Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am thankful for David Abbott

David Abbott found some awful things being said on some obskure corner of the worldwideweb and found this

I am glad that David Abbutt has been called of the Lord to find these kind of places and put htem in there place they hate God and do not support missionarys anyway.  This is just exactly the kind of mssionary my paster wants to support and we will get in touch with him as soon as we can in fact I emailed him yesterday and am just waiting for him to write back.

I am behind this godly mans ministry of routeing out evil people who hate the gospel and are trying to say that NTM runs orphanges and we all know they do not what a crock if you will pardon me.

Who in the world is Matthew McDaniels and why does he want to pick on NTM was he ever sexually molested at an NTM boarding school or is he gay or what?  NTM does not allow gays so we know that they will be hated of the world as the world hates the good and lvoes evil.

You can write David Abbutt too here is his email address:

If that doesn't get to him just send words of encouragement to me and I'll post them here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

That is my emial address and you can write me with you're stories of how your life has been blessed by the missionarys at NTM and how they did NOT molest you're children or you they are not sexual predators they just had a couple of bad apples slip through.  People need to grow up and get over it and learn to trust the Lord NTM is sorry they said they are sorry very sorry and now they have to spend money on retraets and counseling whihc most of us know is ungodly and of the world anyway no wonder the world has so many problems.

Keep those stories coming I will get them on the web soon for all to see and rejoice in the faithfulness of Gods godly servants in NTM.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

You dont' have to believe NTM if you dont' want to just ask pasters

I was so happy to find even more testimonys on the NTM web sight ( see I am not the only one who loves NTM and neither is NTM there are pasters who support them too.

Here is another wonderful testemonial from Paster John Monroe of the Cavalry Bible Chruch in Kalamazoo, MI listen to what he has to say:

Calvary Bible Church supports three NTM missionaries. Our church has been enriched in these partnerships. In our estimation New Tribes missionaries are quality people. The realization that we are vitally contributing to the spread of the Word of God to remote tribes is humbling and challenging. Our congregation has been excited to be involved in New Testament missions. ... I would encourage people to give generously to a mission where its leadership, its administration and its missionaries all live by faith.

See that? I am not the only one who says NTM people is good people so does paster Monroe. Did you here one word there about sexual abuse of young children you certainly did not this man is concentrating on the good people and the big picture not stuff that happened in Africa twenty years ago and most people have forgotten if they ever knew and no one hardly cared at the time anyway so why bring it up now. Just ask Paster Monro if you dont' belive me. The leaders in NTM are men of faith and do not depend on worldly work like you and I do but have faith in God and trust him to supply all thier needs in glory acording to his bountiful riches in heavenly places not like the rest of us. I think they are wondrful. And so does Paster Monro. So does my Paster too.

So does Paster Brian Thorstad who is the Internatinal Intrim Paster with Interim Paster Minsitries and you couldnt' make up a name like that so I know this is for real even though I cant' find him on google maybe he thinks the internet is of the devel like my paster does. Anyway hear is what he said about NTM and NTM has it on there websight so we know others love them too we dont' have to take thier word for it but I would believe them even if I only had there word:

Some of the finest people I know have been and are New Tribes missionaries. I am privileged to count them as my friends and co-laborers in the work of the Gospel. For many years I've been grateful to know that we are helping to reach the world by supporting these fine people.

I am so happy that this godly paster loves the Lord and NTM and I know that his concern is reaching the world by suporting these fine poeple in NTM not trying to raise a million dolarrs for an MK Fund what is that anyway? What the Lord needs is more servants of the Word like this wonderful paster and his flock at Interim Paster Ministries not law suets.

Paster Henry Stewart of Eastbrook Church in Milwaukee Wisconsin loves NTM too and I am going to tell the fools over at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about him becasue they never even mentioned him in the awful article they published about NTM it was just a shame I dont' think that is the way to handle things from twenty years ago. But Paster Stewart has known NTM for over the past 11 years and he doesn't say antyhing about sexual abuse of children or leadership abuse or physical abuse or statutory rape or sodomy or beating kids which hardly ever happens and they always get the people who do these things to repent and confess and leave the feild NTM does not want this to happen to MKs no one ever said that.

My involvement with New Tribes missionaries over the past 11 years has deeply moved me. I find in the vast majority of these folks a deep conviction of the rightness of their work. I see in the lives of ordinary men and women extraordinary commitment and dedication to building the Kingdom.

