Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Tribes Mission

I guess many people dont' even know who NTM is or what they are all abut well let me tell you they are probably the very best mission orgasm in the whore world.  They have their very own training pogrom and they only let in the very best people who are walking with the lord and are not divorced and are not gay and do not smoke or drink at least not to much.

They consternate on tribals through out the world mostly in places wehre they can build schools to releive the missionarys of there duties as parents and then they can concnetrate on winning the lost and not worry about there kids who are being looked after in the dorms where they have qualified mothers and farters to meet there needs.

Most of the MKs turn out fine and really lvoe the lord and his wonk and the very best of them go back into NTM and serve as missionarys but some are distracted by the world and end up working for money and not trusting God to supply from his abundance in gory and the very worst of them end up cranial and whiney and liers and they have law suets agains NTM if you have ever heard of them do not beleif them they are wonking in the flesh.

Jest think about it even if all this were true it is too late to do anything about it now you cunt turn the clock back so there is no reason to even investiagete it what a waste of time and money especially money and our crotch is not happy about having to finance this crap why should hte MKs get to look at it they are not paying for it wake up and smell the roses.

Our paster has alreddy called and told Larry Brown to forget about it and we will keep supporting our missionarys and will take up specail offrings for NTM just drop this hole thing and lets get on with the work of the Lord let the MKs whine if they will god will take care of them for gods sake lets end this it is going on forever and makes no difference what a crock I cunt finger it out.

God bless NTM and may his wrath rest on the Fonda Eagles.  They are preverse every one of them and the posters to jsut stop it you are acting like fools.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One yard from hell

So now the mud lama over on the fondle eagels web sight is making fun out of something that a godly NTM missionary said on the NTM web sight it just show you how desprate they are to find something wrong with NTM dont' you have any idea what she meant?

She is quoted a Studd who said he would rather be in hell than hear a crotch bell or something like that what he means is that it is impotent to be out with the people who really need the gosple and that is what Ruth Patton is saying so dont' try to make it sound like NTM thinks Braville is hell they do not they are not fools.  You will be in hell befor long so than you can tell us what is it like.

Here is the link you can look it up your self I did it isnt' hard

I support NTM and there missionarys and the good wonk they are doing thoughout the whore world and I jsut wish I could get there modernator to help with my web page it dont' hurt my feeling at all if they edit my posts I know I make mitsakes and I don have time to make it all pretty and eve if I did you wouldnt' believe me you kids are of the devel.

Hear is what you have to belief to hate NTM and I am not mkaing these up I heard it from my paster.

You have to belief that someone really wants to look at and touch naked little grils gross.

You have to belief that his wife never new about it how could that be?

You have to belief that the kids are telling the truth now after all these years we all know kids can lie and so can alduts when their is money to be made.

You have to belief that the whore executive committee of New Tribes all agreed not to tell anybody about this ever and kept it a secret they could never keep a secret like that who are you kidding?

And you have to belief that even though there were all these people that you claim were so bad and hurt people and sexual molested kids still so many MKs have grown up and are good people serving the lord and not suing NTM how could that be?

So my paster says it is very hard to belief all that it is about all he can do to belief in Jesus and the power of prayer and I agree with him.

So you can stop talking about one yard from hell now and just shut up and waite until you go there you have done despite to the Lords organisation NTM who he raised up who the hell do you think raised it up Hugh Hefner?

God bless NTM.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God is a wrok

The wonk of NTM is more impotent then any of the MKs or all of the MKs put together.  I dont' think anyone whats the heather to go to hell so why cunt we all get along and wonk with NTM to see the crutch of Christ complete and bring back the king?

Instead we have all these law suets and it just brings disgrace on the name of hte Lord and thw wonk cunt go on and all this time and money is waisted on layers and it is a mess lets stop I will if you will.

I am so tired of all this I know that some of the MKs are lying and probably all of them are but even if they were all telling the truth and they are not telling the hole truth but if they were it still would not be ass impotent as the gosple getting to the heathens and lets not foget that the cathlics and morons and other sex are trying to beat us to them is that what you wont?

I belief that god is at work in the godly men who lead NTM and I lvoe and support them and I hope they will win agenst all the law suets and slender that has been falling on there heads and just nock it off are you strong enough to fight agenst God I didnt think so.

