Friday, October 15, 2010

A short message to the women in NTM

Please shut up. Please. Why are you women being unsubmmisive to the leadership in NTM and keep writing things about them? The EB is doing all they can to atone for the many sins that have been done and they love the victims because they are a victim too and dont' forget that atone means cover and God covered sin too so just shut up and if you want to sing a song or read a pome or soemthing go ahead but it is a shame for you to speak up and act like you are the ones in charge you are not so shut up. Please shut up. Please please please pretty please shut up.

The men in the EB need your help not your ideas and suggestins you are women and why do you keep harping just give it a brake and learn to love and suport those the Lord himself has put in your charge of keepng you're soles safe. You should alrady know that they are working as full time servant leaders to put this behind them and move on just do your jobs and keep preaching the Gospel to the heathen or if you are in support work be like David Abbott who just keeps finding those web sights that are insulting to the Lord and his servants in NTM and trust your leaders I do. And what happened to Larry Browns good message Dave Abbutt I cant' find it any more please put it back up it was a blessing.

If you are a man in NTM and you are acting like a lady just were a dress or shut up NTM does not except gays. You need to have your wives in submisson and tell them to do there jobs and you do yours and lets not hinder the heather from hearing the Gospel tell your wifes to shut up. Just do what you are called to do and trust God to wrok in there hearts if you are tarnslating tarnslate if you are preaching preah if you are a nurse nurse and if you are mowing grass keep mowing none of this stuff makes any differnece to your work in the Lord. You can trust the men God has raised up to do what is right and that is there job if they fould up they have to give an account of themselves to the Lord not you if God wanted you in leadership would you be in a tribe saving soles?

If you love NTM do not waste your time in the Fandaeagles sight they hate NTM and are probalby walking in darkness. Anything you put on theyr'e site will be twisted and make it look like NTM is bad and doesnt' love Jesus but that is not true they do. All they want on the fandangles sight is revenge and hatred and they are bitter people not spitural. My paster says ignore them they cant' prove a thing just talk and complaining most of them are women anyway.

I know I have had to speak very strong to you in this short message but I hope my love and concern for you all comes through loud and clear I am in your corner and I will carry the balls for NTM you just do your jobs and keep the women quiet its not like the old days when they were godly women like Sarah they are more like Jezebel now where did we go wrong?

I am praying for you all. Expecailly the women that they will shut up.


  1. find a spell checker, no don't, it just helps the reader realize how utterly stupid you are

  2. God has chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and I would whether be a fool for Christ then a biter person who can spell ritht what good is that if you dont' have love in you're heart who is foolish here I think its you.
