Wednesday, July 6, 2011

NTM is not raceshit

A person calling herslef Green Lantern sent me this massage:

So, New Tribes Mission had a policy prohibiting interracial dating.  This, from a group that wanted to reach "tribal people" with the Gospel!  Insulting, ignorant and ludicrous.  It was probably illegal as well, which is no doubt why they changed it.  Not much different than the Mormons in my book.

I think that NTM just did not know that this was wrong in those days they didnt' have nothing against other races they wanted them all to get saved and have a chance to hear the gospel even if they went to hell it is only fare that they can hear it first and than go to hell like alot of the MKs are dung.  NTM has always loved the barbaric and primitive and haethen savage peepole of the world they just didnt' want them dating there dotters thats all would you?

Maybe you have never saw a racial marrage before well it is very hard on the kids to say nothing of the mother and farter who will never fit into either society they are so different and it would only hinder them from getting involved in the lords work which is the mane thing that NTM is interested in not sex.

Yes the government is always tempering with our beleaves and telling us what we can do but NTM is not like the Mormons who are a clut and where special underwhere what a gas are you crazy?  If some boy wants to mary a white girl they can always discourage it in the training and let them find out the hard way that they shoulda put God frist not sex.  Just because the make us change our rules doesnt' mean we were wrong than or that they are white now it just means they have more power then we do so we fall in line but that does not make NTM like the Mormons that is stupid and shows how bitter you are Green Latrine.

Next thing some whiney MK will say that NTM ruended there live by not letting them date balck kids or Mexicans or Catholics or other races well that is off the well.  When you are right with the Lord you do not need to worry about the pass or come up with excuses why you are bitter you can just trust the Lord and get on with his work and it will all be OK in heavern where we wont' get married anyway whats the issue?

Stop the law suets and stop finding fall with NTM for things that are pass and get your mind off sex and onto the Godpel of peace and reconsiliation and righeousness and marry anyone you want to but not a gay that is sinful we know that form the word.

I will always support NTM and I know they love Jesus an I wish the Fondle Eagles go away and grow up.

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