Sunday, December 11, 2011

OMG what bull!

Some lier name Chris Horgan wrote this on the Fondle EAgles website:

...It was my experience too.
I left ntm in January 1992. Even today the shame I feel at allowing myself to be part of an organisation that is as controlling and abusive as ntm is haunts me...
I was part of the leadership and a committee member in Australia. After I left I found as many people who suffered under ntm when I was a part of it, whether they were still members or not, and asked their forgiveness for my actions.
I know of people that have ended their lives, and some that have tried. I know of people who are so damaged by their experience they cannot speak of it. I know of people who cannot return to their faith... 

And some fool actually beliefed him that peoplle killed theirselfs because they left NTM that is not what he said he just said he knows people who ended there own lifes he never says they were in NTM cant' you read?  Wehre is Gene Log when you need him out with Shitting Duck I suppose.

If this lie was true it wuold not even be a lie.  But it is not true and if was true it sure as hell wasnt' Larry Brown's fault he wasnt' even in leadershit back then in fact all those leaders are retried now and NTM has a hole new bunch of godly leaders to take over and do things right as the Lord leads them even as the lord lead the old bunch they were godly people.

Peoplle get fried from all kinds of jobs not just NTM and they dont' kill theirselfs over it not most of the time and if this really happened how bout some names hot shot they are dead so they cant' suet you?  Anybody can say anything and tehre are always gallable fools who will belief anything anyone says well I beleif NTM and I know they would not lie beaucwe I have met them and they have preached in my church and my paster likes them and has Chris Horeman ever preached in you crutch Eligah III?  Get reel.

NTM is already doing the right thing they are preaching the gosple to the heathens before the Cathlics or Jahoovers Whitness can mess them up and if they dont' these peeple will die and go to hell that would be a shame and a waste of souls and money.  Expecially money.

So please just bake off from NTM and let them due there things and no wonder they dont' answer all you idiots out their you write the most dumb stuff and try to make them look bad but they are looking god to me have you visited there website lately it is much prettyer than the Fodle Eaglaes site.

My god bless all those who bless NTM and cuss those who dont' love NTM and Larry Brown is a godly man and was a MK himslfef and was not ever molestated.


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