Friday, February 17, 2012

God loves NTM

NTM is a good mission orgasmination that has been razed up by god to take the good news to the whore world.  Paul Flemping was a godly man who was not divorced or hormonesexual and did not speak in tongs.  NTM has the highest qualifucations of any mission in the world and they have there own training pogrom two.  People who do not measure up wash out and god just puts them on the shlef and uses them as supporters and maybe pray warriors but only men who reach the standards of a elder can be a missionary with NTM.

NTM does not have women leadership and if any women doesnt' like that it just shows that she is in rebellion against what god has ordained join the Methodists if yuo feel this way but leave NTM alone my paster says our crotch will always be there for NTM.

I belief that god loves NTM and I would whether be on his side then the side of the fanned eagles they are just whiney MKs I have herd from many MKs who had a good time and never had trouble with there dorm farters or dorm mothers or the field committees or other perverts.  People are tried of hearing all these stories of abuse and it is impossible to belief them NTM is not that kind of a place and will you please just stop it and lets forgive and get on wiht surfing the lord.

God bless you all on this long weekend and keep your eyes on Jeuss.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dont' forget!

I love NTM and I do not belief the Fanda EAgles you can read there web sight at it is a crock.

For all of you whingers that like to whine about how bad the MK broading schools were and who awful the drom farters were just try to remember a few things I will spell it out for you.

1. No one has ever gone to jail over all these so called crimes doesnt' that tell you anything?

2. Only the kids that hate jesus even say these thigns happened do you ever here Larry Brown the goldly leader of NTM who was razed up by jesus say these things do you think he was ever abused in NTM braoding schools or do you think he is just incontinent?

3. Lots of kids have come out of the schools that have gone on to be come layers and even doctors and good peple who make money and support missions and many more have be come missionarys themselves and dont' bring up Joel Price he did not molest anybody he just had some nasty pictures on his computer he will be out of jail soon enough and back to surfing the lord.

4. How about all of the people who will be in heaven and not hell doesnt' that count for sojething?  If anyhthing really happened god can sort it out in his own good time he is not in a hurry one day is like a thoughsand years just look at Isril he is no hurry their!  Why are these whingy kids so full of hate and revenge and not forgiveness if you dont' forgive you wont' be forgiven get it?

5. NTM is a crotch are the folded eagels a crotch?  Who do they think they are to make such viscous attacks on the crotch of the lord which NTM has ordainered leaders just like in the Bible do you or are their a bunch of women leading it?

6. Dont; forget to prey for missionarys around the world and expecially thoise in NTM who are udner attack of the eval one and have to pay money so they wont' have to give any moeny to the MKs get rael.

I love Jesus and I am glad so many wonderful peole out hter do two and I dont' mind if you wnat to say that I am a fool I am a fool for jesus just like Larry Brown and the other godly people in NTM only I am not a missionary just a supporter.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Raz would you merry a foriner?

Soemtimes I read stuff on the Fondle Eagles web sight and I saw this the other day or maybe last mouth butt here is what Raz said:
Oh yes, Rad Baron is absolutely correct. (He must be almost as old as me?!)
Back in the 70s this was a hot-button issue. We "flower children" who were enthusiastic about the changes sweeping our country in regard to racial equality, peace and harmony were very upset at the "no interracial dating" policies at the Bible Schools.
It was ugly.
To big in with I do not even no how old Raz is butt I doubt I am older my kids are still in school.  I heard about the "no interracial dateing" policy as Raz calls it from some godly missionarys who are in NTM and they said that many times some people from different races and clitures and even languaes will want to merry and it doesnt' work out.
Just think about it Raz would you merry a fronier?  What kind of a looser cant' even get a wife of his own kind butt has to go looking for someone else?  If a white man cant' get a white girl and than he goes looking for a black or asian or australian girl well that just means he is a looser or maybe even gay.

Why would a black guy want to merry you Raz?  Only because he thinks you are a looser woman then he can find so he ass you to merry him.  Next thing their is a divorce and we know that does not please God.  Same ass if your bother wanted to merry a gril who was black or catholic or lesbian gross!  Is that what you want.

NTM only had this policy because they cared about the children something that you talk about butt you dont' seem to really care or you would not be a flower child hippy waist of time and hate NTM.  I dont' think any missionary farter would want his girl to merry a tribal person unless his girl was a looser and even than a white man would be better.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

NTM is a Crotch!

Missionarys in NTM are required to go to crotch every week twice on Sundays and they also have Tuesday nihgt meetings ever week.  In fact NTM is a crotch I looked it up on the web.

Jesus loves the crotch and died for it and how can people be against NTM and there good missionarys they are just trying to shut down the crotch what a waist.

If their are bad people in the Crotch of NTM just let god deal with it he is sovern and he does not need the help of whiney MKs why cant' they grow up?

If bad things happened and we do not know for sure that they did we only have the word of those who hate jesus and the crotch of NTM but if they did happen god can judge it himself and lets' not be bitter but learn to forgive and forget and try to share the gospel with the whore world insted of backbiting and devouring one anothers crotch.

I assed my paster about this and he agrees and does not think that the state has any business bieng involved in the affairs of the crotch dont' you ever read your bible?

May God bless the Crotch of NTM and perverse them from all their enemas!

Dont' try to change my live story

Soemone who clams to have just found my blog and be confused wrote me this comments on my last post I cant' belief it.  He says she is a MK in NTM and supports NTM and than goes and says that SEVERAL staff members were dismised because of sexual contact with children what field was this?  I never heard this before and I do NOT belief it.  Maybe one or two in all of NTM theire are always a few bad eggs that spoil the barel but SEVERAL from one field that is crap.

I never said all the NTM missionarys are perfect I only said I support them and God razed them up dont' try to change MY live story or what I said and I have never been in the navy either.

Here is what this annonymouns person wrote just read it yourself:

I have just come across your blog and I am a bit confused. I am an MK through NTM and I still support NTM missionaries. However for you to assume that anyone who passed through the mission is perfect is a bit naive. My parents were a part of several committee meetings in which staff members had to be dismissed because of sexual conduct with the children. That is no way says that all the staff were bad but some where. To say to an abused person that is not your story that is not true is like me trying to tell you that what you experienced in your life is not true. I will not try to change your life story if you do not try to change ours.
It is good to support good people who are doing Gods work BUT it is wise to remember that not everyone who says they are about Gods business is. Discernment is a God given gift and it would be a good thing to ask for.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One milloin waists of time

OK so one milloin people have cliked on the Fondle Eagles web sight and now all of the fuels are excited well I got news for you it is all a huge waist of time dont' you have nothing else to do? 

There is no place in gods wholly kingdom for the viscous attacks on NTM that all the people that hate NTM post on the web just let it go and learn to heel are you going to be biter all you're live?

God raised up NMT and he us using it to reach unsaved people if you are saved get with the pogrom or get out of the kitchen.  Are church suports many NTM missionays and they are good people who have never ever molestated any kids that we know of and we even assed them.

They were happy to be assed and they all said no but it is a shaim that you had to ass us what is the world coming to when some disgrumpled mKs can casue to much trouble for us?

Any one whoo whats to waist there time on the Fonlde Eagles web sight go ahead but ass for me and my hose we will serve the Lord amen?