Friday, September 17, 2010

I am not in NTM

I dont' know why a lot of people send me nasty comments I have never called them a peace of poo. I am not a peedeophill and I am not in NTM and have never been I am not called. But they are good people and a good organization that loves the Lord and wants to get the gospel out to every tribeand tounge and haethen in the world whats wrong with that?

I dont' know how many times I have to say this but I will say it again no one is happy about the things that happend twenty yaers ago and it was wrong and most of the people are NOT in NTM anymore and NTM just fired the ones that were so stop it.

Noone is doing these awful things now it is a shame to even speak of the things done in the darkness read your Bible. Larry Brown has been spending all his time full time on this issue that is twenty years old and what about his godly duties as the chariman of NTM who is going to do that? Do you want people to go to hell just because of your problems? That is exactly what will happen if the leaders of NTM cant' do there jobs they are Gods leaders just ask the misssionarys.

The Roman catholics are worse and they are not transparent they have there own country why does the US recognise them. Il'l tell you why it is because the catholics are of the world and the god of the world leads in there lives and that is not waht NTM is all about so pick on the catholics for a change or maybe the mormons.

So I am not in NTM but I have known them for longer than some of these so called victims have been alive and sang the songs from there song book of challenges and I remember the brown and gold magasine it wasnt' all fancy but it had lots of good news in it about the work of God and Kenneth J. Johnston's intinerary where has the good stuff gone?

Before all this started and no one new what was going on twenty years ago the Lord was blessing adn Lary Brown could do his job of leading the missin and what was wrong with that? Now we have all this being said and spred around and used to distract and embareass people and our priorities are all worng.

Let me tell you I am not in NTM but NTM is doing the Lords work and getting soles saved and none of theis other stuff is doing that. Why cant' people look at things from the standpoint of eternty and see that when bad thengs happen than you have to suck it up and move on in faith and love and forgive your enemies or is that only for other people. Tehy will know we are chirstians by our love and I love NTM.

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