Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just for you, Mikey

Hear is what Dr. Mikey wrote to me:

I can't really understand most of this post because the spelling is extremely poor. Would you consider using a spell-checker? I am not sick, bitter or full of vengefulness, though, in case you were wondering. I had a good time as an MK, and am actually in Africa now, serving in a clinic for severely unwell children under 12. I wasn't an NTM MK either, just taking an interest as a fellow MK, out of compassion. Thanks to Jesus Christ, I believe I will be in heaven, it isn't really relevant to the issue at hand to start discussing who will and won't be there. If you think that it will be hard to get on with people in heaven, then your view of heaven is a little askew, and I genuinely pity you. I still believe that for the sake of your family you need to get some help. Dr Mikey
Well, if it will make you happy I can use spell checker and take another hole hour to type a message that a for year old could understand anyway.  Is something wrong with your reading constipation?  Just because you can spell better than me or what to take the time to use spell checker doesn't mean that you are smarter or better or not bitter.

Why are you even involved in all of this?  You are not an NTM MK.  You live in Africa, not America.  Do you support NTM missionaries?  I do and so does my crutch and so does my pastor.

It sounds to me like you are a busy body who only wants to metal in other people's affairs.  Do you know want the Bible says about that?  I have an idea that you are the one who needs help.  Not "some" help, either.  LOTS of help.  Spiritual help.

How wood you feel if a bunch of bitter MKs were making your life miserable and you could not treat those children under twelve?  How would you like it if your mission had to dish out five million dollars for just one unforgiving adult who alleges abuse at the hands of a former NTM missionary who has already confessed and repented in pubic?

That is what is happening to NTM missionaries around the world today.  Money will not make these bitter people happy and spelling things write won't make you happy either, will it?  I suggest you mind your own business and spend more time preaching the Good News to those little children.  Their spiritual lives are more important then their physics life or didn't you know that?

I can't even tell if you are a man or a woman or maybe a gay?  And just so you know, my spell checker says that you spelled "vengefulness" wrong.  Help, help, I can't understand!  The good doctor misspelled a word and I can hardly figure out what his comment means!

God loves everybody and wants us to preach the Gospel not suit each other.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This is no joke what kind of fool are you?

Hear read this:

Is this stuff serious or just a joke? It makes for hilarious if absurd and rather twisted reading. Perhaps if this is intended as comedy then it should be a little more respectful to the innocent children who were being abused. If this is serious, I suggest you seek psychiatric help.

Dr Mikey

(actually a Christian doctor and an MK as well, by the way) 

Yes it is asburd that people would suet New Tribes Mission over things that happened years ago like twenty or more years ago a long time ago and not in America either but that is not a joke.  That is reelly what they are doing and I dont' see any humor in it I htink YOU are the one whom needs a psyciatric help just because your a doctore and an MK as well as you say doesnt' mean you arent' sick and bitter and full of revengefulness get a life Doc.

How about the innocent chldren whom were being abused have a little respect for the lost heather that are going to hell and forget about this crap of trying to squeeze five million dollars out of NTM they dont' have that kind of money and money wont' make you happy anywya.

Lots of people agree with me and are on the side of New Tribes Mission and we give them out money and we dont' want it going to discrumpled former MKs who are old enough now to get alife and they dont' need any repentace retread like GRACE said what a joke if you want to tak about jokes theire you have it.

Its just like no one watched Les Emory interview he said he was sorry and wasnt' going to lye to the lord any more he has repented what do you want?  If you are a sinner and you have repanted than you should be thanfkul that you have ben forgiven so learn to forgive those who have repanted like you.  I was so happy to see Les Emory and see how sad he was and that he loves the lord who has cleaned his sole and it brot tears to my eyes to know that I will be in heaven with him will you be there two Dr Mickey?

We will all get along in heaven so we should start getting used to it hear on earth now than it wont' be so hard in heaven.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

NTM are not baseturds

NTM is being chastened of the Lord so they will bring more gory and honor to his name they are not being punish they are dong the lords work.  It is just some pruning that needs to be doen so they can bring forth even more fruit to the lord.

