Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Tribes Mission Ass a Hole

Thank you shitting duck and Razmataz for posting the good link to the report on MKs and sexaul abuse it is exactly what I have said all along it is best to let this stuff go and not keep bringing it up and just going after money money is not the asswer to your problems it is the route of all eval.  I can see why bitter and nasty peepole like you and Gene Long the know it all do not like that report but I would whether trust them than you any day they are smart ass a hole.

Ass a hole New Tribes Mission is maid up of nothing butt good peepole and our crutch is a good supporter of them and we prey for them every day we even have payer chains.  These deer peepole have gone out into the heather darkness to share the good new with those who have never heard it and they dont' even get a celery just the gifts and payers that others send to them they love Jesus and do not molest children ass a hole.

Yes their have been some bad apples in the barrel in the past but that is ansient history now and no one knew how to handle things like that ass a hole in those days.  I know this is true because I read it in that paper by two layers named Nosebrown and Slimebottom and they are not gay they are normal peepole ass a hole.  Slimebottom is even an MK and mother of four MKs of her own making.   I guess its oK for women to be layers just not pasters butt Il'l run that pass my paster just to make sure.

So how could anyone except NTM ass a hole to understand how bad it could be to sodomize little grills it was not understood in those days just like brain surgery that is a good example if you ass me.  In those days we know that peepole ass a hole felt up that sexual abuse was not particularly harmful they didnt' know that it mattered to girls or boys that they were molestated it was just normal then ass a hole.  No one knew get it?

I think we should jest let NTM keep on with there work ass a hole and not get worked up into a ladder abutt things that happened before when it was OK and no one knew it was bad to rape little girls unless you were black and raped a white girl that was different but anyone could see why and NTM doesnt' have many blacks raping peepole andy way and in the old days they even knew enough to keep whites from dating blacks but they didnt' know about rape was bad times change and they are learning ass a hole.

God loves everyone even shitting duck and Raz and all the Fondle Eagles not Horny Thorny thogh.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dont' be biter just look at the tears

 Here is some more good advize from that dear mother of a MK who was alledgedly abused by Les Emory.  I think more people need to think like here and than we wooden be having all this trouble.

We can live a life NOT as victims but victorious in Christ! Bitterness destroys us..I know and spent too many years hurting only myself not my perpetrator…he was not remorseful. When “the news broke” and the Philippine FC found out from you girls the “secret” of what Les had done to you, I saw the tears and as much as I have my own battles with NTM, in this incident, they asked extensive advice of what to do, and every organization they contacted told them to get Les off the field ASAP for the sake of you, the victims.

All of you biter people out their are just bean destroyed by your biterness do not do that and do not worry about trying to hurt your pertetraper vengense is the lords not yours knock it off with the law suets.  As we now no Les Emory did finally repant and he is saved and our bother in Christ and why did it happen well not because of a lot of people calling him names and law suets but because they left him alone and then he repanted dont' you see that?  If we confess our sins we are back in felowshit and we need to learn to fogive no whine.

The Philippian FC kept the secret they did not tell anyone except those they had two and eveyone they talked to extensively talked them into forget the law and just half Les Emory leave the feel and it was not for NTMs sake but for the sake of the victims they loved the kids even more then Les Emory did and they did there best to help them and now that he is saved and has reparnted why do you want to remain victims it is time to be victorious as this dear mother has said.

She saw the tears and why dont' you turst NTM now Larry Brown has had a lot of tears too and so has Les Emory and it is time to see the tears and no honesty when you see it these people did not want any of this to happen if it really did.

This mother trusts NTM and so does every mother I know trust NTM and so do I even though I am not a mother but I belive that NTM is trying to reach the unreached and unsaved and heathen lost and that is worth more than any MK is that so hard to graps?  I am looking forward to being in haeven with Les Emory and even the know it all doctor Mikey he will not be such an ass when we get their but will know what it means to be forgiven why cant' all the MKs catch on?

I am praying for you all and I support NTM and there good missionarys and they dont' have any more like Les Emory anymore so lets get on with the work Amen?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Whose your enema?

I dont' think the people who pist on the Fanda Eagles sight even know who there real enema is at least most of them dont' know but at least one does and hear is what she wrote:

I too had a child affected by Les, and like many of you I also faced terror in my life at the hands of a horrible man. My heart breaks in all this, but let’s encourage each other to remember that our enemies is a fallen world, an enemy that desires to see us live a defeated life, and the man, Leslie Emory. 

Yes that is write your enema is a falling world that desires to see you live a defeeted live why do you let him win?  It is to eassy two forget that we do not have to be defeeted butt can live in victory over the whore world and the horrible things that Leslie Emory did.

I think that Leslie Emory should maybe not be called a horrible man because he has repanted and God forgives him why cant' others do the same but I know what she means she means we hate the sin and lvoe the sinner and if he really did those things that he has repanted of we can hate the sin but still love him because he is now our bother in Crust.

