Friday, December 28, 2012

You have hate I half love

Some one who calls hisself a former NTM MK wrote this to me hear it is:

I grew up as an MK with NTM in the Philippines and lived in the Emory dorm. That man deserves to die a horrible and prolonged death. I can't believe you defend NTM, and you really need to check your spelling. It's difficult to understand what you are writing when your spelling and grammar is so terrible. F*** you for defending a cesspool organization. You do realize that to this date, there are over 90 cases of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse that occurred within NTM backed dorms and schools and each was silenced or covered up. I make it a daily mission, on top of doing what I do for the nation as a Soldier, to let everyone around me know how evil NTM is and that it is akin to a cult. In fact, organized religion is a cult. Yes, I have a lot of hate and anger, but it's for the right reasons. 

I just what to say that NTM is not a sensual orgasm pool and how woud I know how many case of cesspool abuse occured in NTM even NTM doesnt' know that and form reading the fonda eagles websight it sounds like they have not been silenced or covered up butt this person is so full of hate that it stinks.

At lest he admits that he has a lot of hate and anger their are a lot of former MKs who are also full of hate and anger butt they wont' admit it and just have laws uets against NTM and post stuff on the web that is full of hate how can they be like that?

NTM is not a organised religion it is not a cult it is a christian orgamism that is being used to reach people for the glory of God and get them safved isnt' that wonderful it is much better than bean a soldier who kills people for the govermint and spends his time every day telling people that NTM is bad what a lousy life that is yes you are full of hate.

I think you can udnerdtand me just fine I know I could understnd you when you said to F*** me I can tell you are not saved by the love you do not have butt I love NTM and there missionarys and I dont' think God is going to forget all the good work that NTM has doen for him.

I have love n my heart for NTM and for the good work they have done and the good missionarys they have and I am willing to forgive Les Emory if he really did anything wr4ong he is not in NTM any more or didnt' you notice that?  What good would it do to put him in pisson now he is old and will die soon enough just kepe pressing on toward the goals.

God bless you in the new years and please keep supporting NTM they need the money.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thats more like it

I was sure glad to see that whoever in NTM was dong the blog at took there blog down it was awful.

Its hard to belief that they were really in NTM anyway they sounded fake to me.  I ought to know because I really do love NTM and I can tell when people are lying.  Who would say that NTM had cracks up their ideas?

Here is a sample of what they wrote before they delted it...

About NTM:  I have been reading the Fanda Abuse site for years and I do believe that NTM has not dealt with abuse in NTM as they should, and I started calling NTM leadership on it way back in 2009.  Yes, NTM leadership had some cracked up ideas in the past. Praise the Lord that they are not like that anymore.  They have changed their leadership team and are not the same cracked up group that so many churches supported for decades before the big change.  But, cut the crap-- Every organization has faulty Theology in some ways. Yes, we should call them out.  I have and so have others.  NTM is but a vehicle that we are using to serve the Lord--If NTM went down tomorrow, then we would find a different vehicle...  Again, I am not saying that NTM leadership shouldn't be called out for the wrong that they have done; they should...  Here is a good place to do that, and to do it without sin, without bitterness or anger and without stirring up dissension, mistrust and not walking in love and wisdom to other brothers and sisters in Christ.

Retired writes:  "NTM is but a vehicle that we are using to serve the Lord--If NTM went down tomorrow, then we would find a different vehicle..."  Well, that's easy enough for YOU to say, but what about the old people who gave their lives to the work of the Lord through NTM.  I guess they can find a new vehicle to handle their meager contributions and such housing as they have.  If you think it is so easy to find a new vehicle to serve the Lord just go out and start one of your own.  Than you'll see what is involved and maybe you can think of someone besides yourself.

Why did you even join NTM if it wasn't the very best choice for you to make?  That is the reason my wife and I joined it many years ago before you were even born.  And we had respect for our leaders too.  You seem to just dismiss all the old leadership with a wave and a "Praise-the-Lord-they-are-not-like-that-anymore."  Where do you think NTM would be if we had not had those Godly men in charge in those days?  I'll tell you right now there wouldn't even be a NTM, that's where it would be.  Than which vehicle would you be "using"?