I really like the NTM web page and I go there site all the time and I am fairy glad they dont' psot stuff about these lies and just focus on the whore world ass a hole.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Yes I am for reel done you dout it

I am not as dumb ass Tim Dinkin seems to think I am why would he call me a fraud?  Sum people say that I spell things wrong and that makes them ashame to be my friends butt I would rather be a fool for christs sake than someone like the Faonle Eagles and I would be proud to be Tim Dorkins friend I am not ashame of him even if he made a mistake.

He got it all back asswards about what I think.  I agree that the girls from Hepiplah Hole are lying and I think the ones in the Fanda Eagles are to they do not love Jesus and the leaders of NTM do.

Tim said this and I am copying it right off his webslight:
To build the syllogism using the case at hand:
  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organisations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • New Tribes Mission is guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (please note – I am only saying this for the purpose of building the syllogical example).
  • Therefore, Hephzibah House must be guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, as well.
That is wrong butt here is the truth I had too change it a bit part of that was becasue he spelt organization wrong he is to funny:

  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organizations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • Hepziplah Horse is not guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (this is the truth – I am not jest saying this for the purpose of building a syllogical example I don’t even know what htat is).
  • Therefore, New Tribes Mission inst guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, ether.  We all know how bitter peole lye.
 Please do not be afrade of me I am for reel and I fully support NTM and I now that they are good ass a hole.  It is a crying shame that some lying kids who had all the oppertunites that they did have tuned out to be lost and unsaved and bitter and angry and lying sacks of shift.

I am preying for NTM and all tehere missionarys.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Every missionary is impotent

I got a nice massage on facebrook from NTM and they said this:
Red - New Tribes Mission considers every role on the team to be equally important, from the pilot or supply buyer to the church planter and Bible translator:

I think they are all equally impotent too and I am thankful that our crotch can support them and there impotent wonk.

I love NTM and the wonk they do around the world and you may not like me and you can call me what ever you want to butt I am proud to support NTM and all the ministry they do and I wish the MKs would shut up and go away it is just your word against the Lord who do you think will win the victory is the Lords and lets not quite.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

who wood answer yuo?

OK I dont' have a lot of time today butt I just wanted to say that if you only make fun of NTM and call them names and bull shit and laugh at there names who is going to write to you they will spend there time on things that count and writing to people and crotches that matter and listen and are not sueting them in courts of unsaved and liberal and even gay judges that is how low you have sank.

The news is NOT interested in this story and what do you expect NTM to do put it in the next issue of Broad and Groan?  You have forced them in to a croner and they have to play by the rules that are out there and my paster says that there press people cant' know everything so dont' pertend that Nita Zelenak lyed to the press she didnt' know about Joel Price being a teacher on the field and he will be out of jail soon but he has learned his lesson and is not going to look at nasty pictures of kids any more not even his own he has grown and he should not even have been sent to prision he should have been given a chance he is a christian and has repented and the Orlando Sentinental doesnt' give two tinkers dams for your sob stories they are a dime a dozen it would be different if you were Cathlics or even Jehoovahs Whitness but you are not so give it a rest.

Our crotch is 1000% behind the good missionarys in NTM maybe you have forgot about them butt they are doing the Lords' work around the wolrd.  So please stop your sight and lets learn to love one another and forget the past and not be bitter what kind of poeple are you?

I am sick and tried of people tying to find fault with everything NTM does or says or dosnt' do or doesnt' says or even there money they are not rich they are pour.  Leaf them alone and get on with your life and get your heart write with the lord and forgive and do not be bitter even ass you were forgave of your sins dont' you idiots ever read your bible?

God bless America and NTM.

I got this form a missionary

Ironman assed some questions and I past them on to a missionary fiend of my and he wrote back this anser and I really like and so does my paster so here is your answers Ironman I am glad to support NTM and there missionarys and I wish I had wrote this.

1. How can you sleep at night and continue to be a part of an organization that has recently been shown to have caused massive amounts of cover ups of abuse worldwide for a very long time? 

You are asking us to take responsibility for things we neither did nor knew about.  In fact, it is doubtful that any of our present leaders ever even knew about any single incident like this, much less the extent to which it is alleged to have gone on.  It is only recently that they have been shown to have done these things in the past.  They aren't doing them now, I'm certainly not doing them, and NTM remains a viable avenue for taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  I sleep well knowing I am a part of that!