See he knows that NTM is dedicated to building the Kingdom and he isnt' talking about the Jehoveah's Witnesses they are a cult and a sect almost as bad as the Roman Catholics and Mormons and they have plenty of sexual abuse of children problems of theri own why not go after them and let the good folks in NTM do their jobs like God wants them to and thees pasters and there flocks have been suporting them to do.

Paster Dave Hillis from the Norfolks Garden Baptist Church in Norfolks Virginia supports NTM and NTM missionarys even have relationships with the church family there do you think that means illicit sexual relations or godly love and fellowship around the Word? He would not be enthousiastic about supporting NTM if he thought the leaders were bad he would ass his missionarys to leave and join another missonary group that does not have these problems.

We enthusiastically support NTM missionaries because we see the faithfulness in their arduous task and their relationships with our church family.

Another day I will add some testemonies from other mission leaders who love NTM and you have to believe them because they are not on the payroll and they are not paying in fact they are fighting for the very same donations that NTM is after that is your and mine money which we give as we see fit before the Lord and mine is going to NTM because I love NTM and I hope you will too.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Send me your'e storys of how much YOU love NTM

I know their are a lots of people out there who hate NTM and have there panties in a knot over things that happend years and years ago while soles were being saved but there are even more pople that love NTM and I am one of them. This does NOT mean that I am happy about what happened or do not care everyone is mad and sad and thinks it is evil but it can also be a trick to get us off track and be used by Satan to send soles to hell and I'm not the only one who feels that way.

I've had a few but not enough messages form people who also love NTM and the migty work God is doing through them to readch the heathen with the good news in all the tribes in the world unto the uttermost part of the earth. Anyway you can feel free to write me at my email address which is and I will put your messages of encouragement on this blog where others can be blessed too.

Do not give an oportunity to the devil to get his foot in the door or he will use this to his advantage over us just keep eternal values in mind amen?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jesus loves the little chilren and yes I have kids too

I have four kids and I love every one of them and I would not put them in a dorm with a peedophile if I knew that was what was in there and niether would anybody else. Do you really think NTM wanted these awful things to happen? Of course they did not and that is why they moved people out of the dorms as soon as they were absolutely shure that they had done anything wrong sometimes they moved them out of the entire country. I dont' know what else they could have done where were you when these things were going on?

Some idiots want NTM to tell the police and then get the entire mission kicked out of the country whre these things happened and who will be respnsible for the soles that go to hell then? NTM is called of God to preach the gosple and listen eveybody in NTM feels bad about what happened no one is saying it didn't matter if it didn't matter why would they make people leave the dorm?

My paster says that NTM is a good mission and a reputable Christian organisation and we need to stand by them in there hour of need and we may even have to help fund the MK fund to get this thing behind us once and for all. If you think we are going to dump NTM and support people with no oversight whatsoever like that Gene Long who actually had a law suet against NTM you are out of your mind. Its hard enought to keep an eye on things when their is godly and honest leadership liek in NTM never mind when some clown is on his own who knows where? If you read the blog very much you can find where this mans story is and he would not even confess the Lord Jesus when he had a perfect opportunityh and was asked if he is a Christian how can he be saved? Bitter and hardened people like him should not even be talking to the good people at NTM he just has an axe to grind liek some of the other people who are way over the top what is going on is this a contest to see who can be the biggest jerk?

I was not called to be a missionary but I lvoe my kids and they are grown now and love the Lord as I do and we are all Christians are you dear reader? My paster has an invitation every Sunday and I have seen grown men cry and repent and get there hearts right with the Lord and it is glorious and I am sure that David Brooks feels the same way now have YOU walked the isle recently?

I do not post comments from people who say nasty things about me or my paster of the godly paster of Cavalry Bible Church in Kalmalazoo Michigan John Monro. But if you want to send some encourageing words to NTM you can feel free to post here and I will make sure your comments are read or at least posted for others to see. I have kids and of course I love them what kind of a question was that?

Missionarys have to suffer and some have and some of the MKs suffered too but it is a small price to pay to get the good news out to the ends of the earth amen? Jesus loves the little children and he will take care of theings in the judegment so lets have some love and respect for the godly leaders of NTM and quit making them waste time on this stuff and get back to the work of overseeing the missionarys on the field of harvest all we ever hear about is the schools and most of them are closed and most of the pertpertraters are out of the mission at least the ones from Fanda are they going to have to fire everyone to make you happy?

