have not always operated in this way, but the important thing is that they are now operating this way. If you want to bash NTM, you're going to have to criticize the way they used to be and not the way they are currently.

As for NTM "repenting," Gene, I don't understand why you don't believe it is genuine. I can truly say that I believe their repentance is genuine. And I am on the inside. I have seen it. In the last two months, I have seen everyone between missionaries hot off the field to executive board members who are broken at what has taken place. Many of you are reading only about what they have done in the past and of course, these things were terribly wrong. But NTM is admitting that and they are changing. Gene, why don't you just go ahead and keep saying that your brothers and sisters in Christ are lying to my face and I'm too naive to realize that's what they're doing? Because when you say they only have fake repentance, that's what it means in my life.

In 1997, new leaders were appointed in NTM, and they have sought to make the organization more "grace-based." We all want to be judged based on who are today, and not by our past. I just want the readers of this post to know that I am not with NTM because I have faith in the mission itself. I don't. My faith is in God. If they hadn't been responding to the GRACE report the way they have been then I would have left. But I am an MK who was also abused (not by NTM, but another organization), and I choose to remain with NTM because I have personally seen that they have changed. Don't you think my standards for their change would be higher than someone's who wasn't abused? NTM is a means to an end for me (reaching the unreached people groups) and they are an effective way to meet my goals. And what I see on this blog by many posters is largely biased against them. Please look at the other side of the story. If there are still missionaries within NTM who are ignorant of this situation, that is because of their own personal choice. NTM has informed us all of the situation and asked us to read the GRACE report--even the missionary candidates.

If you focus only on the negative, you lose credibility. Focus on the facts. And they are: NTM abused MKs and missionaries due to the environment that the leadership created. NTM continued in this way for some time, until the leadership repented. NTM is no longer this way.

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