And, I remind you that the charges you level against NTM are just that:  Charges, implications, accusations.  GRACE, which produced a report with several inaccuracies, only verified a portion of those incidents alleged to have occurred in Senegal.

2. Don't you ever wonder if there are things going on currently that you have no knowledge of, but could be illegal or immoral? 

I have no doubt of it, since NTM is made of fallible men.  I'd guess the rate is similar to the rate at which such things are going on even now among the Fanda Eagles and their supporters.  It is the nature of evil that it is done in secret.  I am not responsible for things about which I know nothing, nor am I responsible to ride herd on my fellow missionaries.  If I read many comments on this site accurately, it is this extreme form of "personal ministry" that many former NTMers object to.  There is no point in now telling us to engage in it!

3. How can you continue to link arms in lockstep and fellowship with an organization that continues to defy legal/judicial authority? 

My fellowship is with the Lord and with fellow believers, not with an organization.  I am a member of NTM much like you are a citizen of Australia; I may not agree with everything it does, but I agree with its emphasis on tribal evangelism.  That is why I am in NTM.

Your comment about their defying legal and judicial authority would be humorous if not for the seriousness of the subject.  I should point out to you that NTM is very much in submission to the courts of the land, and that is why they are defending themselves there, not in the court of public opinion as you see to think is best.

4. It has happened in almost every country.  They don't care about the laws of the land.  Does that not leave you just a little bit unsettled?

Please!  Accusations have been made from almost every country, but that doesn't mean it has happened in every country.  And, even if it had, it does not cancel out the validity of the core values of NTM; it only means that some of their past leaders did not live up to the ideals they professed.  Doesn't that sound a lot like you, too?

Moreover, it is NOT fair to say they do not care about the laws of the land.  They do, and they obey them carefully here in the country where I serve.

So, the only thing I find unsettling is the constant barrage of complaints, accusations and fiery rhetoric designed – by your own admission – to destroy NTM.

5.  What will you do when a major news agency finally decides to pick this case up.  Say FOX news or CNN, regardless...once that happens, and it is an almost certainty that it will, NTM can sell the farm and you all will be looking for a day job because the heat from the investigative pressure of the media is called a firestorm for a reason.  NTM will not survive and their bunker mentality is just proof that pride and self preservation have blinded them to truth and how to proceed properly with this scandal.

It's probably escaped your notice that the media already HAS picked up on this case.  They dropped it because it doesn't have substance – no facts, no smoking gun, no evidence, no convictions, no interest.  As far as news goes, this one is a real nothing.

I think all of the MKs, the tribal people and NTM itself would be better served if people could learn to forgive and press on towards the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  No good is served, at this point, by continuing to harp on the same things, over and over.  I counsel you to learn to rejoice in your salvation and the many blessings the Lord has brought your way, and not let others with their own personal agendas rob you of the joy of serving the Lord, whether you serve Him through the agency of NTM or some other way.

A New Tribes Missionary

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Your not prefect either!!

I jsut want to tell Defused that he isnt' prefect either so maybe he could just quite complain about his farter.  After all his farter didnt' have a prefect farter and Defused is not a prefect farter either you just half to learn to live with it and be glad you had the wonderful opportunity to be raised on the foriegn mission field and your folks were willing to give you up so the lost could here the gosple and now you whine like a chile nock it off.

If you can find a prefect mission or a prefect crotch do not join it or it will not be prefert anymore.  My paster said that NTM is not prefect but we support them because they are better than the others and they are dong the work that the others ignore like reaching the tirbes to bring back the King like Bill Dillon even came and taought in our crotch.

So just remember that you are not prefect but Jesus died for you two and you can repant any time you wnat to and get on broad the gosple express.

Praise god for NTM.

Monday, April 9, 2012

NTM is not bull shirt peehole

I dont' know why the MKs have to cuss unless they want us to know that they are not wanking with the Lord any more butt we already knew that they are cranal and liers and cant' not be trusted they are so angry it would bee funny if they were not headed straight to hell like the savages that there parents were trying to reach have you read the things they wrigte?