It's easy enough to say NOW what they should have done THEN but it was a lot different world then and even talking about stuff like this would have spelled the end for NTM in a flash and I don't mean maybe.  People did not talk about this sort of things and they certainly did not make a big deal over them.  Our leaders did the very best they could and you might find a better hearing around NTM Homes if you could exhibit a little less arrogance and show some gratitude.  I bet you won't even post this!!!

Dear Retired:  I guess I win the bet!!!  And I even apologize if you find my blog arrogant and ungrateful.  I am honestly sorry you feel that way.

Just because NTM did some things right - and I never said they didn't - doesn't mean that there aren't things that need to be changed.  That is all I meant.  And it is people like you whom think NTM could never have done anything wrong that make change come so slowly today.

That is so awful and I think retried has the ritght idea.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Want kine of a fool would write this?

I just got ahot email from a unanimous person and they send this link to me and tried to make fun of me and pertend that people think I am a Parody I am not a Parody I am a Babtits.  And my name is not Red Bare Hen dont' be so stupid.  If you are so thick that you cant' tell I really love NTM maybe it is beczue you dont' all you love is yourslef.

Hear is the link and I do not belive thus can be a real NTM mssinary if they think NTM is cracked up they should look in a mere who do trey seer their?  Our crotch has sported NTM all these years and thy were NOT crakced up at the worst they may have had some prediophiles in there but they are all gone now and NTM don even have many broading shcools left so now it will be much harder to screw little kids they will have to look elsewhere maybe ABWE why dosn't someone pick on theem for a change?  NTM did whst they thought was best for the Lords work and if you dont' agree well it is to dam late now quite whining.

NTM has been at the foreskin of child protection many other missions have learned from them such as ABEW and CMA.  Joel Price was into child porn while he was with NTM but you may have noticed that he did NOT do anything to any children not even take naked pictures of them if they had had a smart guy working for them in internet security he porbably would have got caugt sooner and spared jail time NTM could have kept it quite they are NOT cranked up.  Who do you turst the most the world or Gods children?  Hint love not the world what do you think that means?

I do want to thank everyone for the large incrase in my hits and the many nice emails I get from NTM missionarys and those who sport them its nice to know that I am not the only one who loves NTM and lets all agree to  keep telling others the good news of this blog site and please send me stuff I can post here to encourage others and whoever is writing Lets cut the crap blog you have poroblems get help soon.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I get a lot of questions form people who do not want there names used I think many of them are actually in New Tribes but the Fondle Eagles have them on the run well all I can say is be strong in the Lord and do not fear what man can do unto you they can only destroy the body and the bank account but not the spirit in hell here are my answers so you do not have to revel your name.

1.  Is NTM a cult?

This is so stupid and only a few people would say this mostly people who are angry with New Tripes and have a bone to pick and are bitter and do not know how to fogive the answer is NO.

I assed my paster and he is the one who told me to relax NtM is not a clut people  who say that dont even know what a clut is but my paster told me the difference and here it is.  If what a group of people is teaching will send you to hell if you belief it it is a clut if you can still go to heaven but are just missed up it is a demonation.  Catlicks, Jehonah's Whitness, Morons and Moonies are all cluts.  Pesterbarians and Methdicks are demonations.  Baptits and Bible crutches are mostly OK.

2.  Should I vote for Mitt Romney for POTUS?  He is a Mormon.

My paster says it is fine to vote for a Moron for president it is the American way.  Many Morons are decent people and they have a good choir to.  It is true that he will go to hell when he dies if he does not repent and accept Jesus as his personal savior but that is true for all people unless they are born saved and even MKs are not born saved as we can see from the Fondle Eagles web sight.  Donot vote for MKs for anything unless they have gone back into the work like Larry Brown that is what being an MK is all aobut he did not waste his life.

3.  Is your name really Red?

No that is not my real name I have never met anyone who is really named Red have you.  All you have to do is look at my hare guess what color it is yes read go finger!  Red is just my nick name.  My paster says there are people out there who will try to tradck me down and hurt me for being a stong Christian and even now the government is keeping an eye on many crutches and it is not safe to use your real name so I understand why the missionarys who write me are sacred.

