Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God is a wrok

The wonk of NTM is more impotent then any of the MKs or all of the MKs put together.  I dont' think anyone whats the heather to go to hell so why cunt we all get along and wonk with NTM to see the crutch of Christ complete and bring back the king?

Instead we have all these law suets and it just brings disgrace on the name of hte Lord and thw wonk cunt go on and all this time and money is waisted on layers and it is a mess lets stop I will if you will.

I am so tired of all this I know that some of the MKs are lying and probably all of them are but even if they were all telling the truth and they are not telling the hole truth but if they were it still would not be ass impotent as the gosple getting to the heathens and lets not foget that the cathlics and morons and other sex are trying to beat us to them is that what you wont?

I belief that god is at work in the godly men who lead NTM and I lvoe and support them and I hope they will win agenst all the law suets and slender that has been falling on there heads and just nock it off are you strong enough to fight agenst God I didnt think so.

I really like the NTM web page and I go there site all the time and I am fairy glad they dont' psot stuff about these lies and just focus on the whore world ass a hole.

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