Sunday, September 26, 2010

You dont' have to believe NTM if you dont' want to just ask pasters

I was so happy to find even more testimonys on the NTM web sight ( see I am not the only one who loves NTM and neither is NTM there are pasters who support them too.

Here is another wonderful testemonial from Paster John Monroe of the Cavalry Bible Chruch in Kalamazoo, MI listen to what he has to say:

Calvary Bible Church supports three NTM missionaries. Our church has been enriched in these partnerships. In our estimation New Tribes missionaries are quality people. The realization that we are vitally contributing to the spread of the Word of God to remote tribes is humbling and challenging. Our congregation has been excited to be involved in New Testament missions. ... I would encourage people to give generously to a mission where its leadership, its administration and its missionaries all live by faith.

See that? I am not the only one who says NTM people is good people so does paster Monroe. Did you here one word there about sexual abuse of young children you certainly did not this man is concentrating on the good people and the big picture not stuff that happened in Africa twenty years ago and most people have forgotten if they ever knew and no one hardly cared at the time anyway so why bring it up now. Just ask Paster Monro if you dont' belive me. The leaders in NTM are men of faith and do not depend on worldly work like you and I do but have faith in God and trust him to supply all thier needs in glory acording to his bountiful riches in heavenly places not like the rest of us. I think they are wondrful. And so does Paster Monro. So does my Paster too.

So does Paster Brian Thorstad who is the Internatinal Intrim Paster with Interim Paster Minsitries and you couldnt' make up a name like that so I know this is for real even though I cant' find him on google maybe he thinks the internet is of the devel like my paster does. Anyway hear is what he said about NTM and NTM has it on there websight so we know others love them too we dont' have to take thier word for it but I would believe them even if I only had there word:

Some of the finest people I know have been and are New Tribes missionaries. I am privileged to count them as my friends and co-laborers in the work of the Gospel. For many years I've been grateful to know that we are helping to reach the world by supporting these fine people.

I am so happy that this godly paster loves the Lord and NTM and I know that his concern is reaching the world by suporting these fine poeple in NTM not trying to raise a million dolarrs for an MK Fund what is that anyway? What the Lord needs is more servants of the Word like this wonderful paster and his flock at Interim Paster Ministries not law suets.

Paster Henry Stewart of Eastbrook Church in Milwaukee Wisconsin loves NTM too and I am going to tell the fools over at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about him becasue they never even mentioned him in the awful article they published about NTM it was just a shame I dont' think that is the way to handle things from twenty years ago. But Paster Stewart has known NTM for over the past 11 years and he doesn't say antyhing about sexual abuse of children or leadership abuse or physical abuse or statutory rape or sodomy or beating kids which hardly ever happens and they always get the people who do these things to repent and confess and leave the feild NTM does not want this to happen to MKs no one ever said that.

My involvement with New Tribes missionaries over the past 11 years has deeply moved me. I find in the vast majority of these folks a deep conviction of the rightness of their work. I see in the lives of ordinary men and women extraordinary commitment and dedication to building the Kingdom.

See he knows that NTM is dedicated to building the Kingdom and he isnt' talking about the Jehoveah's Witnesses they are a cult and a sect almost as bad as the Roman Catholics and Mormons and they have plenty of sexual abuse of children problems of theri own why not go after them and let the good folks in NTM do their jobs like God wants them to and thees pasters and there flocks have been suporting them to do.

Paster Dave Hillis from the Norfolks Garden Baptist Church in Norfolks Virginia supports NTM and NTM missionarys even have relationships with the church family there do you think that means illicit sexual relations or godly love and fellowship around the Word? He would not be enthousiastic about supporting NTM if he thought the leaders were bad he would ass his missionarys to leave and join another missonary group that does not have these problems.

We enthusiastically support NTM missionaries because we see the faithfulness in their arduous task and their relationships with our church family.

Another day I will add some testemonies from other mission leaders who love NTM and you have to believe them because they are not on the payroll and they are not paying in fact they are fighting for the very same donations that NTM is after that is your and mine money which we give as we see fit before the Lord and mine is going to NTM because I love NTM and I hope you will too.

1 comment:

  1. Our Field Committee encouraged us to stay away from "Be not wise concerning evil" is how they put it.