I take my family to eat at Chick Fill A every wensday before we go to prayer meting and prey for the missionarys and our crutch family maybe we could meat there some day but do not pack heat if you come.

4.  Why don't we just ignore the Fanda Eagles and then maybe they will go away?

My paster says these people are a danger to real christens and they pertend to be believers like you and me but they call NTM a cult and fundamental chiristanity a cult and fundamental baptits a cult and there are even unsaved people who post there Godless comments on the Fondle Eagles web sitght and it is a shame to even speak of things they do in secret so I say expose them and help them face up to they sin and they will tahnk you in the end it is for their won good that I take all of my free time to help them in this humble way it isnnot easy but it is my gift.

5.  I am considering writing to the person who calls himself "Bemused" on the Fanda Eagles website.  I just want to share the Good News with him and tell him how sorry I am for what he went through.  Is this a good idea?

It is never a god idea to cast your peals before swine I would not try it they will just make fun of you if you have some things to say send them to me and we can post them here and let them read on this Godly webshit instead of on that one and maybe we can increase the traffic a bit here I am only getting about two hunerd hits a day that sucks.

6.  What, based on your personal experience, can our church do to help NTM?

The most impotent thing you can do is tell others about this website and invitge them to come here to read and post and be blets and be a blessing that is what it is all abutt.

If your paster would like to send me anyting to post here I would be glad to do that.  We need to let the MKs know that we do not truts the ones who dop out and get real jobs instead of gong on in the work of the Lord in the world and saving souls for eternal benefits not just after money.

Also you can just let them no htat you love them and are on there side and will keep on sending the money things are tight everywhere now and it is no different in the Lords work they are having to pray in a lot more money now that they had to settle a lawsuet about things that may have happened a long times ago they did not ever say it was true they just payed the money to make it tend I still think it is all a lie no one could be so stupid as they say Oily was he has spoke at our crutch and I took him out to eat and he is not stupid.

If you are not divorced or gay or in a clut you can even join NTM and help them with the impotent work they are doing that would be wonerful there is so much to do and the labors are few but even if you are divorced or gay or a clut you can still send them money better them then pron sites or laywers.

If you have other FAQs just let me know and I can add tthem here or in another psot.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Money will not maek you happpy

Moeny is not the ansser to you r prolbems it jsut maeks them worse.

If you woudl only learn to forgive and forget this would be all over and there would be no more Fanda Eagles and MK badnits and law suets and NTM coudl get on with the work of the Lord and we could half things the way they weer before all the MKs started whining and caring on there was no need to start this in the frist palace NTM already had new leaders and they are detrimed to treat the MKs right and the old leaders treated them right to thier is no reason to actack the old leaders they were razed up by god by god and some of them are already dead and god is there judge not you judge not that ye be not judge.  Just read your bible and you wil know this is the trues.

Many missionarys dont' have enough money to go on furlough and buy new cars and other impotent things they need and now all this money is going to help MK badnits buy game boy and TVs and other stuff this is not welfare it is a war we are in and the devel is the enema and we need to win not spent the lords' money on trash spend it on missionarys is better.

Just quite the Fondle Eagles it is pretty quite over their now anyways so just quite and learn to forgive and quite trying to wring money out of NTM they dont' have munch and if you had it all it would not maek you happpy it would be a pain I am glad that Larry Brown is there to handle the money and make sure that it is used right NTM does not kept secrets about their money my paster assed them abut it and they toll him it was fine to ass.

I hop that the MKs can be quite now and we can let NTM get on with the work and no more law suets and trying to get money that dont' help just rob poor crutches plaese stop we dont' what our money going for this we may have to sned it direct to our missionarys like some half toll us to and then you cant' get NMTs money its not theres anyway it is the Lords and the missionarys hands off.

Lets remmmer to prey for NTM and there god work we love them.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Think about this

Instead of calling NTM names and saying bad thigns about them and trying to detroy their good name and reputation why dont' you think about this for a minite maybe you can see what a waste of time the Fanda Eagles is just knock it off.