So I just want to remand that people who call there selves victims that they do not need to be biter and defeeted and cause all kinds of trouble and law suets but just remember whose your real enema and it isnt' NTM they love Jesus just like Les Emory does and they have repanted two of all the things that may have made some people mad just get over it now and be victorious I am.

And dont' forget to take the gosple in to the whore world so the heather can be saved not lost and go to hell isnt' that worse?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

NO Im not Larry Brown!

I dont' know why anyone wood think that I am Larry Brown butt I am not.  There is no reason to ass me who I am becvause I will not tell you it doesnt' mather but I can tell you that I am not Larry Brown do you think he has time to put into this kinda blog he has to over sea the whore NTM and make sure the missionarys are filing out there time shits and not wasting time butt are preaching the gospel tothe heathen natives.

And now he has to keep an eye out for all kinds of abuse of children even it it means spanking them what a joke the Bible clearly teaxhes us to beat them butt only when they need it.  So now NTM has to ignore the Bibel just to nmake some whiney MKs like Boney happy I wonder if she ever spanks her kids or are they perfect?

I am not Larry Brown butt I love him in hte Lord and I know he is dong all he can to reach the lost wheich will mater for infernity so it is the msot importnat thing he can do.  MKs need to trust in the Lord and get over it and grow up Larry Brown did why cant' Boney and the MK who wants to suet NTM please stop so the gopsell can get out before the Cathlic and Jihovah Whitness reach them firstt then it will be two late and whose hands will there blood be on not mine or Larry Browns butt I am not Larry Brown why did you ass in the first palce?

Thank you Larry Brown for your work for the Lord and god will reward you what do you think Boney will get just wood hey and stumble.

God loves all people even heathens who treat there kids much worse than missionarys do.  I think god even loves Les Emory who repanted and nose he was wrong that is more than the MKs have done.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thank you Jesus! Philys is a anser to payer!

I have ben prane for a long time that someone with some cents would post on the Fanda Eagles websight and sit the record straight and now Jesus has answered my prayers I am so happy.  Philys is a mother of a MK and you dont' here her whinging she is victorios not a victim.  I no a lot of the bitter people will rant at her and make nasty comments I am not even going to read them they make me sick to my stomic.

Philam you can post on my blog ANY day and I wil not let the bitterness crowd say nasty things about you I know you have sufered a lot and it was your very own kid who was raped by this man if he really did it and you have forgiven you are a saint.

The enema is the whore world not NTM and NTM did tehre very best you can see for yourslef from the wondrful post that Phallus pout on the bitter NTM abuse sight.  That fool suet will get throw out of court so fast that you're head will spin thank you jesus for this wonderful servant of yours she is brave like Garcia Bunham her husbum was killed and you dont' see her biter do you?

Read this massage and be blest:
Dear MK’s from Aritao and “that girl”. I too had a child affected by Les, and like many of you I also faced terror in my life at the hands of a horrible man. My heart breaks in all this, but let’s encourage each other to remember that our enemies is a fallen world, an enemy that desires to see us live a defeated life, and the man, Leslie Emory. We can live a life NOT as victims but victorious in Christ! Bitterness destroys us..I know and spent too many years hurting only myself not my perpetrator…he was not remorseful. When “the news broke” and the Philippine FC found out from you girls the “secret” of what Les had done to you, I saw the tears and as much as I have my own battles with NTM, in this incident, they asked extensive advice of what to do, and every organization they contacted told them to get Les off the field ASAP for the sake of you, the victims. Every parent of a child who had ever been in that dorm was contacted and offered counseling to them or their child. Talk of legal action went about, but all the parents I talked to did not want their children exposed to what this would entail (For those of you unaccustomed to Philippine legal system, this is a LONG several year process before cases come to any closure!). I am not trying to defend anyone, or in any way diminish the horror! I just want to honestly say as a parent, I was present when all this went down in Manila, and what I saw from NTM in this particular situation was nothing but immense concern for the known victims, and heard not one word of concern for “protecting NTM”. They expedited getting a counselor there, and remember this was only 1993. Life and resources were much different back then. We as parents made many mistakes in how to help you, our children, but we did the best we knew and I believe NTM did too. Again…let’s realize as horrible and inexcusable as any abuse is, we live in a fallen world and need the grace and strength of the Lord to work through the terror and shame and live in victory and strength. Do not let anyone bent on bitterness destroy your healing. Those of us that really cae for you, want to see you healthy and whole and happy....and yes, there is joy at the end of that dark tunnel of healing. My love to you all.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

This is about NTM not gays

I cant' finger out all the queeries I keep getting about gay people this sight is not about guys it is about NTM.  Does any one relly want gays in NTM that is disgusting they need to repant and believe the lord loves them not do gay stuff which is a abdomination to the lord and gross two.  Ass far as I am concerned gays should not be in the missionary work.

I do not hate gays and if they can repant they can get saved even Les Emory has repanted and I saw the vidio and read the report and he is no longer lying but has confessed his gilt and if he isnt' saved what makes any oneelse think they are saved is your sin beter then his sin?

