Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dont' brother sending me any pettitions I wont sign I'm born again

I cant' belive theat some one at the fandangles sent me a link to post a petittion against NTM what are they carzy?  I wood never sing a petttittion like that it is all malarky and no one really belifeves the stuff that these awfull people are sayng about NTM it is a shame to even mention these thngs.

Satan will use this to get people off the stratigt and narrow way to heaven and preaching the Gospel to all the world expecially the heathen tribes who never go to church or sunday school and some oft he men have long hair and I woultnt be surpized if their wree some gay people there too.  And you dont' thenk they need the NTM to come and help them just what is this all about.

Larry Brown is haveing to take all his time with this stuffr and we dont' even know it is true I would rather belive NTM than a bunch of kids who didnt' apprecheate the nice school they were able to go to without all the cares of the world like proms and dances and smoking and even cussing or kissing of course they had to keep an eye on your sister horny Thornry if she got prganunt they do not berlive in abrothions dont' you care about anyone besides yourself?  INsted of being thankful all they can do is complain and try to smear the name of NTM but I know NTM was raised up by Gods grace and dont' be picking on a mantle Gene Long you are a full time troubl makeer give it a braek.

Sole are going into an eteranl and everlasting hell and no one gves a dam I just dont' get it.  I know that NTM missionarys are trying to get the work done and it is going to be much harder for them without Larrry Brown to guide and direct their every move and next thing you know sme of thenm will be speaking in tounges or starting a heeling ministry well its time the MKs started heeling and get back to work doing Gods work in Gods way amen?

I will NOT sing your petttittion it is of the devel.

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