Thursday, December 8, 2011

NTM is not bastards!

Here is the kind of prayer that people who support the Fondle Eagles preys:

Dear God, in the faces of so many victims and survivors, and for those who did not survive this atrocity, we humbly ask that thou shalt shut down this New Tribe Mission, in the atonement for the crimes that have been committed against humanity. O Lord prosecute these bastards for condoning such an act and failed their courage to act, in thy very humble name and mine, I do pray, Amen.

I got that right off the home page of this blessphemy web site and it made me sick to my stomick.   Who says bastard when they prey?  And who preys in her own name?  I can tell that this person is not even saved or htey would not talk this way about a orgasmination that was raised up by the Lord I just wnat to know what people who say I use profanny have to say about this.

NTM missionarys are not basturds they love the Lord and they are trying to reach the lost heathen of the world or either help design good web pages for NTM or mow the grass at headwarters or other impotent things to help the missionarys who are not bastards they are children of God.

NTM doesnt' let jsut any old person join they have to meat the qualifications of elders and pasters and they can not be divorced or drunk or gay or lesbiterian and it might be OK if they are all white but that can be waved if they have enough support.

My paster likes NTM or I should say he loves it and I sure do we support many NTM missionarys all of them good people not bastards and they did not do anything to any MKs why is Thai MK always whining?  Get a life please.

Jesus loves you and he loves NTM and so do I have a nice day and put the Jesus back in Christmas.

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