If all these other stories are true than we can wait for the results of the infestigations there is no need to suit what is the hury it has been twenty years a few more years isnt' going to hurt you if it is try getting a life.  Nothing is happening any more so you dont' need to worry about the kids in the schools now it is safe and most of them arent' in schools anymore anyway so just quite with all this can you?

NTM is trying to do the lords work and parents can trust them now it is not like anyone ever wanted anythign bad to happen but sometiems it does because people are sinful we are all sinners is that news to you?

The good news is the gospel of Jesus and you can be saved just like Les Emory and his ministry got messed up becasue he was thinking the wrong way but he is not gay he is saved. Their was rejoiycing in heaven when he repanted so get used to it God saves sinners not angles.

I am praying for you MKs and hope that you can get over your problems and start living for the Lord ass your parents did.

Friday, June 3, 2011

a note to Dr Mickey

Hi Red,

I must say I am a little shocked that you are continuing to argue your points. At first I thought your blog was just a wind-up, but it appears you are serious. It may surprise you to know that I actually know a few folk in NTM and they are great people, with a real heart for Jesus. I am not against missions at all, and am currently actively involved in one, but I believe in treating our future missionary children well, and that NTM needs to ensure resolution for those who were hurt and that proper procedures are in place to safeguard those in the future, even if this costs money and people's time. Missionaries' children have every right to insist on this, and also to expose and insist on justice for those who have abused them.

I think it needs to be pointed out to you and more importantly to anyone reading that your views here do not likely reflect those of New Tribes Mission. I think you need to be careful about the way you speak about them, as this website is not helping their cause, but is bringing ridicule. Equally importantly, your blog is not helping those who were abused to find any resolution and is insulting.

Please prayerfully consider closing this, as you seem to have jumped to certain conclusions, and it really isn't your issue to carry. As you seem to suggest from the title of your last entry, you know this blog isn't working. You are not an MK, a missionary or part of NTM. It is not surprising that you are receiving what you term "hate mail" as your writings are inflammatory towards anyone who has ever been abused in this way, as well as any MK, which explains why so many people are commenting and why it is our business.

I have no further interest in discussion with you unless it is going to be constructive, well-thought out and balanced.

Regards, Dr Mikey, both a missionary and a missionary kid.

Hi doctor know it all,

I must say that I will never quite arguing as you say my points and of course I am not surpized that you know good people in NTM most of them are good that is what Ive' been saying all along cant' you read?  Wellcome to the real world.

I think it need to be pointet out that you do not speak for NTM any more then I do and you are less liekly to no what they think then I do because I support hem with my money not just my words I love in deed and in true.  I know that people will ridecule NTM and all people who love the lord that is the way it goes ever snce righeous Able was slain by Cane.

If the MKs were abussed twenty years ago and they stil arent' heeled then what makes you think they are going to get that way if they make NTM spend millions of dollars and spent time in court and infestigations while peple dye and go to hell if they arent' over it by now they will never get that way why is it unkind to say that?

I no this blog will never convince people like you but it is an encouaement to many in NTM who are trying to whitness for the Lord.  I am not an MK or part of NTM and I am a missionary ritht here where I live I whiteness for the Lord and NTM gets my money of coarse it is my business you just cant' answer what I say thats all.  Hate male is calling me names and I count it a blessing to suffur for the Lord.

I am not sorry that you are not intersted in any further conservation I am actually quit happy that you will finally be quite and if you will read you will learn a little just because your a docter dosnt' mean you know evrything.  I would rather be a fool for christ then a balanced person who attaks NTM they love Jesus and I suport them and if you want to tear them apart and try to rune there reputation than do it on the fanda eagles web sight this one is for people who Love NTM.

Regards, Red

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I new it wooden help

So I wrote a hole post and spelled every word right and even pointed out where Dr. Mickey spellt one wrong and did that help?  No I got all kinds of hate speech in returen.

Listen to me now NTM does not accept gays in there godly mission and they dont' even except divorceded poeple there is enough problems with sex in the world without bringing in more to cause problems they have enogh alrady.

I do not hate gay people I know that God love tham and will save them if they repant and trust in Jesus and not go to Cathlic chruches.  NTM agrees with me and if you think it is best to have gays and divorceded people go ahead and start your won mission or join Pat Hendrix and the Pestiberians that is fine with me but NTM follows Gods wrod.

I know you will lafugh at the truth siners always have ever since the Graden of Eden up unto this very our.  That is why you call me names and yes I DO support missions with my tits and offerings expecally NTM missionarys.  They rock.

Love not the world or the things in the world did you ever read that in the bible or do you just read other stuff like the net?  I have free speech and can stay on the net but I will take down my blog just ass soon ass the Fnada Eagles take down theres. 

And anyway these victims as you call them are whining twenty years and more after the events I think it is time they got over it and learned to forgive no one has had a purfect live I know I sure havent' so lets learn to love one another and forgive and do not call me names even if you do I know that I am only suffereing for the sake of the Lord just like the godly NTM missionarys who are preaching the word and the ones who help mow the grass in sanford and other jobs do not bother bringing up Joel Price he is in jail not NTM.

God lvoe the whore world.