Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No one is mad at the MKs so dont' be mad at me

I dont' mind posting comments that are not crude or cuss people out but if you are so in favor of the Fanda Eagles you should probably post there this site is for people who love NTM.

I dont' know anyone who isnt sad about what happened I never said it was good only that it could be worse and that is true it can always be worse. People who die wihtout the good news and go to hell wouldnt you call that worse I would and so would my paster and so would yours if you would only ask.

Many people in NTM are as mad about this as I am and as you are and no one wants to see child sexual abuse occur in NTM any more and they kicked out most of the bad eggs a long time ago along with the gays and divorced people and those who speak in tounges and other vile persons. LIsten, I know that the poor sinner who fell into sin and did these awful things has been very repentant and is very very sorry for what he did and yu can ask NTM if that isnt so. I think that should stand for something and he says he hasnt' done anything like this to any more young girls ever since he came back to the States and that has been a long time doesnt' that sound like repentance to you? David and Lugene Brooks are sorry this happened and they are NOT in NTM any more only a couple of people were left and when NTM was told to get rid of them they did that puts it right in my book. Now lets get back to preaching the gosple to those that have never heard and put this behind us and press forward to the mark of the upward calling of God in Chirst Jesus and await the Great White Throne judgement and we wil judge the nations some day so why are we going before unbelivers with this stuff now?

NTM has done so much to help and I know they are sorry and not everybody did these sorts of things even if they may think they are all a part of making an unsafe and absuive envrinoment for the kids it was really only a few bad eggs and of course they slipped through the cracks it happens everywhere but mostly the Catholics. I know that NTM people are PRAYING right now for the poor MKs. Many prayer meetings that should make you all feel better I could use some extra prayers myself.

I am not mad at the MKs who are causing all the problems for NTM and making them waist money on an MK fund to the tune of one million dollars. So dont' be mad at me and lets keep praising the Lord and trusting him to teach our hearts through all of this amen?

PS I still haven't heard from Paster John Monro I know he is busy preaching the unblemished and sacred gospel to the unsaved and even to the saved that are carnal and claim to speak in tounges which we know is the mark of the Beast hell probably write me when he gets a chance I still love him and NTM.

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