Sunday, October 3, 2010

Here is a email from an NTM missionary

My heart was mihgtaly blessed to get a email from an NTM missionary who agrees with me and does not want to see NTM raped over the coals and more.  I dont' agree with everything he has said but I know he loves the Lord and his main job is preaching the gospel tothe heathen not law suets.

Dear Red Barren,

I have been reading your comments on this blog and I fully agree with you when you say that eternal values are more important than earthly concerns.  What will it profit a man if he gain the world and lose his soul?  Why should we be working for earthly things, when we can work to see the souls of the lost saved and safe in the arms of Jesus?  Eternity counts.  This life is but a shadow.

I know many in NTM who are heartbroken over the inexcusable sins committed in the past by some members of the mission.  NTM is doing all that they can to put these things right.  Of course, we can't change the past and the victims are eventually going to have to face that and get on with life - as I am sure the Lord will enable them to do as they confess and renounce their anger.

I think, however, that there are going to be many who will try to twist our words and make us sound like we are saying things that we are not.  In fact, almost whatever we say will be misconstrued by those with an axe to grind; there is very little that can be done to soften a hardened, bitter heart.  We have to leave that with the Lord.

So, maybe it would be best to just let NTM do the talking for now.  Their hearts are broken before the Lord and they are trying very, very hard to do what is right now for the students who were at Fanda.  I'm concerned that the enemy will use your good intentions to undermine the progress that is being made.

For the tribes,
(Name withheld)

Well, I am not afraid to speak the truth and I will keep on speaking the truth although I know that the missionarys in NTM will have to be careful of what they say so they arent' distracted form the good work they ar doig in the tribes.  I for one am not the leest bit afraid of satan and his hosts he is a defeated foe and we have the overwelming victory in Jesus our saviour forever.

NTM can only say so much and they are affraid that there words will be constured into something they are not saying but I beleive they know the truth and are trying to do whta is right so I am happpy to spaek up on their part they love the Lord and are trying to save soles around the world not play lawyer like Perry Mason or somethign.

My paster says that we are going to keep suporting NTM and he loves the Lord and has talked to many of the NTM leadrs they love the Lord too.  They will know we are christians by our love but now it seems like everyone thinks they will know we are christians by our law suets what a crock amen?


  1. Amen! Let's live for eternity.

  2. well, i dont think that NTM needs to worry about the enemy useing your good intentions to undermine the progress that is being made. i come here for a laugh. but i also feel sorry for you. you have problems!

  3. I feel sorry for people who are emenies of the gospel and only laugh as seroius stuff instaed of repenting of being biter.

    But I agree that NTM is making good progress and I am happy to be a part of it our chruch supports NTM and we send them money to help spraed that gosple to others do you?