You kids shold have more repsect for yuor parents dont' you have any idea how this is making them feel? I know because I have kids and they would never say things like this about me because they were brought up to have respect and lvoe.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No one is mad at the MKs so dont' be mad at me

I dont' mind posting comments that are not crude or cuss people out but if you are so in favor of the Fanda Eagles you should probably post there this site is for people who love NTM.

I dont' know anyone who isnt sad about what happened I never said it was good only that it could be worse and that is true it can always be worse. People who die wihtout the good news and go to hell wouldnt you call that worse I would and so would my paster and so would yours if you would only ask.

Many people in NTM are as mad about this as I am and as you are and no one wants to see child sexual abuse occur in NTM any more and they kicked out most of the bad eggs a long time ago along with the gays and divorced people and those who speak in tounges and other vile persons. LIsten, I know that the poor sinner who fell into sin and did these awful things has been very repentant and is very very sorry for what he did and yu can ask NTM if that isnt so. I think that should stand for something and he says he hasnt' done anything like this to any more young girls ever since he came back to the States and that has been a long time doesnt' that sound like repentance to you? David and Lugene Brooks are sorry this happened and they are NOT in NTM any more only a couple of people were left and when NTM was told to get rid of them they did that puts it right in my book. Now lets get back to preaching the gosple to those that have never heard and put this behind us and press forward to the mark of the upward calling of God in Chirst Jesus and await the Great White Throne judgement and we wil judge the nations some day so why are we going before unbelivers with this stuff now?

NTM has done so much to help and I know they are sorry and not everybody did these sorts of things even if they may think they are all a part of making an unsafe and absuive envrinoment for the kids it was really only a few bad eggs and of course they slipped through the cracks it happens everywhere but mostly the Catholics. I know that NTM people are PRAYING right now for the poor MKs. Many prayer meetings that should make you all feel better I could use some extra prayers myself.

I am not mad at the MKs who are causing all the problems for NTM and making them waist money on an MK fund to the tune of one million dollars. So dont' be mad at me and lets keep praising the Lord and trusting him to teach our hearts through all of this amen?

PS I still haven't heard from Paster John Monro I know he is busy preaching the unblemished and sacred gospel to the unsaved and even to the saved that are carnal and claim to speak in tounges which we know is the mark of the Beast hell probably write me when he gets a chance I still love him and NTM.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

God is love not hate

God raised up NTM to be a light to the heathens in South America and other places in the world where the gospel has not gone and he annoited Paul Fleming to get the job done and now everyone wants to waste time and money do they hate God?

I can't hardly believe that there are poeple who say that it does not matter what scum bag pervrets did twenty years ago to MK children I never said that and no one I know would say that either. It matters a lot but why bring it out in the open now at this time and distract from the good of taking the good news to the heathen? Maybe you do't know the history of NTM very well and it is like the history of the church.

The very first missionarys that NTM sent to the jungles of Boliva were killed by the heathen natives and indians did the familys make a lot of racket and turn them into the unsaved ungodly and heathen forein govenrnment so they could go in and shoot the indians even if they deserved it? No they did not htey paryed for them and did not give up and one day many years later the very same savages got thier heart right with the Lord and were saved they didnt' take them out and shoot them even thought there had been plenty of penetration from arrows and spears why cant' people learn to forgive and share Gods love and not hate?

Many children MKs had rough lives and it wasnt' easy for parents either but they all knew that it was a small price to pay to get the good news to heathen darkness and you cant' make an omlit without braking eggs as the old saying goes. There are cashulties in every war and the christains are the only ones who shoot there wounded you wont' find even Democrats acting like this knock it off. A lot of these people didnt' want to be in the dorm as parnets of kids anyway but they were willing to scarifice so the other parents of the kids could be out preahing and sometiems the kids probaly got udner there skin dont' you have nay kids?

I am glad to know that many preachers are the same as myh paster who will not turn his back on the good missionarys weve been supporting for years they didnt' hurt any kids and they wouldnt' either not if I know them and I do. My paster says that we can try to solve all the worlds problms or we can preach the gospel but there is only so much we can do we cant' do it all and we can let the unsaved sekular humanists and gays solve problms and we can get on with the Lords work thats what my paster says.

I think NTM is doing a fine job and they dont' need to get sidetracked from there mane job of preaching by a repost form GRACE or anyone else just stick to the job that God gave you and dont worry about the details the devil is in the details and int he GRACE report too if you ask me. So spread a little love and witness for your faith dont be like that fool Gene Long when someone asked him if he was a christian all he could say was email me what a dumb thing is he really saved?

