Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Never enoug for crybabys

It doesnt matter want NTM does for the crybaby victims as they call theirself of so called sexual abuse they will never be happy they only what to close down the lords work and they could careless if peepole go to hell all because of things they say they just remembered ass soon ass the layers came with money to ring out of NTM that is bull.

It will never be enough for you and I hope NTM will stand firm and not give in or give one red cent to any of yu any more what a waist.  THey have already repanted and said they are sorry and offered to help you and started infestigations and now some one has sueted them that is the final straw. 

We are all preying that the Judge will through out the foolish law suet and the statue of litigations is pass so what is the point jsut to make money from NTM?  They are dong the lords work and dont have enoug money to pay every single kid that went to a mission school and now thinks he was rapped of course they do look at all the money it is ass bad ass anything Ive ever seen.

NTm has just tired to be nice and it wil never be enough when will you ever stop?  I am glad that Jesus dyed for my sins and if you are all so perfect than just let one of you dye for the rest do you think that would help?  Your priority is all screwed up and you have lost site of the things that matter like going to hell or not that should cunt for something but not with you it is all me me me me and moeny meney money money money.

NTM I love you and I hope you will not be intimated by these fool MKs with all there sorties and bull and whining and cry.  Just keep at the work of preaching the gopsel to the lost souls in heather darkness and it wasnt you're fault no one in NTM did any of these things they ahve all quit by now and some of them even got fired even though they say they are iniscent.  I hope taht makes the MKs happy what a group what ever happen to the Constitution and rule of law ass in the Bible?

Thank you God for NTM and there work for you around the whore world in tribes that no not the grace and truth of the Bible and NTM is there for them and God.  amen

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