Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Tribes Mission

I guess many people dont' even know who NTM is or what they are all abut well let me tell you they are probably the very best mission orgasm in the whore world.  They have their very own training pogrom and they only let in the very best people who are walking with the lord and are not divorced and are not gay and do not smoke or drink at least not to much.

They consternate on tribals through out the world mostly in places wehre they can build schools to releive the missionarys of there duties as parents and then they can concnetrate on winning the lost and not worry about there kids who are being looked after in the dorms where they have qualified mothers and farters to meet there needs.

Most of the MKs turn out fine and really lvoe the lord and his wonk and the very best of them go back into NTM and serve as missionarys but some are distracted by the world and end up working for money and not trusting God to supply from his abundance in gory and the very worst of them end up cranial and whiney and liers and they have law suets agains NTM if you have ever heard of them do not beleif them they are wonking in the flesh.

Jest think about it even if all this were true it is too late to do anything about it now you cunt turn the clock back so there is no reason to even investiagete it what a waste of time and money especially money and our crotch is not happy about having to finance this crap why should hte MKs get to look at it they are not paying for it wake up and smell the roses.

Our paster has alreddy called and told Larry Brown to forget about it and we will keep supporting our missionarys and will take up specail offrings for NTM just drop this hole thing and lets get on with the work of the Lord let the MKs whine if they will god will take care of them for gods sake lets end this it is going on forever and makes no difference what a crock I cunt finger it out.

God bless NTM and may his wrath rest on the Fonda Eagles.  They are preverse every one of them and the posters to jsut stop it you are acting like fools.

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