Thursday, September 23, 2010

Jesus loves the little chilren and yes I have kids too

I have four kids and I love every one of them and I would not put them in a dorm with a peedophile if I knew that was what was in there and niether would anybody else. Do you really think NTM wanted these awful things to happen? Of course they did not and that is why they moved people out of the dorms as soon as they were absolutely shure that they had done anything wrong sometimes they moved them out of the entire country. I dont' know what else they could have done where were you when these things were going on?

Some idiots want NTM to tell the police and then get the entire mission kicked out of the country whre these things happened and who will be respnsible for the soles that go to hell then? NTM is called of God to preach the gosple and listen eveybody in NTM feels bad about what happened no one is saying it didn't matter if it didn't matter why would they make people leave the dorm?

My paster says that NTM is a good mission and a reputable Christian organisation and we need to stand by them in there hour of need and we may even have to help fund the MK fund to get this thing behind us once and for all. If you think we are going to dump NTM and support people with no oversight whatsoever like that Gene Long who actually had a law suet against NTM you are out of your mind. Its hard enought to keep an eye on things when their is godly and honest leadership liek in NTM never mind when some clown is on his own who knows where? If you read the blog very much you can find where this mans story is and he would not even confess the Lord Jesus when he had a perfect opportunityh and was asked if he is a Christian how can he be saved? Bitter and hardened people like him should not even be talking to the good people at NTM he just has an axe to grind liek some of the other people who are way over the top what is going on is this a contest to see who can be the biggest jerk?

I was not called to be a missionary but I lvoe my kids and they are grown now and love the Lord as I do and we are all Christians are you dear reader? My paster has an invitation every Sunday and I have seen grown men cry and repent and get there hearts right with the Lord and it is glorious and I am sure that David Brooks feels the same way now have YOU walked the isle recently?

I do not post comments from people who say nasty things about me or my paster of the godly paster of Cavalry Bible Church in Kalmalazoo Michigan John Monro. But if you want to send some encourageing words to NTM you can feel free to post here and I will make sure your comments are read or at least posted for others to see. I have kids and of course I love them what kind of a question was that?

Missionarys have to suffer and some have and some of the MKs suffered too but it is a small price to pay to get the good news out to the ends of the earth amen? Jesus loves the little children and he will take care of theings in the judegment so lets have some love and respect for the godly leaders of NTM and quit making them waste time on this stuff and get back to the work of overseeing the missionarys on the field of harvest all we ever hear about is the schools and most of them are closed and most of the pertpertraters are out of the mission at least the ones from Fanda are they going to have to fire everyone to make you happy?

You kids shold have more repsect for yuor parents dont' you have any idea how this is making them feel? I know because I have kids and they would never say things like this about me because they were brought up to have respect and lvoe.

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