Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your all hycoprites!

So let me get this straight.  All of the MKs want to shut down NTM and they want all the NTM missionarys who are called of God and love Jesus to quite because a few carnal dorm farters supposedly molested a few kids and it may not even be ture and for witch NTM has alraedy said they are sorry.

But now I see where you all think that Cathlics reflect the life of Christ well why are they still in the Cathlic Crutch?  Maybe you never heard about all the gay preists that have molested boys and even grills and are of the devul why arent' you telling all your wonderful Cathlic fiends to get out of the Cathlic Crutch?  You just hate NTM and there work.

Maybe you dont' know it but the Cathlics have been at this since before there ever even was a NTM and they have covered it up and lyed about it and hanged little plastic Marys around the necks of children and told them they would go to heaven and sent them to hell becsue they didnt' even tel them the true gopsel and they send there preists into the whore world and preach damnable hearsays I guess that is really good.

NTM is so bad but the Cathlics are good I guess you sure have it all fingered out now dont' you?  What hycoprites you our!

I love NTM and I am glad they do not have Cathlics or divorced people or gays or Libertarians or other perverts in there mission like the Cathlics do.

Thank you jesus for NTM and I prey that the hycoprites will repant.

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