Friday, July 1, 2011

Sum peepole just dont' get it

Read this and tell me want you think.  Some one who whats to keep his name secret and whats to know mine posted this on my last blog post and I will answer him here it is wired.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been reading your posts for some time....not quite sure what to make of them but had to post today. I am an MK...born and raised 19 years. My parents were with a good mission, I went to boarding school, suffered abuse, but have friends that suffered much greater trauma. I have been following the Fanda Eagles blog/forum for some time as well because I support the MK's and the affects abuse has on a small child into adulthood. It is life altering and something you obviously cannot possibly understand.

My question to you is this......who and/or what are you?? I am not trying to be mean but I seriously find you quite conflicting. Your spelling, etc in this particular article is outrageous and yet, when you need to be, you can be quite concise. So, are you someone who has difficulty spelling and phrasing sentences, etc or do you find the horrific sins committed against God's little ones amusing??????

My suggestion............the majority of MK's just want their pain acknowledged.....they are not out for revenge. If you are serious about God and who He really is, take some time to learn about MK's and what they have lived through and what God says about hurting His children. Children that are abused, especially sexually, very often grow up having to act as adults but feeling as though they are still children back in that horrible place where no one cared AND IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it is NTM mission boarding schools.

This situation that has been going on for years is NOT A JOKE! 

If this anominous person who wants to know who I am had really ben reading my posts he would know that this is not joke the bible tells us that fools make a muck at sin and I am no fool I love jesus and I wood whether be a fool for Jesus sake than a wise ass like all the MKs who keep whinging.

I don not think it is funny that MKs were abuse if tehy were and I think it is not funny that they are sueting NTM for money that will not help them if al lthey what is acknwlegement they got that so back off and shut up and lets get on with preaching the good news to those who have never heard and get our laundry out of the pubic.

I just cunt finger out why some peepole keep saying that this abuse is going on it is not it quit befor 1993 and its all ready been infestigated it is time to grow up and move on and no more picking on NTM ass a whore it was only a few peepole who did it most of there missionarys are good peepole werent' you're forks?

If you would read the good report that shitting duck and Gene Log and the rest of the rebels on the Fondle Eagles are crying about you well see that govenment schools are even more worst than broading schools so just be glad you didnt' go to a goevmerent school it may have been worse for you maybe your forks did you a flavor sent you to a braoding school did you ever think of that or can all you do is whine?

Hear is the link to that good report and I think every body should read it there are no speling misstakes in it that should make you happy.

I love NTM and I know they are trying there best to shut you up and make you happy so they can reach out to the lost in heather darkness and sin of dispair.  I would wherther go to heaven with abuse than hell without so please get your priorites write and remember that this job of preaching the gosphell is not a joke and NTM is doing it are you?

1 comment:

  1. Normally these are really funny but unfortunately your spelling is so bad there are now obscenities in your post.

    I usually settle down for a chuckle and your stupidity and a serious prayer for those who were abused, but unfortunately the swearing has ruined it.