My paster called the Executive Broad of NTM and he told me that no one has quit NTM over this so called abuse issue not one person all those who have quit were quitters and dissattisfied and most of them were walking in the flesh but no one quit because of all the lies that are being told.

Not one single missionary in NTM has lost one dime of support becuase of all the so called revleations about so called abuse in NTM years and years ago.  GRACE can whine about former members of the EC if they want to and suggest fines that is fine with us but maybe you din't notice that his supporters stand by him and supportt him he did many good things and god will not forget his faithfulness why should we?

NTM has lots of people studding at there bible school and the mission course is full they need more money to build more buildings you are going to make NTM go away it is here to stay and share the god news arolund the whore world.

I dont' know how you would tell but it looks to me like people still want to be missionarys with NTM and I dont' blame them it is the best mission around even though we support a few missionarys from other missions but none of them are gay or diverse.

The only thing that the MK bandits have done is make NTM spend a lot of money for what just to defense themselves against things that happened many years ago when are you going to let it go and get on with life your'e not getting any younger just move on.  Money is not the only impotent thing in the world so get a grip and stop these suets and just go away and forget about it eveyone has have problems in there lives not just you.

Think of all the money that is wasted that is all that yoyu have done just make NTM waste the Lords money nothing else no one is abusing kids and many of the schools are already closed before you started this mess now please stop and lets all save the money for the good work that NTM is doing we want our missionarys to have the money not layers and unsaved people we arent' even sure how much of this is just made up to steal money you can not serve god and money make a choice and keep quiet.

If you had jsut kept quite and lived a good christian life none of this would be ahppening and I could drive my turck and missionarys could do the work of the lord and you wouldnt' be any worse off then you are now so dont' you think it is time to quit?

I am going to chick fill aye now and support the kingdom and trues.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you even erect?

I have been studding with my Paster and his wife and want to share some of want I learned with you MKs because you maybe missing something in your life.

All of you MK bandits need to ass yourself if you are even erect.  If you are not among the erect there is something wrong with your life and you need to get it straightened out while you still can.  Not all of the erect in the whore world are in NTM but all the people in NTM are erect and it is a shame for you to rob them and try to use there money for youre own purposes.

Just because you are not yet erect does not mean that you can never be erect.  Do not just depend on your feelings to know if you are erect.  Erection is a matter of face.  If you are filled with hate and revengence and lies and just want to take money away from the Lords work among the erect in NTM then you are not erect.

Many people theink they are erect but they are not such as cathlics and gays and Jehoovahs whiteness.  True erection is for believers who have walkied the isle and believed the gopsel and are not just playing around.

I have red a lot of the awful stuff that the MK bandits and those who are also bitter on the Fondle eagles home page blog and wetsite and I do not think any of them are even close to being erect they are reprobates and have no love for NTM or Jesus they are unerect fools.

Please try to understand erection and if you need help just ass someone you trust to help you. Maybe your paster or if you know a good christian teacher or leader or even someone in NTM.  There is nothing to be afraid of and if you were erect you would not want all of these alleged stories to get out either just back off get erect and walk with Jesus like Larry Brown.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

When will you learn?

I just wonder when all of you preserve MKs will learn to obey the good Lord and not be such bandits you should be ashame if you ass me.  It takes a lot of time and money to fight youre lawsuets and people die an go to hell is it nothing to you all ye that pass by?

I half been busy lately I have to work for a living I do not live by faith like the godly missionarys in NTM do they turst the Lord for there money but I half to wonk for mine and I do not spend all my time on the innernet like some people down under whose name is Bemused do I guess he is lving by faith two.

It makes me made when I see my good money going to pay for balkmail by MKs who are not thankful for the good life they had do they think the sun rises and sets on them?  I want my money used for missionarys to preach the word to the heather who are bound for hell and get them saved before the Cathlics get them and make them more unsaved then they already are.

