Monday, April 9, 2012

NTM is not bull shirt peehole

I dont' know why the MKs have to cuss unless they want us to know that they are not wanking with the Lord any more butt we already knew that they are cranal and liers and cant' not be trusted they are so angry it would bee funny if they were not headed straight to hell like the savages that there parents were trying to reach have you read the things they wrigte?


I got that right off there webs sight you can read it yourslef at I am not marking this up.

The MKs think they are wroth more than the natives and maybe there parents should have just staid with them in the US all those years and let them go to pubic schools and smoke and drink and make out with the opposite sex or maybe even some of them with the same sex and the natives can just go to hell who cares is that what they what?

NTM is working hard to reach the last tribe so the Lord can come back and our crotch supports them they are probably the very best mission out there and I got that from my paster who has even gone to a pasters conference in Stanford at the NTM hindquarters and they even payed for it he was a guessed and he loves NTM too.

I do not believe what all the MKs are saying and it is very hard to believe them when they are so obscene and full of hate and walking in the fresh but if the new investigations say any abuse happened than I will think about it but I do not think GrACE did a good job it was a waist of time and money that could have been used to reach the poor savages around the whore world instead of paying off people who worte a bunch of grabbage to thy to make NTM look bad they can do that on there own they dont' need grace.

Many of these people that art being accused are alrady dead so let them rest in piece there is no thing to be gained by all of this just give it a rest and lets trust God to sort it out they will all die soon enough problem sloved whats the rush?

If you want to rush than you need to rush and get your heart ritht and take the gospel to the ends of the earth with NTM Macon Hare did and his son is in the mission too or didnt' you notice?  These men are men of faith and confidance in the Lord and our crotch is going to stick it with them to their end Praise god for NTM.

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