Monday, July 4, 2011

Forth of July

I am gald that I live in the USA and we have freedom to love NTM if we what to and that the Fondle Eagles cant' stop us from preaching the gosphell to those whose never heard.  Are great nations was rased up by the Lord and ass a christian nation we should share the gosphell with others who are less fortunate then us and our living in darkness and sin and unbelieve.

NTM is dong there part are you?  It is to easy to find faults and crisitize others but why dont' you have some paitents with NTM as they sort through all there records to look for things that probably didnt' happen anyway and it is over now and has been over for a long time and has not happened sence 1993 thats a long time and I think they are dong fine now.

So go to the picnick and watch the firewords and quite trying too make youre own.  Sometims the Fondle Eagles act like they never did nothign wrong only NTM and maybe King George but not them they are holy well holes in your ears dont' count that doesnt make you a hole.

Jesus loves sinners and if your not a sinner what are you giong to do than?  Larry Brown is a sinner and he has repanted and we respect him and so did Les Emory and if you dont think NTM forgives Les Emory just ass them my pister did.

Your sins are no better than Les Emories and he repanted have you or not?  If you have then that is grace that saves you and it is grace that saves Les Emory and he isnt' lyeing to God anymore but trusts Jesus and he is sorry what is the big deal?

I hope the judge throws out the fool layers and NTM can spend there time sueting people who are not saved what is wrong with that Gene Log?  And whomever "

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