Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why I started this blog

I am started this blog so that those of us who love New Tribes Mission and do not want to destroy it will have a safe place to visit and post our thoughts without being called fools and people telling you to read the bible Ive read it many times.  Ive noticed that the blog on Fanda Eagles is full of complaints and bitterness aginast what they dont' like and even a few but not many new tribes missionaries are saying things that they shold keep to themselves.  I am sure that most people in new tribes are good christians who dont' beleive all this and just want to spread the word and good news to the heathen like they were called to do.  Taht is were there training is and not in reporteing child abuse what do you think it is a kindergarten?

I have read the blog on so many times that I can tell you the names of people who post their and you wouldnt' beleive some of the awful things they are saying about New tirbes misison.  Even if these things are true they shoudl be kept quiet and no one believe most of this stuff anyway why wouldnt' it have been reported earlier if it was really true?  All you have to do anymore to make problems for people is get a blog and say whatever you want and then they have to deal with it whether they want to or not so thats why I strted this blog.

Soem people want to tell the papers everything and that is not a good idea.  It isnt' there business anyway and we know that they hate God and love deomocrats and support gay "marriage" and abrotion and stem sell research and evolution. Freedom of the press doesnt' mean we have to tell them things that they will use to waist our time and money and keep us from the job of reaching every tribe until the last tribe is reached and the great tribulation can begin. God rasied up NTM and ordained there leaders and I trust them more than the papers dont' you? They only did what they think is best for Gods organization as they were lead of the Lord and if they make mistakes God will judge them not men. Leave it go until the great white throne judgement and lets get to work on things that really matter.

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