Thursday, December 15, 2011

Amen to this good paster!

This is the best anser I ever saw to you Fanda Eagles its just want Ive' been saying all along and I honer this paster and his love for god and how he nose the word and how to forgive he is what Christians are all about!

from David Hegg
to "" <>
date Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 12:58 PM
subject Mel Wyma
Important mainly because of the words in the message.
hide details 12:58 PM (5 hours ago)
Dear Jeff,

I received your email yesterday morning and wanted to get back to you in a timely manner. The situation surrounding New Tribes Mission and specifically Mel Wyma is one that has caused so many people immense pain. The crimes against yoursister and others are not mere suspicions but facts that cannot be denied. I recognize this, and it hits me every time I think of it like a punch to thegut.

In the fall of 2010 we were initially informed about the allegations against New Tribes and Mel Wyma. We stayed close to it, and felt that New Tribes acted responsibly in cooperating with GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), whose report I have fully read, and which you referenced in your email. The report's thoroughness only made the crimes more sickening. As a result, New Tribes terminated Mel Wyma. They did, however agree to continueprocessing support from churches and individuals for Mel. As a leadership team, we then had a decision to make.

In November, 2010 Mel suffered a very severe stroke that paralyzed the left side of his body. He was moved by his family to a care center where he continues to live. He has recovered somewhat from the stroke. He is in his mid-80s and we have had correspondence with him. He admits his part in what happened and agrees that his inaction, and his poor action, both were reprehensible, and has done what is possible to do at this point to assist New Tribes in the retributive process. We believe that his actions and inaction were both wrong and dangerous, and we also believe that he is repentant and forgiven. This in no way means, however, that the consequences of his sins have been cleared away.

In our discussions with New Tribes we found that their actions to admit and deal well with their responsibility were good. They mandated that 10% of Mel's monthly income would go to the fund used for restitution to the victims. This led our leadership team to decide to continue supporting Mel, knowing that he has real financial needs and that a portion of the money is going to the victims.

At the end of your email you ask a penetrating question: "Do you side with abused children or those who protect sexual predators?" Actually, it isn't that easy. As representatives of Jesus Christ we must side with both simply because God is on the side of the repentant. Of course, where there is no repentance, there can be only judgment.

We are on the side of those who have been subjected to the heinous crimes of those who prey on the weak and vulnerable. But, we also believe that God in Christ extends forgiveness to all who repent and turn to Him in sincerity and faith. So, in this case, we heartily approve of the Grace report, and of the way New Tribes is moving to accept their responsibility in all this, and do what can be done at this late date to help those whose lives have been devastated through no fault of their own.

"And we have also decided that the consequences of Mel's action and inaction have fallen down on his head. He has been humiliated and isolated, and is greatly broken by all of this, as he should be. Our place is to recognize hisrepentance, and – in light of his advanced age, precarious physical condition, and the fact that he is no longer in any position to make such a terrible decision again – provide some of the finances necessary for him to live and continue to donate something to the restitution fund. We will continue to monitor the situation and, should additional information dictate, re-evaluate our decision."

I noticed that your email is "ornerymk" and I couldn't help but chuckle. I was an "ornery pk" having grown up in a pastor's family, with all the cliches and hypocrisy that comes with that experience. But at some point I realized that the mistakes of others shouldn't become the foundation of mine. I hope that whatever your experiences were, and are, that the truth of God's grace in Jesus Christ has become the most prominent thing in your life, as you try to break the cycle and pass on something righteous and good to your kids.

Thanks again for your email, and your concern. I pray that your sister, and all the other victims and their families, can find the peace that surpasses understanding in all this.

Yours for the Truth of Christ,

David W. Hegg
Senior Pastor
Grace Baptist Church

This paster is a babtits just like our crutch and he can spell and is smart so is that enough for you or do you just want to make fun of the foolish things of the whorl that god has chosen to share his word I am not ashame and I am proud of Pater Hegg he is for the truth of Christ and the whore situation has fallen down on Mel Wymas head and he is sorry and repanted and lets just drop it he is old give him a brake.

I assed my paster about this and he agrees and we are all preying that your sister and all the other whiney MKs will find the piece that passes all understanding in this and shut up and go away we are tired of it what part of enough do you no t understand?

God loves you have a nice day and lets put Christ back in Christmas amen?

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