Many peopel have wrote me and excused me of makeing a joke of the abuse the Fondle Angels say happened and we who love NTM doubt and I want you all to know that this is no joke it is not funny and no I am not trying to be funny I am only saying what I feel and what my paster teaches us and all of us who love NTM think.
It is not easy bean a dorm farter or mother and still trying to be the housebum and farter to your own wife and kids at the same time these men work hard and it is not right to excuse them and try to make it sound like all the dorms in the whore world are bad they are not and if they were so bad why are they so few kids who say they were molester?
They is not one single dorm in the whore world where every single kid says it was bad so what does that tell you? It tells me that this is an overblown and egzagerated non story and it needs to go away befoe it does more damage to the reputations of good and goldy men who have never done antyhing to deserve this sort of lies and they are only trying to wretch the world with Gods grace and the massage of slavation they are not Mormons or gay get with the progarm why dont' you.
NTM does not need to close its mission broading schools they have done a good job and look at how many missionarys they have made out and even doctors and pilates they are not idiots they study hard and get good grades and love Jesus that is better than whinging all the time.
So no I am not joking and yes I am serial and I fully support NTM which as David Abbott says is unfortunately made up of people. God bless them one and all.
I am sick and tried of people making New Tribes Mission look bad our church has supported them for years and we stand behind them even when the devil is tryig to destroy there good name and send people to hell.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
NTM ass a hole by David Abbsot
Hear is what DAvid Abbsot sent me on my Facebook page I really like it. It is just whant I half been saying all along only he says it even better NTM ass a hole is on-track spitually and I believe him why wouldnt' everbody?
Unfortunately, all organizations are composed of people. Sometimes people have bad experiences with other people for spiritual reasons and other times for fleshly ones.
New Tribes Mission is no exception.
Some people have legitimately had problems with New Tribes Mission members because the NTM members were either unregenerated or living in the flesh.
Other people have problems with New Tribes Mission because they disagree for spiritual reasons. Either way, there are always those who will be hostile toward an organization.
As a member of New Tribes Mission, I believe NTM is on-track spiritually overall in its approach to evangelism and discipleship and is taking unprecedented steps to address members who are acting in ungodly ways. ...But no human institution is perfect.
Ass David says it is unfortunate that orgasmations are composed of people it is too bad they cant' be composted from something else but we have to wrok with want the Lrod has given us and he gave us orgasamations made up of people not robots or german sherpards.
Plus NTM is taking underrepresented steps to address members who are acting in ungoldly ways too bad they cant' root out the Fondle Eagles while they are at it they are very ungoldly and wicked there is no need to talk about maturbation on there websight just leave sex out of it until you are ready to do something about it and quite trying to take it into your own hands have you no shame?
Ass DAvid says their will always be people who are hostile against orgasms and NTM is no exception how can you condom them for that?
It was not NTM that did the things that the Fondle Eagles are complain about but if it is true it was jsut some unregenerated members or maybe they were walking in the flush and not turstng the Lrod but it wasnt' NTM so there is no need to be hostile to NTM ass a hole.
Unfortunately, all organizations are composed of people. Sometimes people have bad experiences with other people for spiritual reasons and other times for fleshly ones.
New Tribes Mission is no exception.
Some people have legitimately had problems with New Tribes Mission members because the NTM members were either unregenerated or living in the flesh.
Other people have problems with New Tribes Mission because they disagree for spiritual reasons. Either way, there are always those who will be hostile toward an organization.
As a member of New Tribes Mission, I believe NTM is on-track spiritually overall in its approach to evangelism and discipleship and is taking unprecedented steps to address members who are acting in ungodly ways. ...But no human institution is perfect.
Ass David says it is unfortunate that orgasmations are composed of people it is too bad they cant' be composted from something else but we have to wrok with want the Lrod has given us and he gave us orgasamations made up of people not robots or german sherpards.
Plus NTM is taking underrepresented steps to address members who are acting in ungoldly ways too bad they cant' root out the Fondle Eagles while they are at it they are very ungoldly and wicked there is no need to talk about maturbation on there websight just leave sex out of it until you are ready to do something about it and quite trying to take it into your own hands have you no shame?
Ass DAvid says their will always be people who are hostile against orgasms and NTM is no exception how can you condom them for that?
It was not NTM that did the things that the Fondle Eagles are complain about but if it is true it was jsut some unregenerated members or maybe they were walking in the flush and not turstng the Lrod but it wasnt' NTM so there is no need to be hostile to NTM ass a hole.
