Thank you shitting duck and Razmataz for posting the good link to the report on MKs and sexaul abuse it is exactly what I have said all along it is best to let this stuff go and not keep bringing it up and just going after money money is not the asswer to your problems it is the route of all eval. I can see why bitter and nasty peepole like you and Gene Long the know it all do not like that report but I would whether trust them than you any day they are smart ass a hole.
Ass a hole New Tribes Mission is maid up of nothing butt good peepole and our crutch is a good supporter of them and we prey for them every day we even have payer chains. These deer peepole have gone out into the heather darkness to share the good new with those who have never heard it and they dont' even get a celery just the gifts and payers that others send to them they love Jesus and do not molest children ass a hole.
Yes their have been some bad apples in the barrel in the past but that is ansient history now and no one knew how to handle things like that ass a hole in those days. I know this is true because I read it in that paper by two layers named Nosebrown and Slimebottom and they are not gay they are normal peepole ass a hole. Slimebottom is even an MK and mother of four MKs of her own making. I guess its oK for women to be layers just not pasters butt Il'l run that pass my paster just to make sure.
So how could anyone except NTM ass a hole to understand how bad it could be to sodomize little grills it was not understood in those days just like brain surgery that is a good example if you ass me. In those days we know that peepole ass a hole felt up that sexual abuse was not particularly harmful they didnt' know that it mattered to girls or boys that they were molestated it was just normal then ass a hole. No one knew get it?
I think we should jest let NTM keep on with there work ass a hole and not get worked up into a ladder abutt things that happened before when it was OK and no one knew it was bad to rape little girls unless you were black and raped a white girl that was different but anyone could see why and NTM doesnt' have many blacks raping peepole andy way and in the old days they even knew enough to keep whites from dating blacks but they didnt' know about rape was bad times change and they are learning ass a hole.
God loves everyone even shitting duck and Raz and all the Fondle Eagles not Horny Thorny thogh.