Thursday, October 21, 2010

Souls Souls Souls Souls Their are you happy now?

OK I have ben spelling soul wrong but now I know and I will try to do better I hope you are happy it doesnt' matter you knew what I meant didnt' you?

You need to ask yourself how imprtant are souls to you.  Yes MKs are souls and even lawyers are souls and unsaved people are souls too.  Do you want these people who are souls to be in heaven or hell is that a hard queston?  What are souls worth?  How much would you pay for youre soul?

I cannot believe that I am getting so many emails and comments from people who are made at me I did not molest children and I wouldnt' either I hate it it is sin and I hate sin.  I only said that it is more imporatnt that we get souls into heaven no matter how you spel it that is true.  If you write nasty words to me I will not post your comments and I do not belive Dave Abbott wrote me he is a missonary. If you are a bitter soul you need to take care of your own heart and get right with the Lord and repent and not make light of sin.

It is easy to figure out whose soul is imporatnt because if you already are saved your soul is going to heaven like mine we can meet there.  But we have to be tahkful for those whose souls have been saved by the missionarys in New Tirbes Mission and we can meet them in heaven to we cant' understand there languae here on earth God confused them.  It will be worth it all and we wont' remember our trials and temptations heare below once we are in heaven so keep your'e prespective ritht and lets all move on and be thankful for Larry BRown and the other leaders in Sanford who are souls to.

  Is your chruch going to have Trick or Treat for Jesus this year ours is.

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone be as ignorant as you appear to be?