I am glad that I live in America where our contry was funded on Christian principals and why are we having a Moron running for President wasnt' it bad enough with Christians?  NTM is not a clit butt the Morons are and I wish Larry Brown would run for President he loves jesus and is not a Moron.  I am afraid god will withdrawl his blessings on the US if we erect a Moron it is bad enough that the Surpreme Cort has passed Obanacare what is this country coming too?

Now we half all these bandit MKs suetsing NTM and I sometimes wonder if that is the reason that the lord has given us a Moron for peresdent just to punish us for all that these MKs are doing think about it next time you vote or suet.

NTM is gods organismation and I am tried of all the lies that are being told just to try to get some money take my word for it the laywers will get most of it and just use it to suet more good crhistians it makes me sick please learn and repant and support gods organimation or at least leaf it alone it is time to get on with the wonk this is the last days amen?

Friday, May 18, 2012

You are all so preserve

I just want to say that I am shocked at how preserve the people who post on the Fanda Eagles web sight are.  It doesn't matter what NTM does you will find fault and show your bitter colors and whine and make fun of them.  You should be ashamed of your shelves.

God's word makes it clear that there will be mockers in the last days and that is what you all are.  If you think anyone feels bad that NTM didn't make a big deal over all these so called cases of abuse you've got another think coming.  No one is happy that this has come out it is an embarrassment to every good Christian and it should not be talked about it is an unfruitful work of darkness if it is true and stupid if it is not.

You don't talk about your bowel movements in pubic do you?  Some things are too private and gross to be talk about in pubic and sexual abuse of children is one of them.  And since we don't even know if it really happened or not it is all the more reason to keep quiet about it and not trumpet it all over the whore world wide net for Catholics and unsaved people to read about and make fun of the Lord's name.

This is just plain blackmail and it is wrong to squeeze money out of NTM for things that might just be lies who knows?  Why not let them get on with the work of the Lord in the tribal areas of the world where the gospel has yet to go and save some souls and tarnish the bible and do other things that are of eternal value and just get on with your lives.  That is how it was for many years and who died from it?  Think about it.

Try to forgive your dorm parents and your real parents and the field committee and anyone else you think may have mistreated you or not done things the way you like them done and now you want revenge.  Revenge is mine I will repay says the Lord didn't you ever read that in your bible it's time to put revenge aside and forgive and forget and get on with your life like everyone else do you think Larry Brown's life was a bed of roses?  Why do you keep picking on him he is accountable to the missionaries in NTM and the supporting crotches and others but not to those of you who are not in the mission and are not supporting it why should he give a rat's ass about you just go away if you'll pardon my Spanish.

My paster and crotch support NTM and we want our money used for the gospel not for paying blackmail and extension to bandits do I make myself clear?  Get a job get over it and get your act together what planet are you from Uranus?

It is costing NTM too much in time and money to keep fiddling with this attack of Santa and it diverts them from their godly work of making disciples of all notions and saving the heathen from hell fire do you want blood on your hands?  NTM sure doesn't and you are keeping them from God's work you never talk about that you are so dam worried about your own shelves and little problems just wait till you get to hell than you will know what problems are all about.

Just try to think about the good things and the good times you had and if you have not ass Jesus into your heart do it now and you will be pleased with what you find that you have piece with God for a change and not this bitterness.

People like Gene Log are in the bible it says they were among us but they went out from us because they are off the evil one and not of us that is in Peter or John somewhere google it if you are so ignorant of the bible that you don't know already.  It means they are apostles who do not love God no wonder they don't love their brother NTM witch was raised up by God for this very purpose.

So do not be preserve and do not listen to those who are complaining they will drag you down.  Look to Jesus and live and try to thank God for NTM and see if your attitude doesn't improve as you trust God and not man and lawyers.

Ass for me and my house we love NTM!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I am not alone

Some people think that I am carzy and mosquito bitten thinks I am a waist of time but I know there are people out their who ageer with me and I just got this nice comment on my last post here it is:

Our field committee really appreciates what you are doing. I think if the wimps in Sanford quit trying to placate all of these MK bandits, the mission would get a lot more done. At least we are finding out who is in this work for power and popularity and who wants to do the Lord's work. 

