Friday, September 17, 2010

Othr people love New Tribes Mission too I'm not alone Prase God!

Im not the only one who loves NTM and there fine work of saving soles around the world here is one more:

Calvary Bible Church supports three NTM missionaries. Our church has been enriched in these partnerships. ... I would encourage people to give generously to a mission where its leadership, its administration and its missionaries all live by faith.
Pastor John Monro
Calvary Bible Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan

I found that godly quote right on the NTM webboard for donations at this place here:

I am so proud of Paster John Monroe and his love for the Lord and you will noitce that he likes the leaders in NTM who live by faith just like the teachers and dorm parents and even David and Kristia Abbott who manages all the web content for NTM and that is a big and important part of getting the word out and oh yes their are missionaires in the tribes too and they are a part of the work so lets not hinder all the good their doing.

I wrote an email to paster Monroe and I will post his aswner ass soon as it comes in which should be any day now I jsut wrote him yesterday they even have a websight at

You will notice on there page that they are and I quote omprised of people who love Jesus Christ, who believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and who desire to worship and serve the living God. We preach and teach the Gospel of the grace of God and are committed to explaining, teaching, and applying the eternal truths of God's Word to children, teens, adults, and families unquote.

YOu wot'n find them wasting time whining about things that happend so long ago not even bad things which we are sorry for and wish had never happened but they did and it cant' be changed so get over it please and lets quite with the carryng on and get on with the Love of Jesus and his word like these folks they set a good example for us all amen?

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