Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No one could possibly be as stupid as you pretend to be!

That is a message that was sent to me by someone who hates New Tribes Mission and does not know the true value of a soul and only want to destroy the Lords work that he has been doing throuhg NTM all these years just think of the souls that are in heaven because of there work I think they hate me too.

And plenty of people are as stupid as I pretend to be as you say.  I am and so is Larry Brown and David Abbott and all of us who are fools for Christs sake you arent' so smart yourselve.  We are not bitter and we know that bad thangs have happened and we hate that and we are not concerned about the past we are worried about the futrue and where are those souls will end up not hell we hope.  But they will go to hell if NTM spends all the time they are doing on trying to make you feel better you can already spell better than I can isnt' that enough for you?

Even if I could spell better or take the time to spell check everytghing I write you wouldn ot believe me you dont' believe anybody except your own cranal minds you make me sick who is rally stupid me or you?  I never read the Fanda Eagels web forum any more except for maybe a few quuick glances to see if they have repented and they have not it was a waist of time.

NTM has repented of all the sexual abuse of children that happened many years agao and none is hppening now so forget it and move on you act so pieus like you never sinned at least Larry Brown never covered up any of this stuff so leave him alone he loves the Lord but he cant' do anyting to make you bitter poeple happy no matter what he does you complane knock it off.

If me and Larry Brown are stupid because we love NTM and want to see souls go to heaven than more people should be stupid like us at least we arent' gay.

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