Thursday, April 12, 2012

I got this form a missionary

Ironman assed some questions and I past them on to a missionary fiend of my and he wrote back this anser and I really like and so does my paster so here is your answers Ironman I am glad to support NTM and there missionarys and I wish I had wrote this.

1. How can you sleep at night and continue to be a part of an organization that has recently been shown to have caused massive amounts of cover ups of abuse worldwide for a very long time? 

You are asking us to take responsibility for things we neither did nor knew about.  In fact, it is doubtful that any of our present leaders ever even knew about any single incident like this, much less the extent to which it is alleged to have gone on.  It is only recently that they have been shown to have done these things in the past.  They aren't doing them now, I'm certainly not doing them, and NTM remains a viable avenue for taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  I sleep well knowing I am a part of that!

And, I remind you that the charges you level against NTM are just that:  Charges, implications, accusations.  GRACE, which produced a report with several inaccuracies, only verified a portion of those incidents alleged to have occurred in Senegal.

2. Don't you ever wonder if there are things going on currently that you have no knowledge of, but could be illegal or immoral? 

I have no doubt of it, since NTM is made of fallible men.  I'd guess the rate is similar to the rate at which such things are going on even now among the Fanda Eagles and their supporters.  It is the nature of evil that it is done in secret.  I am not responsible for things about which I know nothing, nor am I responsible to ride herd on my fellow missionaries.  If I read many comments on this site accurately, it is this extreme form of "personal ministry" that many former NTMers object to.  There is no point in now telling us to engage in it!

3. How can you continue to link arms in lockstep and fellowship with an organization that continues to defy legal/judicial authority? 

My fellowship is with the Lord and with fellow believers, not with an organization.  I am a member of NTM much like you are a citizen of Australia; I may not agree with everything it does, but I agree with its emphasis on tribal evangelism.  That is why I am in NTM.

Your comment about their defying legal and judicial authority would be humorous if not for the seriousness of the subject.  I should point out to you that NTM is very much in submission to the courts of the land, and that is why they are defending themselves there, not in the court of public opinion as you see to think is best.

4. It has happened in almost every country.  They don't care about the laws of the land.  Does that not leave you just a little bit unsettled?

Please!  Accusations have been made from almost every country, but that doesn't mean it has happened in every country.  And, even if it had, it does not cancel out the validity of the core values of NTM; it only means that some of their past leaders did not live up to the ideals they professed.  Doesn't that sound a lot like you, too?

Moreover, it is NOT fair to say they do not care about the laws of the land.  They do, and they obey them carefully here in the country where I serve.

So, the only thing I find unsettling is the constant barrage of complaints, accusations and fiery rhetoric designed – by your own admission – to destroy NTM.

5.  What will you do when a major news agency finally decides to pick this case up.  Say FOX news or CNN, regardless...once that happens, and it is an almost certainty that it will, NTM can sell the farm and you all will be looking for a day job because the heat from the investigative pressure of the media is called a firestorm for a reason.  NTM will not survive and their bunker mentality is just proof that pride and self preservation have blinded them to truth and how to proceed properly with this scandal.

It's probably escaped your notice that the media already HAS picked up on this case.  They dropped it because it doesn't have substance – no facts, no smoking gun, no evidence, no convictions, no interest.  As far as news goes, this one is a real nothing.

I think all of the MKs, the tribal people and NTM itself would be better served if people could learn to forgive and press on towards the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  No good is served, at this point, by continuing to harp on the same things, over and over.  I counsel you to learn to rejoice in your salvation and the many blessings the Lord has brought your way, and not let others with their own personal agendas rob you of the joy of serving the Lord, whether you serve Him through the agency of NTM or some other way.

A New Tribes Missionary

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