Monday, April 23, 2012

Yes I am for reel done you dout it

I am not as dumb ass Tim Dinkin seems to think I am why would he call me a fraud?  Sum people say that I spell things wrong and that makes them ashame to be my friends butt I would rather be a fool for christs sake than someone like the Faonle Eagles and I would be proud to be Tim Dorkins friend I am not ashame of him even if he made a mistake.

He got it all back asswards about what I think.  I agree that the girls from Hepiplah Hole are lying and I think the ones in the Fanda Eagles are to they do not love Jesus and the leaders of NTM do.

Tim said this and I am copying it right off his webslight:
To build the syllogism using the case at hand:
  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organisations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • New Tribes Mission is guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (please note – I am only saying this for the purpose of building the syllogical example).
  • Therefore, Hephzibah House must be guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, as well.
That is wrong butt here is the truth I had too change it a bit part of that was becasue he spelt organization wrong he is to funny:

  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organizations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • Hepziplah Horse is not guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (this is the truth – I am not jest saying this for the purpose of building a syllogical example I don’t even know what htat is).
  • Therefore, New Tribes Mission inst guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, ether.  We all know how bitter peole lye.
 Please do not be afrade of me I am for reel and I fully support NTM and I now that they are good ass a hole.  It is a crying shame that some lying kids who had all the oppertunites that they did have tuned out to be lost and unsaved and bitter and angry and lying sacks of shift.

I am preying for NTM and all tehere missionarys.

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