Monday, October 10, 2011
To the tirbes!
Why is it that the MKs cant' see that peple dont' believe them? All they are care about is themselfs and not the lost tirbes who have never heard the goospel. Those are wired priorities that will get you nowhere except hell did you know htat?
I assed my paster and he said that there are many more well adjusted and sane MKs out there and even Larry Brown is a MK and he is in charge of NTM if the schools were so bad how did these pepole trun out so good? Maybe some kids got spanked to hard and maybe some dorm farter scared the little girls but that is just normal stuff and then kids blow it all out of preportion and make up stories and try to hide how bad they are and everyone gets down on the missionarys and it makes a big mess and NTM has to spend money to fight all the law suets and all they are after is money.
Even MKs in the states are MKs and there mothers and farters have to send them to pubic schools not good christian ones like on the forein field count your blessings MKs and quite picking on the ruff times it wasnt' all that bad we all know that. Once one MK starts whining than the others jump on broad and everybody tires to outdo everbody else and they start making up sotries so they can post on blogs and dont' have to work if tehy didnt' want to work they should have been mssionarys and lived by faith.
Lets all work to get the tirbes reached with the goospel before it is to late and they die and go to hell with the cathlics and jehoovah whiteness and mormons of course mormons are a cult didnt' you ever read your bible?
I do not condom the MKs but they need to quite down and learn to turst the Lord and read there bibles and stop the law suets and ass NTM for forgiveness NTM did the best they could and they only tired to help lets go to the tirbes!
I assed my paster and he said that there are many more well adjusted and sane MKs out there and even Larry Brown is a MK and he is in charge of NTM if the schools were so bad how did these pepole trun out so good? Maybe some kids got spanked to hard and maybe some dorm farter scared the little girls but that is just normal stuff and then kids blow it all out of preportion and make up stories and try to hide how bad they are and everyone gets down on the missionarys and it makes a big mess and NTM has to spend money to fight all the law suets and all they are after is money.
Even MKs in the states are MKs and there mothers and farters have to send them to pubic schools not good christian ones like on the forein field count your blessings MKs and quite picking on the ruff times it wasnt' all that bad we all know that. Once one MK starts whining than the others jump on broad and everybody tires to outdo everbody else and they start making up sotries so they can post on blogs and dont' have to work if tehy didnt' want to work they should have been mssionarys and lived by faith.
Lets all work to get the tirbes reached with the goospel before it is to late and they die and go to hell with the cathlics and jehoovah whiteness and mormons of course mormons are a cult didnt' you ever read your bible?
I do not condom the MKs but they need to quite down and learn to turst the Lord and read there bibles and stop the law suets and ass NTM for forgiveness NTM did the best they could and they only tired to help lets go to the tirbes!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Liberality Fund
I was very happy to see that NTM has a liberality fund so that they will have enough money to pay for any law suets that peepole bring against them for things that may never have happened they stil have to hire layers even when they are insolent and that costs money just ask the NTM missionarys who have to pay for all this stuff money doesnt' grow on trees you no.
I knew all the whiley MKs would start shouting down Titu Hess ass soon ass I read her post and she came back for more I wish she would just post here I would not let peepole like Younger talk to her like that she is a woman treat her like one.
NTM has my full support and if they say they have a million dollars in the MK Fund then that is enough for me I dont' need to see any records if they wre not trustworthless they could lye about that ass easy ass they could lie about anythign else and they are not liars everyone losses papers sometimes I have two.
Our church had trick or treat for Jesus last year to help the missionarys MK abuse fund and we didnt' get ass much money ass we expected butt we will try again this year we are going to call it Trick her Teats for MK Abuse. I am going out dressed as a dorm farter.
It is no fare that peepole who never got a chance to abuse kids have to pay for it now. How can you condom a person who hasnt' done anythign yet?
I knew all the whiley MKs would start shouting down Titu Hess ass soon ass I read her post and she came back for more I wish she would just post here I would not let peepole like Younger talk to her like that she is a woman treat her like one.
NTM has my full support and if they say they have a million dollars in the MK Fund then that is enough for me I dont' need to see any records if they wre not trustworthless they could lye about that ass easy ass they could lie about anythign else and they are not liars everyone losses papers sometimes I have two.
Our church had trick or treat for Jesus last year to help the missionarys MK abuse fund and we didnt' get ass much money ass we expected butt we will try again this year we are going to call it Trick her Teats for MK Abuse. I am going out dressed as a dorm farter.