This wondferl missionary spelled every single word corectly and they said it the best I've ever hear it said two. Serving God is not a populatiry contest it is a spritural ballet and these MKs are just bandits who are trying to take the Lords money for there own selfish and degraded lifestyle some of them dont' even go to chruch they need to get a job.

It is time that the godly leadrs in Stanford just told the whiney MK bandits to shut up and go away and if they want to sue let them sue and not one more penny for them we have wrok to do this will never end otherwise.

My paster called Stanford and said that we want them to stop dealing with the MKs and just lets get on with the wonk of the Lord and we are all in this together please do not listen to Raz and her fiends let them call you out all they want just ignor them and let them whine all they want it dont' hurt nothing at all they have to much time on there hands.

Lets get to wonk for the lrod and keep NTM what God called it too be not a cash cow for MK bandits I am so anger that part of the mnoney we send to our Missionarys goes to thsi fund we didnt' abuse any kids and nether did our missionarys.

God bless America and also NTM.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can Catholics post?

Someone assed me if Catholics can post and the answer is no unsaved people can post here this is a Christian sight not unsaved.

Maybe you done know it butt the Catholics are the ones who abuse children and have sexual preverts in their ranks and they cover it up and it is a shame how could anyone be a part of that so called religin?

NTM is not Cahtolic and they have only had a few reports about sexual abuse of kids from mostly weird and bitter people some of us done even belief it but I believe the stories I hear agbout hormonesexuals in the Cahtolic preisthood and there nuns there is just to much not too believe it.

So if you are a Cahtolic you half to choices either get saved or go to hell which will it be?  NTM misionarys are wonking to take the gospel to people who done even half a bible butt they still need to get saved read your bible done just listen to your preiest havent' you ever hard of the pesthood of the beliver?

Thanks for assing come back when you're hart is right with the Lord.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Suggestoins fro Fabda Eagles

Here is my suggestoins fro your web sit blog and fromon:

No idiots can post.

No bitter people can psot.

No unsaved prepler can post.

No angry MKs can post.

No one who hates NTM can post.

Raz cant' post.

Defused cant post.

Mosquitoe Bite cant' past.

This should fix things and thn we can all relax and get on with out lives.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Tribes Mission

I guess many people dont' even know who NTM is or what they are all abut well let me tell you they are probably the very best mission orgasm in the whore world.  They have their very own training pogrom and they only let in the very best people who are walking with the lord and are not divorced and are not gay and do not smoke or drink at least not to much.

They consternate on tribals through out the world mostly in places wehre they can build schools to releive the missionarys of there duties as parents and then they can concnetrate on winning the lost and not worry about there kids who are being looked after in the dorms where they have qualified mothers and farters to meet there needs.

Most of the MKs turn out fine and really lvoe the lord and his wonk and the very best of them go back into NTM and serve as missionarys but some are distracted by the world and end up working for money and not trusting God to supply from his abundance in gory and the very worst of them end up cranial and whiney and liers and they have law suets agains NTM if you have ever heard of them do not beleif them they are wonking in the flesh.

Jest think about it even if all this were true it is too late to do anything about it now you cunt turn the clock back so there is no reason to even investiagete it what a waste of time and money especially money and our crotch is not happy about having to finance this crap why should hte MKs get to look at it they are not paying for it wake up and smell the roses.

Our paster has alreddy called and told Larry Brown to forget about it and we will keep supporting our missionarys and will take up specail offrings for NTM just drop this hole thing and lets get on with the work of the Lord let the MKs whine if they will god will take care of them for gods sake lets end this it is going on forever and makes no difference what a crock I cunt finger it out.

God bless NTM and may his wrath rest on the Fonda Eagles.  They are preverse every one of them and the posters to jsut stop it you are acting like fools.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One yard from hell

So now the mud lama over on the fondle eagels web sight is making fun out of something that a godly NTM missionary said on the NTM web sight it just show you how desprate they are to find something wrong with NTM dont' you have any idea what she meant?