I got that right off there webs sight you can read it yourslef at I am not marking this up.

The MKs think they are wroth more than the natives and maybe there parents should have just staid with them in the US all those years and let them go to pubic schools and smoke and drink and make out with the opposite sex or maybe even some of them with the same sex and the natives can just go to hell who cares is that what they what?

NTM is working hard to reach the last tribe so the Lord can come back and our crotch supports them they are probably the very best mission out there and I got that from my paster who has even gone to a pasters conference in Stanford at the NTM hindquarters and they even payed for it he was a guessed and he loves NTM too.

I do not believe what all the MKs are saying and it is very hard to believe them when they are so obscene and full of hate and walking in the fresh but if the new investigations say any abuse happened than I will think about it but I do not think GrACE did a good job it was a waist of time and money that could have been used to reach the poor savages around the whore world instead of paying off people who worte a bunch of grabbage to thy to make NTM look bad they can do that on there own they dont' need grace.

Many of these people that art being accused are alrady dead so let them rest in piece there is no thing to be gained by all of this just give it a rest and lets trust God to sort it out they will all die soon enough problem sloved whats the rush?

If you want to rush than you need to rush and get your heart ritht and take the gospel to the ends of the earth with NTM Macon Hare did and his son is in the mission too or didnt' you notice?  These men are men of faith and confidance in the Lord and our crotch is going to stick it with them to their end Praise god for NTM.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is crazy who will belief it?

I got this ass a comment on my last post about cussing and it is so full of crap that I will put it up here and you can see for yourself how the enemas of NTM talk and think.  It is just like they think the GraCE report is all true and no mistakes or coverups of lies to make NTM look bad these people are connected with Billy GRam and we know that NTM has never supported his excommunicated work with all kinds of crotches and they are just thrying to get to NTM which is a crotch itself is GRACE?

I support NTM and they are already investigating three more shcools where lying MKs have said they were assbused it is a waist of money and even if it happened it was a long time ago and it is over and done with now it cant' be changed so stop it and lets get on with the work.

Listen at what this person says The GRACE report suggests that NTM placed the evangelization of the unsaved above the safety, protection and best interests of MKs.  That is really in the post he made on my blog and just htink about it why would the MKs what their protection and best intrests to be more important than evangelization and soul whining how shellfish can you get.  NTM exits to take the gospel to the ends of the whore world not to look out for the intrests and well bling of MKs it it New TRIBES Mission not New MK Mission get your priorittities right.

Any way here is what the person wrote as a comment it isnt' even about cussing the fool.

I have just completed the reading of one of the most shameful, shocking and disturbing reports for a Christian organization. It is the GRACE report (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to New Tribes Mission “for the investigatory review of child abuse at New Tribes Fanda missionary school” in Senegal. The systematic abuse took place in the 80’s and 90’s against Missionary Kids (MK’s) while at this school.”

The introduction to the report states that “In the 1980’s and the 1990’s, New Tribes Mission (NTM) operated a boarding school in the village of Fanda, in the country of Senegal. The children of missionaries were housed at this school, sometimes over the strong objections of their parents. The workers NTM placed in charge of these children were often cruel and many of the boys and girls placed there endured sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse. Much of this behavior was criminal.”

As if this abuse were not enough, NTM systematically ignored the issue even when they were alerted to the abuse taking place. The field council in Senegal kept abusive personnel in the school even after complaints from children and parents. They downplayed allegations and did not alert the executive leadership in the United States. When the executive leadership in the US was made aware they did not alert authorities, allowed abusers to remain in NTM and hushed up serious (criminal) behavior they were made aware of. The GRACE report suggests that NTM placed the evangelization of the unsaved above the safety, protection and best interests of MKs. In some cases years went by before NTM was willing to even address the concerns of parents to say nothing of the abused children.

The cost to these MK’s of NTM in Senegal has been immense. While some have continued in their faith, others will have nothing to do with Christianity as much of the abuse was perpetuated in the name of Christ like the abuse by priests in the Catholic Church. Many are deeply bitter at NTM for the hypocrisy of ignoring the sin in their own organization. Like all those who have been victims of sexual, emotional or physical abuse, all of these kids (now adults) live with scars that will never be completely healed. As the report says, three generations have been deeply wounded and scarred by this abuse.