Saturday, September 11, 2010

NTM is good folks

I am glad to see that not everyone is against NtM and their are some people with a love for God and the truth that cant' be shut up no matter how mean people are with them just read this which was written by a student who went to the NtM Bible school in MIchigan I wish he was my paster:

I didn't know about the issue, but I do know that we live in a sinful world and that is no excuse for what happened, but I'm pretty sure that if the home base in the states knew about that they would have kicked them out for sure, there is no exceptions for that. That specific situation would not change whether or not I serve with NTM because I believe there is a bigger picture here. Now, if there was story after story of how NTM didn't take care of issues correctly then I would consider not going with them, but my passion is to serve God in reaching the lost, and bringing the name of Jesus to those who have never had the chance to hear of him over rides this.

I also believe that Satan could be using this story against NTM, and that is not a good thing. I can read the report of this sad story and wish it didn't happen, and wish that people weren't sick, and polluted, but people are, and things happen, Satan will do anything to prevent the gospel from getting to people, and I don't think we should take Satan's side and prevent people from hearing the gospel.

that's my 2 cents.

Well that 2 cents is worth more than all the drivvel on the Fanda Eaglses web site put together dont' you think? Its the attitude that made NTM the great mission it is now and has caused peole to go intot he uttermost corners of the earth. Just ast yourself how many soles have been saved by the people hitting on NtM and how many have been saved by NtM being out there doing the work of the Lord and we can start talking about wheat over rides what amen? Listen these missionaries are in it for the long haul they are not quiters and they dont' need people to tell them how to do there job. As our friend says thing happen and some of them are bad and it makes us all mad even me but we cant' let it get us involved int he work of Satan the enemy of our soles where are your prioritys?

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