One more thing God loves you even if you hate NTM and I will love you too even though it is against the way I feel in my heart about this poeopl who do not love NTM or know anything about its history.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Othr people love New Tribes Mission too I'm not alone Prase God!

Im not the only one who loves NTM and there fine work of saving soles around the world here is one more:

Calvary Bible Church supports three NTM missionaries. Our church has been enriched in these partnerships. ... I would encourage people to give generously to a mission where its leadership, its administration and its missionaries all live by faith.
Pastor John Monro
Calvary Bible Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan

I found that godly quote right on the NTM webboard for donations at this place here:

I am so proud of Paster John Monroe and his love for the Lord and you will noitce that he likes the leaders in NTM who live by faith just like the teachers and dorm parents and even David and Kristia Abbott who manages all the web content for NTM and that is a big and important part of getting the word out and oh yes their are missionaires in the tribes too and they are a part of the work so lets not hinder all the good their doing.

I wrote an email to paster Monroe and I will post his aswner ass soon as it comes in which should be any day now I jsut wrote him yesterday they even have a websight at

You will notice on there page that they are and I quote omprised of people who love Jesus Christ, who believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and who desire to worship and serve the living God. We preach and teach the Gospel of the grace of God and are committed to explaining, teaching, and applying the eternal truths of God's Word to children, teens, adults, and families unquote.

YOu wot'n find them wasting time whining about things that happend so long ago not even bad things which we are sorry for and wish had never happened but they did and it cant' be changed so get over it please and lets quite with the carryng on and get on with the Love of Jesus and his word like these folks they set a good example for us all amen?

I am not in NTM

I dont' know why a lot of people send me nasty comments I have never called them a peace of poo. I am not a peedeophill and I am not in NTM and have never been I am not called. But they are good people and a good organization that loves the Lord and wants to get the gospel out to every tribeand tounge and haethen in the world whats wrong with that?

I dont' know how many times I have to say this but I will say it again no one is happy about the things that happend twenty yaers ago and it was wrong and most of the people are NOT in NTM anymore and NTM just fired the ones that were so stop it.

Noone is doing these awful things now it is a shame to even speak of the things done in the darkness read your Bible. Larry Brown has been spending all his time full time on this issue that is twenty years old and what about his godly duties as the chariman of NTM who is going to do that? Do you want people to go to hell just because of your problems? That is exactly what will happen if the leaders of NTM cant' do there jobs they are Gods leaders just ask the misssionarys.

The Roman catholics are worse and they are not transparent they have there own country why does the US recognise them. Il'l tell you why it is because the catholics are of the world and the god of the world leads in there lives and that is not waht NTM is all about so pick on the catholics for a change or maybe the mormons.

So I am not in NTM but I have known them for longer than some of these so called victims have been alive and sang the songs from there song book of challenges and I remember the brown and gold magasine it wasnt' all fancy but it had lots of good news in it about the work of God and Kenneth J. Johnston's intinerary where has the good stuff gone?

Before all this started and no one new what was going on twenty years ago the Lord was blessing adn Lary Brown could do his job of leading the missin and what was wrong with that? Now we have all this being said and spred around and used to distract and embareass people and our priorities are all worng.

Let me tell you I am not in NTM but NTM is doing the Lords work and getting soles saved and none of theis other stuff is doing that. Why cant' people look at things from the standpoint of eternty and see that when bad thengs happen than you have to suck it up and move on in faith and love and forgive your enemies or is that only for other people. Tehy will know we are chirstians by our love and I love NTM.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

NTM is good folks

I am glad to see that not everyone is against NtM and their are some people with a love for God and the truth that cant' be shut up no matter how mean people are with them just read this which was written by a student who went to the NtM Bible school in MIchigan I wish he was my paster:

I didn't know about the issue, but I do know that we live in a sinful world and that is no excuse for what happened, but I'm pretty sure that if the home base in the states knew about that they would have kicked them out for sure, there is no exceptions for that. That specific situation would not change whether or not I serve with NTM because I believe there is a bigger picture here. Now, if there was story after story of how NTM didn't take care of issues correctly then I would consider not going with them, but my passion is to serve God in reaching the lost, and bringing the name of Jesus to those who have never had the chance to hear of him over rides this.

I also believe that Satan could be using this story against NTM, and that is not a good thing. I can read the report of this sad story and wish it didn't happen, and wish that people weren't sick, and polluted, but people are, and things happen, Satan will do anything to prevent the gospel from getting to people, and I don't think we should take Satan's side and prevent people from hearing the gospel.

that's my 2 cents.