She is quoted a Studd who said he would rather be in hell than hear a crotch bell or something like that what he means is that it is impotent to be out with the people who really need the gosple and that is what Ruth Patton is saying so dont' try to make it sound like NTM thinks Braville is hell they do not they are not fools.  You will be in hell befor long so than you can tell us what is it like.

Here is the link you can look it up your self I did it isnt' hard

I support NTM and there missionarys and the good wonk they are doing thoughout the whore world and I jsut wish I could get there modernator to help with my web page it dont' hurt my feeling at all if they edit my posts I know I make mitsakes and I don have time to make it all pretty and eve if I did you wouldnt' believe me you kids are of the devel.

Hear is what you have to belief to hate NTM and I am not mkaing these up I heard it from my paster.

You have to belief that someone really wants to look at and touch naked little grils gross.

You have to belief that his wife never new about it how could that be?

You have to belief that the kids are telling the truth now after all these years we all know kids can lie and so can alduts when their is money to be made.

You have to belief that the whore executive committee of New Tribes all agreed not to tell anybody about this ever and kept it a secret they could never keep a secret like that who are you kidding?

And you have to belief that even though there were all these people that you claim were so bad and hurt people and sexual molested kids still so many MKs have grown up and are good people serving the lord and not suing NTM how could that be?

So my paster says it is very hard to belief all that it is about all he can do to belief in Jesus and the power of prayer and I agree with him.

So you can stop talking about one yard from hell now and just shut up and waite until you go there you have done despite to the Lords organisation NTM who he raised up who the hell do you think raised it up Hugh Hefner?

God bless NTM.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

God is a wrok

The wonk of NTM is more impotent then any of the MKs or all of the MKs put together.  I dont' think anyone whats the heather to go to hell so why cunt we all get along and wonk with NTM to see the crutch of Christ complete and bring back the king?

Instead we have all these law suets and it just brings disgrace on the name of hte Lord and thw wonk cunt go on and all this time and money is waisted on layers and it is a mess lets stop I will if you will.

I am so tired of all this I know that some of the MKs are lying and probably all of them are but even if they were all telling the truth and they are not telling the hole truth but if they were it still would not be ass impotent as the gosple getting to the heathens and lets not foget that the cathlics and morons and other sex are trying to beat us to them is that what you wont?

I belief that god is at work in the godly men who lead NTM and I lvoe and support them and I hope they will win agenst all the law suets and slender that has been falling on there heads and just nock it off are you strong enough to fight agenst God I didnt think so.

I really like the NTM web page and I go there site all the time and I am fairy glad they dont' psot stuff about these lies and just focus on the whore world ass a hole.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Yes I am for reel done you dout it

I am not as dumb ass Tim Dinkin seems to think I am why would he call me a fraud?  Sum people say that I spell things wrong and that makes them ashame to be my friends butt I would rather be a fool for christs sake than someone like the Faonle Eagles and I would be proud to be Tim Dorkins friend I am not ashame of him even if he made a mistake.

He got it all back asswards about what I think.  I agree that the girls from Hepiplah Hole are lying and I think the ones in the Fanda Eagles are to they do not love Jesus and the leaders of NTM do.

Tim said this and I am copying it right off his webslight:
To build the syllogism using the case at hand:
  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organisations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • New Tribes Mission is guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (please note – I am only saying this for the purpose of building the syllogical example).
  • Therefore, Hephzibah House must be guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, as well.
That is wrong butt here is the truth I had too change it a bit part of that was becasue he spelt organization wrong he is to funny:

  • New Tribes Mission and Hephzibah House are both Christian organizations.
  • They have both been accused of some type(s) of abuse.
  • Hepziplah Horse is not guilty of the abuse for which it was accused (this is the truth – I am not jest saying this for the purpose of building a syllogical example I don’t even know what htat is).
  • Therefore, New Tribes Mission inst guilty of the abuse for which it is accused, ether.  We all know how bitter peole lye.
 Please do not be afrade of me I am for reel and I fully support NTM and I now that they are good ass a hole.  It is a crying shame that some lying kids who had all the oppertunites that they did have tuned out to be lost and unsaved and bitter and angry and lying sacks of shift.

I am preying for NTM and all tehere missionarys.