If they were not being chasetened they would not be sons they would be baseturds and we know that there are no baseturds in NTM they are godly missionarys who love the heathens even more then there own kids I admire them.

Go ahead and suet them if that is want you what but the lord will deliver them though it all and his name will be goryfied.

Prase god for NTM and there godly leaders and loyal missionarys who serve hm and do not try to please men or whiney MKs.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Want does this mean?

This was on my commets and I dont' understand it can you help me?

Case Number: 2011CA001682 Judge: LINDA D. SCHOONOVER
Date Filed: 05/09/2011 Case Type: OTHER NEGLIGENCE
Plantiffs: Defendants:

This is just more legal talk and NTM is two our brother in the Lord want is this about?

Go NTM you are so right

I was so happy to read this comment it is long overdo:

Our Field Committee encouraged us to stay away from "Be not wise concerning evil" is how they put it.

Praise God for your field committee I am glad they read there bibles!  The bible says lern not the way of the heathen and that means we dont' have to read about all this stuff it is not good for us and it is just posted by people who are foul of hate and biterness.  If any NTM missionarys are reading the Fanda Eagles web slight just stop dont' you have anything else to do at least you could spent the same time paying that NTM will win this law suet which is a shame unto the name of the lord.

You would think that NTM is nothing but registurd sex offenders but that is not true they have never registurd and they are all Christians it is a church for gods sake not a factory how can anyone suet a chruch?

NTM loves Jesus and now you are making them all suffer and even there families just learn to trust God and he will punsih these who need to be punish and reward us who need rewards and we can trust him as the bible says!  You are all so angry and hatefull that you dont' have any sypathany for the families of the poor people who have never been proven guilty why cant' you consider them inoscent like the Bible says this is not China.

Any whiney MK who got spanked because he was bad and ass sinner can come up with lies to shame the adults and only people who hate NTM will belief that sort of rot my paster doesnt' belief it and we will keep supporting NTM they live by faith not by robing the poor like the Catlicks.

I am committed to NTM and there ministry and they did not mean to hurt any body when they made mission schools they were trying to help the MKs.  Learn to forgive.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thank you for this good massage!

I just got this massage from some good missionarys in the tribe and I am so blessed to know that i am not only.  I know sometimes I make mistakes in speling and maybe you could say my comments arent' polished I am not tryig to impress anyone I am just telling the truth and I dont' have a lot of time to write essays for you I am not in Highs School anymore I have a job and have to earn a living I can whip out one of these things n a few minutes and say more in a short post that is worse more than all the crap on the Fanda Eagles web sihgt if your not reading it dont start it is of the devil.

Thank you again to my good missionary fiends who sent me this massage here it is:

We just now were able to leave the tribe, get internet connection and send all the e-mails we've been typing since January. While we wish some of the comments made here by Red Baron were more polished, we agree with them. Red Baron is fighting an uphill battle, but is not deterred. We are proud of his/her stamina in combating all of these humanistic weirdos. Pray for us as we head back to West Kalimantan. The devil really has the people there by the throat.

PS  I am a man, not a woman and I am not a gay hormone sensual eithre.

I am angry to!

Someone whose calling herself Missions Committee Member said this on the ABWE web slight (

I am here because I read G.R.A.C.E.'s report on New Tribes Missions and it made me angry.

I agree because I read the same report and it made me angry it was just a bunch of whiney people and just because someonen is Billy Grams grandson doesnt' mean he is always right knock it off.  He is not better than Pat Hendrix or my paster and my paster loves NTM and so do I.

I was glad to sea that some of the Babtits love NTM to and are not happy with the report that grace did on New tribes Missions.  Peeple are not going to give up on NTM or AWBE or any group that really loves the lord just because a bunch of whiney MKs so grace can save the time and money and just go report on the Catlicks and leave the good godly missions out of this I am sick of it and so is Missions Committee Member thank god for her.