Well that 2 cents is worth more than all the drivvel on the Fanda Eaglses web site put together dont' you think? Its the attitude that made NTM the great mission it is now and has caused peole to go intot he uttermost corners of the earth. Just ast yourself how many soles have been saved by the people hitting on NtM and how many have been saved by NtM being out there doing the work of the Lord and we can start talking about wheat over rides what amen? Listen these missionaries are in it for the long haul they are not quiters and they dont' need people to tell them how to do there job. As our friend says thing happen and some of them are bad and it makes us all mad even me but we cant' let it get us involved int he work of Satan the enemy of our soles where are your prioritys?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A message for the people who hate NTM I love NTM

Why cant' you be more like Dave Martin and just get on with life. He is well adjusted and dont' need you or anyone else to keep bringing up the past things that happened twenty or more years ago in the past. Leave it alone. NTM is not the Roman Catholic chruch who is of the evil one and the antichrist and there priests are gay and peediophiles. NTM was raised up by God not man. Go start a blog about the catholics or the mormons but leave reputable christian organizations out of your rants you are just harming the name of the Lord and his annointed.

NTM does not have a pope they have plural leaders and do you really think six or seven men can all be wrong at the same time when they are walking with the Lord in the light as he is in the light? If they confessed there sins to God and not a pervert Catholic preist dont' you believe God will forgive them? Who are you to set yourself up against God. God leads through leadership thats true so just get over it and dont' worry about the past. Keep pressing on to the prize of the high calling and wait for the rupture when all things will be made new. Do you really think God needs your help to deal with the past? The past cannot be changed so just quite being losers and whiners and giving ammunition to the enemy of our soles.

Why arent' you thankful that things where not worse? You dont' here that girl who got gagged and soddominized in Aritado whining do you? That seems worse to me than eating your own vomit or having a leg rub or the dorm farter sticking his tounge in your mouth whats the big deal. I'm not saying any of this was good just that people have bad experiences and things happen and we just have to live with it and we dont' have to do our dirty dishes in pubic get with the program man.

Just leave the courts and the law out of this we are under grace not law. What part of under grace not law dont' you understand Geneius? Let NTM handle these things themselves and keep your nose out of other peoples business your not a victim. Why bring in unbeleivers when we have enough to work with just having beleivers doing this and you want to bring in people who dont' even know what a preminilliar rupture is? Hello. That is so stupid. They would never understand how NTM works they arent' even christians how could they be lead of the spirit?

Just think about it a minute and youl'l realise that when NTM was handling these things as the Lord lead them they're wasnt' any worries about it and no MK fund and no firing good missionaries twenty years after they alreddy quit what are you going to do next dig up there bones and brun them? Things were so much better befour all this started and I want you to know that I love NTM and Im sticking with them.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why I started this blog

I am started this blog so that those of us who love New Tribes Mission and do not want to destroy it will have a safe place to visit and post our thoughts without being called fools and people telling you to read the bible Ive read it many times.  Ive noticed that the blog on Fanda Eagles is full of complaints and bitterness aginast what they dont' like and even a few but not many new tribes missionaries are saying things that they shold keep to themselves.  I am sure that most people in new tribes are good christians who dont' beleive all this and just want to spread the word and good news to the heathen like they were called to do.  Taht is were there training is and not in reporteing child abuse what do you think it is a kindergarten?

I have read the blog on so many times that I can tell you the names of people who post their and you wouldnt' beleive some of the awful things they are saying about New tirbes misison.  Even if these things are true they shoudl be kept quiet and no one believe most of this stuff anyway why wouldnt' it have been reported earlier if it was really true?  All you have to do anymore to make problems for people is get a blog and say whatever you want and then they have to deal with it whether they want to or not so thats why I strted this blog.

Soem people want to tell the papers everything and that is not a good idea.  It isnt' there business anyway and we know that they hate God and love deomocrats and support gay "marriage" and abrotion and stem sell research and evolution. Freedom of the press doesnt' mean we have to tell them things that they will use to waist our time and money and keep us from the job of reaching every tribe until the last tribe is reached and the great tribulation can begin. God rasied up NTM and ordained there leaders and I trust them more than the papers dont' you? They only did what they think is best for Gods organization as they were lead of the Lord and if they make mistakes God will judge them not men. Leave it go until the great white throne judgement and lets get to work on things that really matter.