Saturday, November 13, 2010

We did our own investigation and so can NTM

We'ave been doing an investigation of our kids and the Tricker Treat for NTM Abuse Fund offering we had this year and we think that maybe their has been some irregularitys involved because we only got $17.68 total but a lot of the kids got new eye pads and other stuff that costs a lot of money where did they get that?

Anyway our paster says that they are good kids but sometimes they're heads get turned by to much cash and we cant' proof anything so were just going to let it go this time and use the money for construction paper for the preschool sunday school class were not too happy with NTM right now anyway why are they still talking to those bitter MKs it is a waiste of time.

It is time for NTM to move on and get back to the work that God gave them to do and just leave the MKs alone they need to grow up and put this awful stuff behind them do they think its going to get any better by whining about it all the time? Our paster says we are going to strat sending our checks to the missionarys and they dont' have to have it go through NTM books next thing NTM will want to take money from good missionarys to pay for the sexual abuse and contingincey fund and none of our misionarys ever did any of that stuff why should they have to pay get with the progam NTM.

Just ignore those whiney and bitter people no one cares. Larry Brown is an MK and he turned out OK and if anything happened to him in the broading school you cant' tell it now he is well adjusted and loves the Lord and is not whining follow him he is a godly leader and god raised him up to lead NTM and win souls not whine. Life is too short to waiste it on crap like this.

So we are not sending any money to the MK abuse fund they will have to fund their abuse some other way but we did see four souls saved this year and that was worth it who cares if a little money got lost souls got saved and that is what matters.

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