Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You dont' have to be right if you dont' mind going to hell

So now the Fondle Eagles say it is OK not to be right does that mean it is OK to be wrong well if you are wrong about Jessus you will go to hell is that right or wrong?

NTM was rasied up by the Lord to take the gospel to those who are wrong and help them get right with GOd and not be siners and heathen or catholic or gay they need to be saved and not go to hell is that right?

Or is it beter to be wrong?  If it is OK to be wrong than the Fodnle Eagles are doing well because they are wrong abut being right not wrong it is not OK to be wrong what a crock.

I know that God loves NTM and they are right about the gospel and preaching to the lost you are all loosers and live in Amrica do you support NTM as they go into the whore world?

I love NTM and they do not have people molesting kids anymore if they ever did and I do not think they ever had as many as the Fondle Eagles try to make it sound what a waist of time and money that could be better spend on the lsot souls of the world who do not know the thruth.

Do not sue NTM and just trust God to help you get on the right track and start worrying abot being right and not so wounded and whiney.

God bless you all ass a hole.

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