If enough good Christian people will get angry at these retorts we can get back to business of the lord and stop hanging out in pubic it is a shame and drives people away from the good news even Horny Thorney knows that and has finally shut up why cant' Raz?

Now if people will please stop sending me comments on DSK that is worse than the pictures of naked women they sent me before which I have alrady deleted most of them I am not Bin Laden.

Monday, May 16, 2011

DSK is with ABWE not NTM

I dont' no how many anamalous people their can be out there but another one left a comment on my last post and said this:

dsk now says he was having lunch with red baron 

I guess he is talking about Donn Ketchum whose the docter from a whole nother mission he is a Babtit not with NTM.   I have never met the good docter or never had lunch with him or  taken off my cloths for him and I dont' think my wife has neither and their is no reason to bring him into this at all.

It just seems like peeple could get over things and leave it alone and give these missions a brake they did not want any of this to happen if it really did happen whose to know?  All NTM and ABEW and the other good mission broads out there want to do is reach the whore world with the gopsel.  Now we have MKs from NTM and CMA and now also ABWE and who knows where else I can believe it is all true.

I had lunch with Mrs. Barren not DSK and I go to bed with Mrs. Barren not the devel what is it about MKs that they cant' do the same?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Some idiot really assed this!

Just read this!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Want in the world!":

NTM is facing some interesting issues. I wonder how much of this could have been avoided if they would have been more proactive in practicing what they 'claim' to preach? 

Want kind of a questoin is that?  NTM has been practiving what they "claim" to preach ever since the Lord used Paul Flemming to raise up the goldly mission back in Chicago or Las Vegas or where ever it was we know the Lord was behind it and they have been preaching the gosple to people all over the world not like the Catlicks or Jehovah Whitness.  

NTM is not facing some interesting issues they are facing law suets and whinely MKs who hate that they had a chance to be raised in a godly inviroment away from the world and now they what to dance and drink wine and strong drink and pertend they are better than Larry Brown well that is a crock.
No one knows how much of this could have been avioded if NTM had did things different but it could all be avoided if MKs were walking in the light and not holding bitter grudges is Gene Log a MK or just an idiot?

Shrepa Dud was one of the few MKs who really believed in peace and trusting God even if he was a littel whiney but he got chased off by all you who hate NTM and hold grunges and cant' mange to forgive and forget.
Well I got knews for you all if you think NTM is going to roll over and give yuo five millions dolloars that they dont' even half well you are wrong they wll fight like Joshua did and they will win and then lets see where your fancy layers do!

Give them hell, NTM!  You have done nothing wrong and they wil never be satisfied thay hate you and I think they probably hate Jesse too.

I hope this answers your idiot question Mr. or Mrs.Analogus.   Why did you even ass?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dont' ass me ass NTM

I dont' know why people write their questions to me liek I had the answers I do not.  I do not know every body in NTM I only know a few that our chruch supports and we enjoy there letters and the pictures they send they are godly missionarys not discrumpled.

Still there are some people who write and ass me all kinds of questions about NTM I am not there spokesperson these women are

You can write and ass them if you what it is there job and they have been to collage I just graduated form highs school.

I am not sure why NTM only has women for there spokeswomen but it is sure better than letting them make decisions women are the weaker sex that is what the bible says.  NTM does not need women leaders its bad enouhg having them as spokeswomen.  I assed my paster if it was ok to have women for spokeswoem and he said as long ass they were not pasters or spitual leaders on the Feel Committees it was probably OK even if women tend to talk to much and get out of control without there husbums help.

Just leave Tubby and Andy out of it they tried to help and cooridate things but they just got bully and jumped on no wonder they went quite do not blame them it is Gene Log and Shitting Ducks falt.

Want in the world!

OK so I just got a email from some disgrunted missionary telling me that NTM was geting a law suet over some allegations that have already been infestigated and addressed way back before 1997 when NTM became a new grace oriented mission.  I cant' finger out why he thinks this is good but if I understood his email he was saying that NTM deserves it.

