Friday, November 26, 2010

I am thankful

I am thanksful for Larry Brown and the godly leaders of Ntew Tribes Mission who love the Lrod and are trying to reach all the tribes with the gosple before it is to late.  I can not beleive that there are still people who are reading the Fanda Eagles sight and listening to all the whiney kids carry on about the dorm farters and aksing for updates and it is none of their business just stop it and see if you cant' find sometning to be thankful for like I do.

I am aslo thankful for Tubby Westoct and why are men picking on her she is a woman and is trying to help the whiney brats leave her alone and grow up men dont' pick on women we are christians not gay.  Get with the program and learn to give thinks.

I am thankful for Dave Absbutt and his godly work in the computer and Facebooks page we need more people like him how else will the gosple ever get to the ends of the world?  I am not on facebook but if I was I would be a fan of NTM and not the Fanda Eagles they are biter people who need to be thankful and not whine.

I am thainkful to be able to go to the NTM websight and not have to raed about the MKs and all of their whiney complains they are adults now learn to act like it.  God is working therough NTM and souls are being saved for eternity and how does that compare with all this so called abuses how do we know it is even true?

I am thanful that I have been foregieven and my sins are all washed away God loves me and you dont' here me whining about the bad things that are in myh life because I spend my time counting my blessings I have had a hard life to you make it sound like you are the only ones who have had trouble well your not.

I am thankful for my paster and for all the godly pasters who believe the wrod of God and support NTM and you can even read their testesmonies on the NTM website see you in chruch on Sunday!

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