Sunday, September 19, 2010

God is love not hate

God raised up NTM to be a light to the heathens in South America and other places in the world where the gospel has not gone and he annoited Paul Fleming to get the job done and now everyone wants to waste time and money do they hate God?

I can't hardly believe that there are poeple who say that it does not matter what scum bag pervrets did twenty years ago to MK children I never said that and no one I know would say that either. It matters a lot but why bring it out in the open now at this time and distract from the good of taking the good news to the heathen? Maybe you do't know the history of NTM very well and it is like the history of the church.

The very first missionarys that NTM sent to the jungles of Boliva were killed by the heathen natives and indians did the familys make a lot of racket and turn them into the unsaved ungodly and heathen forein govenrnment so they could go in and shoot the indians even if they deserved it? No they did not htey paryed for them and did not give up and one day many years later the very same savages got thier heart right with the Lord and were saved they didnt' take them out and shoot them even thought there had been plenty of penetration from arrows and spears why cant' people learn to forgive and share Gods love and not hate?

Many children MKs had rough lives and it wasnt' easy for parents either but they all knew that it was a small price to pay to get the good news to heathen darkness and you cant' make an omlit without braking eggs as the old saying goes. There are cashulties in every war and the christains are the only ones who shoot there wounded you wont' find even Democrats acting like this knock it off. A lot of these people didnt' want to be in the dorm as parnets of kids anyway but they were willing to scarifice so the other parents of the kids could be out preahing and sometiems the kids probaly got udner there skin dont' you have nay kids?

I am glad to know that many preachers are the same as myh paster who will not turn his back on the good missionarys weve been supporting for years they didnt' hurt any kids and they wouldnt' either not if I know them and I do. My paster says that we can try to solve all the worlds problms or we can preach the gospel but there is only so much we can do we cant' do it all and we can let the unsaved sekular humanists and gays solve problms and we can get on with the Lords work thats what my paster says.

I think NTM is doing a fine job and they dont' need to get sidetracked from there mane job of preaching by a repost form GRACE or anyone else just stick to the job that God gave you and dont worry about the details the devil is in the details and int he GRACE report too if you ask me. So spread a little love and witness for your faith dont be like that fool Gene Long when someone asked him if he was a christian all he could say was email me what a dumb thing is he really saved?

One more thing God loves you even if you hate NTM and I will love you too even though it is against the way I feel in my heart about this poeopl who do not love NTM or know anything about its history.

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