Why?  Listen these things are allegations just liek it says on the NTM web page dont' you even read that or do you just read the crap on the Fanda eagles stantaic web sight?  Allegations is a big word that just mean lies.  NTM already looked into all thse things way back years ago and addressed them at that time that is enugh Larry Brown did not do it leaf him alone.

Here is what NTM has on there godly web sight:
May 9, 2011
SANFORD, Florida: At noon today we became aware that a lawsuit has been filed against New Tribes Mission in regard to allegations of child abuse in the Philippines that were investigated and addressed prior  to 1994.

This lawsuit is pending but New Tribes Mission has not yet been served with the legal papers.  We therefore cannot comment further at this time.

 They just found out about this law suet and they didnt' brake any laws so why are people trying to do this it makes me sick.

I love NTM and I lvoe the godly missionarys that are doing good work not listening to rock music or wearing long hare and only a few disgusted ones have beards and they do not work with the CAthlocs who have a long history of doing this NTM is doing there best.

I think its about time to wind down the web sight that you have there Boney and start thinking about were you will spend eternity and quite being such bullies no wonder Andy wont' talk to anyone any more he has feelings two or did you know that?

Their is no reason to pile up on New Tribes Mission.  They have done their best and they fired all the bad apples so why cant people let it go and move on and if you what to support a law suet support NTM they are suing the banana company the bible does not say that is wrong but do not sue your bother in the Lord thats a sin get a life.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

God answers prayers

I hope no one thinks I am trying to be a hard on you MKs even though you are angry and hateful and rave and rant at NTM and call it NTO.  I have been praying for you all along even wehn I am angry and say things that are not very Christian I just let myself go sometmes I guess it is because I love Jesus so much that I cant' stand to listen to hate filled speech or writings.

I am not trying to send you on a gilt trip but I am hoping you will knock it off like Horny Thorney did he was just too much but I paryed for him and now he is acting more like a Christain and shutting up like he should.  Is their any hope for Shitting Duck and Gene Long and Clark Kent?  Please learn to be kind and do not keep saying bad things about NTM they have changed how many times do I half to tell you?

I no that God answers prayers and he will keep working in NTM he riased it up and it is a church not just a bunch of fools dont' even think that.  Even if they are fools they are fools for Christs sake and Id rather be a fool for Christ then a damn fool like some of those poeple on the Fanda Eagles site.

NTM has changed and everything is taken care of now please shut down your web site if you shut down yours I wil shut down mine. 

Praise the lord for NTM and the good missionarys who serve him and theire is no more sexual abuse of children or adults in NTM any more and their has not been for many years get it through your heads.

I am praying for you all to shut up and serve Jesus in peace and harmoney.

Your friend in Christ Red Barron

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I told you so now do you belief me?

I have said this many times and all people can do is mcok me and make fun of my spelling and try to read into my posts but finally Shitting Duck has come out and said what I been saying all along and that is that these whiney biter angry and bully MKs are out to destroy the work of the lord through NTM. 

Hear just read what Sitting Duck said:

What's in my interest, for me, without getting all noble? I hope that NTM falls from its lofty heights in a great ball of fire and rots in hell.

Yes that is right they are tyring to get NTM to go to hell just because they are mad and angry and now they want to bully NTM and Andy and Tubby and Larry well I what you to know that I love NTM and so does my paster and we will keep supporting them and if you angry and biter MKs want to go to hell you are welocme to it you will feel right at home there but we dont' what the heathens to got to hell.

So we will keep paying for NTM and dont' be whinging if they dont' answer your idiot questions they are not fools all you what to do is have law suets.  Gene Long just give it a rest and leave the lawyers or attornies or house councils or whatever you what to call them out of it you make me sick.

At lease some of the MKs are trying to be nice and do not sweat at NTM or ass them all kinds of questions but want to give them a chance they need to join me on this blog and leaf the people who hate NTM alone and let them die on the branch and go to hell they deserve it more than the heathers who never heard the godpel.

Shitting Duck does not love Jesus or the church or even Larry Brown never mind NTM.