It is no fare that peepole who never got a chance to abuse kids have to pay for it now. How can you condom a person who hasnt' done anythign yet?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
It's not nice to call peeple names
Their is no rason for peeople at NTM to call Mrs Hess fruity tuti she loves NTM and its work and she and her husbum are paying for all the investigations that have to be done because some drom farter may have molested little girls like thirty years ago and now the kids are grown up and want money are they hores?
It is fine to be a fruity tuti for the Lord and his work but it is not nice to make fun of peple you would be made two if you had to pay for stuff someone didnt' do and NTM does not have much money they have to give it all to the missionarys 100% that doesnt' leave much for anyting else they even sold there corprate plane that was a shame.
Fruity Tuti loves jesus and calls em like she sees em. Love it or leaf it and this means all of you who hat NTM Green Latrine Shitting Duck Razmataz Gene Log Horny Throny and the rest of you whiners like Younger. I hope I didnt' leaf anybody out butt you know who you are get with it you POS.
It is fine to be a fruity tuti for the Lord and his work but it is not nice to make fun of peple you would be made two if you had to pay for stuff someone didnt' do and NTM does not have much money they have to give it all to the missionarys 100% that doesnt' leave much for anyting else they even sold there corprate plane that was a shame.
Fruity Tuti loves jesus and calls em like she sees em. Love it or leaf it and this means all of you who hat NTM Green Latrine Shitting Duck Razmataz Gene Log Horny Throny and the rest of you whiners like Younger. I hope I didnt' leaf anybody out butt you know who you are get with it you POS.
Leave Titi Alone!
Ok you idiets alls that Titi Hess said was this and I will post it hear:
And tehn some anomalous fool calling hisself the green latrine comes on and twists her words to make it sound like she whats 80 percent of the missionarys to be spitual that is not what she meant she just choose a number and if you cant' get the point then get a life want is wrong with you are you Mormon?
Titi should just quite posting like Andy and Tubby did they knew it was a waist of time and that no matter what they siad it would be twisted and made to sound like they like perverts and they do not tehy love Jesus and the gospel and lost souls around the whore world in heathen dankness.
Younger and the others who hate NTM will never be satiated no mater what NTM does Titi was write about that and we all know it and you just cant' stand NTM ass a hole and try to make them pay for your investigations and my paster says he already knows that some of the money we send to the missionarys goes for all this trouble you are cussing he doesnt' need NTM to tell him he is not a fool except for a fool for Jesus sake for Gods sake.
So leave Titi alone cant' you tell she is a woman and she cant' help the things she said God make women like that and if she was smarrt she would jsut shut up ass I have advized before her hart is in the right place but she isnt' a man jsut a woman.
Dont' be one of the loosers support NTM and resist the eval one.
Yunker and others who can't stand NTM. Nothing that NTM does will ever satisfy you because you have made it very clear that you don't trust NTM and you think they are crap. Have you considered starting your own investigation, spending some of your own money, researching and hiring your own investigators. I'm serious. That way I would think you would have more confidence and control in the process. You may not like what NTM is doing but they are doing something and it is being paid for by my husband and I and every single member of NTM USA and those who support NTM. I don't know how many people in the end will be shown to have been involved in abuse but I hope it will be 20% or less. The rest of us the other 80% have to make up for those losers.
And tehn some anomalous fool calling hisself the green latrine comes on and twists her words to make it sound like she whats 80 percent of the missionarys to be spitual that is not what she meant she just choose a number and if you cant' get the point then get a life want is wrong with you are you Mormon?
Titi should just quite posting like Andy and Tubby did they knew it was a waist of time and that no matter what they siad it would be twisted and made to sound like they like perverts and they do not tehy love Jesus and the gospel and lost souls around the whore world in heathen dankness.
Younger and the others who hate NTM will never be satiated no mater what NTM does Titi was write about that and we all know it and you just cant' stand NTM ass a hole and try to make them pay for your investigations and my paster says he already knows that some of the money we send to the missionarys goes for all this trouble you are cussing he doesnt' need NTM to tell him he is not a fool except for a fool for Jesus sake for Gods sake.
So leave Titi alone cant' you tell she is a woman and she cant' help the things she said God make women like that and if she was smarrt she would jsut shut up ass I have advized before her hart is in the right place but she isnt' a man jsut a woman.
Dont' be one of the loosers support NTM and resist the eval one.
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