I love NTM and I am not going to quite praying for them I am jsut glad that the truth is coming out of the whiney NTM MKs that hate NTM I hope THEY are the ones who rot in hell amen?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hear is this want you what?

I just read this over on the Fanad Eagles web sithte and I couldnt' believe it.  Some MK over on the web sight posted this just read it and tell me want you think:

In communicating with Pat, NTM will also HAVE NO SAY IN THE INVESTIGATION. Pat and her investigators will investigate every one mentioned and it will be "HANDS OFF TO ANY NEW TRIBER" So if GRACE was a lose cannon, then Pat should be a much bigger cannon as she builds teams for all the schools.In communicating with Pat, NTM will also HAVE NO SAY IN THE INVESTIGATION. Pat and her investigators will investigate every one mentioned and it will be "HANDS OFF TO ANY NEW TRIBER" So if GRACE was a lose cannon, then Pat should be a much bigger cannon as she builds teams for all the schools.

I do not think we need any more cannons from any more infestigataions what kind of a remark is this?  Thise MKs are just trying to cause trouble and trun loose cannons on NTM well I think that is crazy NTM is trying to do the Lords work.

Listen to me all you whiney MKs the Lord will bild his chruch and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and if you arent' the gates of hell I sure dont know what is.

And how could anybody even think that NTM will have any part in the infestigation I have been telling you that for weeks and you listen to Horny Thorney and all the discrepit missionays and not me well Pat Hendrixx is honest and so is New Tribes it is the MKs that I worry about posting names and stories and lies I think NTM should suit you.

You dont need GRACE and you dont need Pat Hedrixxx to anybody elses cannon to do this just drop it nothingn can be changed at this late date it is too late why cnat you get that through your think heads and hard harts?

I have never posted too posts in one day but this was two much for me I cooldnt' help myself this time.  Please leaf NTM alone please please please and lets work for the lord and the gosple and tirbel people and not be biter.  Amen?

Take a walk you discrumpled MKs

I wonder how many of you disgrunted MKs have ever been in leadership in a mission?  Do you have any idae how hard it is to be a leader to thousands of missanarys around the whore world?  All you want to do is whine and bickker and carry on and be discontented well you need to get over it.  God loves you so why dont' you try getting saved instead of whine?

You did not chose to be born in an Mission which is the work of God and I did not chose to be born to a framer but that is how the lord made it work out and he works all things to his glory if you had the faith of a mouse turd seed you would shut up and be thankful and quite whining.

You had to live in a broading shcool and I had to live with my parents and it wasnt' a picknick for me either my school teachers werent' even christians most of them and even had some Catholics and I am pretty sure my gim teacher was gay.  My own farter got mean sometimes and whipped my bare ass two so if your dorm farter got made you didn't get nothing butt what was coming to you.  Well they dont' have gays in NTM and if they do they expell them like luke warm water out of their mouth they are reprobate.  I dont' think they can even get saved they are beyond hope.

So instad of being discruntled just shut up and leave NTM alone we dont' need any more infestigations let Pat Hendrix infestigate the Catholics their is plenty to look at their.

You think you had it so bad but you never walked a mile in Larry Borwns' shoes he is godly and an MK and you dont here him whining I cant' tell disgrumpled MKs from disgrutled missionarys who have fallen by the way side and are taken captive by Santa at his will and fit to be throuwn out on the crap heap if you pardon my Spanish.

Just leaf NTM alone and let them take care of this thereselfs they have done a good job for all these years theere was no problem till Boney came along and started to carry on like a child and now all this is pubic and you should all be ashame.

I am glad that Bin Laden got killed and lets be thankful we live in the Untied States of America where the red white and blue waves over us in freedom and dont' get sidetracked by the past it is over and done with so if all you want to do is carry on just take a walk no one is leistening to you and my paster says we need to prya for you just like we did Bin Laden and finally God took care of him and if I was you I would watch out your next.  God loves the tribel people and whats the gosple to get out to them not be hintered.

I love NTM and am praying for there missionarys areound the world.  If you are not saved you need to get that way soon unless you are gay than just give it up that is so gross.